Heaven's Hammer

Chapter 1 So It Begins

As the morning sun shone thru the stain glass window, Harry to stared think about all the goals he needed to get started on. Throwing the covers off and sitting up his gaze came across a chamber pot. Harry let out big sigh while saying to him self "Indoor plumbing is one of the first things I need to work on." Harry walked over to a mirror to get a good look at his new body. Tywin was a 30ish, 6 foot balding middle aged green eyed man with a light beard and athletic gymnasts body. Over all I was very pleased with what I was given to work with.

Just as I finished my morning ritual a page entered the room to inform me that my brother Kevin needed to speak to me. I told the page to show him in while I went and sat at my desk to wait for him. Kevin came in looking flushed and angry and Said " How could this happen to House Lannister. I don't understand the hate that the King has for you! It makes no sense! All you did was become one of the best Hand of the King that has ever been. But to steal your son!"

"And their lies the problem my brother, the King became jealous of my fame and listened to the rabble that were looking out for their own good instead of what is good for the realm." I Said

"So what will you do now?" Asked my brother

" First I plead illness and resigned as Hand of the King. I was in formed last night that my resignation had been accepted and that Owen Merryweather is my replacement. As for the Lord Whent's great tournament House Lannister will not be attending"I Said

"Is their something going to happen at that tournament or is it a concealed protest?"Asked my brother

" Very good Kevin! Yes it is a cover for Prince Targaryen to build enough support with Lords there to call on The Great Council and declare The King unfit. The problem is The King knows about The Prince's plan and will be there to put a stop to it. Needless to say this will be most likely cause a flash point and lay the seeds for a civil war." I Said

" By The Seven this is madness!!! Can it be Stopped or will we end up with another Dance of Dragons" Stated Kevin

"I'm not sure, but now House Lannister is my only worry. We will look to our House and make that we are absolutely ready. And on that note I need you to go to the shipwrights and order 300 more Warships but make them look like trade Long ships from afar. The fishing fleet needs to be increased by 200 boats. Next I want all fortification upgraded, rearmed, stocked and put on war footing. Announce it as training for green troops also I want you to promote archery as our approved sport of choice. Make food production triple in the next year, use the beggars and displaced to augment the labour short fall. Monitor all ravens from now on and all orphans not under proper guardianship need to be in foster homes immediately. All boys will be split into trades, armed services, or agriculture. As for the girl train them to be healers, maids or agriculture. I want all our armed forces to mobilize and hunt every bandit and pirate down to be ether killed or sent to the wall. Once that is done hold on to the bastards and 2nd sons, we will need a standing army 20,000 on hand at all times. I will also be looking ways to increase the population of our base to jump start he economy" I Said

"Tywin is it that dire surly It can be stopped."Kevin Said

" With a mad King coupled with a delusional Prince and men in power not looking at the big picture, it is only a matter of time. The true wild card in this is the Prince's belief in a myth that he thinks he knows the answers to. I have tried to hold all this together but with me gone it is a forgone determination. It was like herding cats at some points by the Seven. I give it 1 to 3 years before everyone is at each others throats." I Said

"Gods, that soon!! I think I need a drink or to throw up!!" my brother gasped.

"Not here for any of that, do your duty and once done calm your nerves as best you can. If you could let my daughter know that I need to meet her here after she finishes her dinner. Now off with you, you have much to do" As I sent him on his way.

After he left a page came in with my meal and I let him know I would be staying in my room. I also told him to bring a cold ration now and my supper at dusk. When he came back with everything I told him I was not to be disturbed until dinner as he left I locked the door.

Now to see if my boons are available I Said " System down load all boons and load into Avatar."

[System Start ...Success]

[System Upgrade== 1% 2% 3%......98% 99% 100%..Success]

[Load Lords of the Realm: Siege Pack Program== 1% 2% 3%......98% 99% 100%..Success]

[Load Body Up Grade Avatar== 1% 2% 3%......98% 99% 100%..Success]

[Load User Magic Avatar Fuse to Repaired Empty Player Avatar== 1% 2% 3%......98% 99% 100%..Success]

[Start Upgrade to Host#**Create Interface #** Repair Host#**==Success]

[Start Upgrade to Host#**Create Safe Space #** Add Transfer Items To Host#**==Success]

[Upgrade To System#**...Complete]

[Would You Like To Start Avatar Editor #**...Yes/No]

I press {Yes} and an Editor Menu pops up. I moved to the body icon and enter Avatar template modifier. And see a break down of my body:

Avatar- Tywin Lannister( Harry Potter)

