Heaven's Hammer

Chapters 2 This World is Mine

" System" I said

"Yes Avatar" the system said

"System do you have a name?" I asked

"No my Creator did not give me one" the system said

"Then I will name you Lily. Lily would start my Lords game world for me and call me Harry please." I said

"Right away Harry. [Load Lords of the Realm: Siege Pack Program== 1% 2% 3%......98% 99% 100%..Success]. Start program and run now." Lily said

I feel a tug and I am pulled thru a port hole in space time. When my vision clears I see 5 shields in front of me and a grey panel hat says "Choose your title and your shield"

I choose the name King Tywin Lannister and pick the Red shield with gold lions. Next it gives me a map of Scotland and starts to go thru a long tutorial of the game. When that is all done, I think to myself maybe their is a way to kick start this.

" Lily could deposit $20,000,000 in gold to the bank while spreading it to all levels." I ask her

" Yes I can but their is a conversion of 10 to 1 for anything entering the game world and but the good news is it works the reverse when you bring items back here." Lily said

" OK do it! But just put the gold where I am right now and make it so I have a portal system in the game to each level." I said

"All done Harry you have $2,000,000 gold and a portal system set up. I also reset the macros on the disaster/reward to 5/1 in your disposition and set the mercenary to max to you only" Lily said

" Perfect! Lets get started"I said

First thing I did is go into the merchant cart and bought everything I could every weapon, resource and all treats I could find. Next I sold all the cattle and switched to wheat based diet at 5x normal ration his would cause my to population explode.

"Harry you need to go to the blacksmith as their are mercenaries for hire right now" said Lily

"Thanks Lily" I said

Johnny on the spot I went to the blacksmith and found 5 different sell-sword groups totalling 1100 troops. It cost me over $7200 in gold but was well worth the cost. Making a quick determination I sent this army to invade a near by county. And Bob's your Uncle I now have a new territory rule in with only a cost of 40 men. Looking at my new district menu I found nothing short of a nightmare with them on he verge of open rebellion. Buying beer for hearts, increasing the food rations for more hearts lowered taxes to zero and construction of a Royal Castle for protection. Quickly I went to the blacksmith where I found 400 more mercenaries for hire. With 1500 troops, I attacked my rival in this country and won. Now I have a base to work from, I can use it as a foot hold to invade the next country with a head start.

Over the next 9hr of hard work and the world was mine. A smile came to my lips 13 countries, 145 territories with Royal Castles in each, and each county producing 100 army personnel per day. Overall that's 14,500 soldiers every day in a year it will give me over 5,000,000 and then I will crush the Seven Kingdoms. I am glad that my man power fuss is solved.

" Lily I was under the impression that I could earn a of race my choosing. Is that true?"I asked

"Yes right now with your shop points you can purchase House Elves, Goblins or Gnomes. Do you need more information on these potential servants." Lily said

"Yes that would be very helpful!" I said

" So the first is Gnomes:

"The Earth is filled almost to the Centre with Gnomes or Pharynges, a People of small Stature, the Guardians of Treasures, of Mines, and of Precious Stones. They are Ingenious, Friends of Men, and easier to be commanded. They furnish the Children of the Sages with as much Money, as they have need of; and never ask any other Reward of their Services, than the Glory of being Commanded. The Gnomes or Wives of these Gnomes or Pharynges, are Little, but very Hanson; and their Habit marvellously Curious. This is the best for your needs but it need 1000 years before their magic is stable. If you can wait these are the perfect subordinates.

The next choice are the Goblins:

A goblin is a heinous creature from folklore, first attested in stories from the Middle Ages. They are ascribed various and conflicting abilities, temperaments and appearances depending on the story and country of origin. They are almost always small and grotesque mischievous, or outright malicious, and greedy, especially for gold and jewellery. They often have magical abilities similar to a fairy or demon. Of the 3 this race has the greatest potential to turn on you.

And last The House Elves:

House-elves are small elves used by wizards as slaves. They are 2–3 feet tall, with spindly limbs and oversized heads and eyes. They have pointed, bat-like ears and high, squeaky voices. Their names are usually pet-like diminutives, and they do not appear to have surnames. They habitually refer to themselves in the third person. House-elves are generally obedient, pliant, and obsequious; and when enslaved, wear discarded items such as pillowcases and tea-towels draped like a toga. House-elves' masters can free them by giving them an item of clothing, much like the Hob of English Folklore. House-elves can become intoxicated by drinking Butter Beer.

House-elves possess magic distinct from that used by wizards and witches, which they generally use in the service of their masters. This magic can be used without the permission of their masters, or even against their orders, though such disobedience obliges them to punish themselves in various painful ways. Among other things, this magic allows house-elves to travel instantly from place to place, even at Hogwarts and other places where human teleportation is prevented; and even to thus transport humans. The full extent of the elves' magic is never fully disclosed, but it seems formidable. This race were originally the High-elves but were cursed by a Dark Witch. This curse passes thru the male side of the race and effects their administrative body making them a shadow of what they were. This race will never be able to turn on you."She said

"Are the female House-elves fertile to any other group of males? What would happened if we only brought female House-elves and found a better male sire to their race."I said

"The amount of sex magic that