Age: 36

LVL: 1 – 0% on next LVL

Shop Points: 64150

Skill Points : 3899

HP: 450/450

MAGIC : 7000/7000

STR :20 = able to lift 200lbs over your head

MOV : 20= 100 meter dash 9.4sec, 4min mile

VIT : 17= Superior human immune system

END : 19= Run a 25 mile marathon easily

DEX : 16= Olympic Gymnast

CON : 26= Hard to Hurt

INT : 22= Gifted intellect

WIS : 22= Cunning Veteran

LCK : 14= 70% Chances to win

Money - $45,000,000 Dragons

- $760,000,000 Galleons

Skills -

Hand to Hand : 90/100

Sword Mastery : 90/100

Lance Mastery : 90/100

Shield Mastery : 85/100

Spear Mastery : 70/100

War Hammer Mastery : 80/100

Mace Mastery : 90/100

Siege Mastery : 90/100

Artillery Mastery : 90/100

Field Command Mastery : 90/100

Archery Mastery : 90/100

Riding Mastery : 90/100

Ruling Mastery : 90/100

Magic Skills

Charms : 100/100

Dark Arts : 100/100

Runes : 100/100

Transfiguration : 100/100

Arithmancy : 100/100

Curses : 100/100

Potions : 100/100

Enchantment : 100/100

Elemental : 100/100

Soul : 100/100

Blood : 100/100

Wand less : 100/100

Wand : 100/100

Hexes : 100/100

Sex : 100/100

Magical Creature : 100/100

Ritual : 100/100

Mind : 100/100

Magic Regeneration : 100/100

Death : 100/100

Sacrifice : 100/100

Alchemy : 100/100

After doing a run thru I worked out ware I need an up grade and what body mods I want:

Avatar- Tywin Lannister( Harry Potter)

Age: 36

LVL: 1 – 0% O next LVL

Shop Points: 0

Skill Points : 0

HP: 1034/1034

MAGIC : 7000/7000

STR :68 = able to lift 680lbs over your head

MOV : 520= 500 miles/hr

VIT : 367 = Demigod life force

END : 319 = Internal power supply

DEX : 316= 300% higher than Olympic Gymnast

CON : 426= Indestructible

INT : 422= Super Mastermind

WIS : 422= Cunning Veteran Super God

LCK : 364=1820% Chances to win

Money - $45,000,000 Dragons

- $760,000,000 Galleons

Skills -

Hand to Hand : 100/100

Sword Mastery : 100/100

Lance Mastery : 100/100

Shield Mastery : 100/100

Spear Mastery : 100/100

War Hammer Mastery : 100/100

Mace Mastery : 100/100

Siege Mastery :100/100

Artillery Mastery : 100/100

Field Command Mastery : 100/100

Archery Mastery : 100/100

Riding Mastery : 100/100

Ruling Mastery : 100/100

Magic Skills

Charms : 100/100

Dark Arts : 100/100

Runes : 100/100

Transfiguration : 100/100

Arithmancy : 100/100

Curses : 100/100

Potions : 100/100

Enchantment : 100/100

Elemental : 100/100

Soul : 100/100

Blood : 100/100

Wandless : 100/100

Wand : 100/100

Hexes : 100/100

Sex : 100/100

Magical Creature : 100/100

Ritual : 100/100

Mind : 100/100

Magic Regeneration : 100/100

Death : 100/100

Sacrifice : 100/100

Alchemy : 100/100

Body mods: : Upgrade reproductive system-max

: Healing factor-max

: Ghost Phase factor-max

: Fountain of youth-max

: Observe-max

: Copy/Paste-max

Well that worked out better than I though it would. All my extra Shop Points and Skill Points are spent to max out all skills and I was able to find 6 body mods that will give me the top up I need:

Upgrade reproductive system- Larger thicker shaft with a knot and penal spines on the head. Pre-ejaculate fluid is laced with high amounts of dopamine and is more additive than crack cocaine. This fluid is many times more lubricious than normal and causes the cervix to become malleable. Pre-ejaculate fluid eliminates all venereal diseases, pathogens, long term diseases and birth defects. The prostate is ten times stronger and the cum once mixed with vaginal fluids will taste like milk chocolate. Your sperm is covered in a protective shell allows it to remain in womb for up to five years with certain spermatozoa able to invade the ovaries and fertilizing the egg cell inside. Your Refractory Period is forty seconds and penis will pulsate with your heart beat causing a vibrator feel in the vagina. Your glans in your arm pits will release a hormone in the air that will make women be more willing to obey only you. Your spit is made to taste like oranges while causing the vaginal walls to become wet and hypersensitive. Your breath (12 foot radius)will cause heightened Sexual tension, extra blood flow it female sexual body parts, erosion of judgment and heightened need to mate with reduced moral compass.

Healing Factor- High speed healing at 500x normal. Seminal fluid can copy then transfer healing factor to a female as a up grade to her body.

Ghost Phase – Turn into a ghost,walk thru sold objects, invisible, and telekinetic ability.

Fountain of youth- The mix of sweat, saliva, and spunk(50/50 of your cum and vagina cream during sex) will produce 3 drops essence of life. Each drop removes 15 years of age from any female. 10 drops will bring female to peak child bearing years. 100 drops will bring any male to age of a new born. 130 drops will eliminate max level 100 Blood race cruse.

Observe-Long range friend or foe map. In 30 foot radius gives general information on target. In 6 foot radius gives detail information on all stats, history, abilities, for-site of intentions, and menu peak.

Copy/Paste-Copy any inanimate object that will fit on your view scope and then paste inanimate object as many times as you want.

Looking my Avatar menu I was very pleased with my game attributes. At 100 in all my Magic skills I am a Grand Arch Magus Emperor which is highest rank a magic user can be. Also 100 on all my Marshall Skills I would be considered a Experienced Master Veteran with combat experience in attack and defense. Over all this will make my goal much easier. Now to work on my Lords of the Realm: Siege Pack Program.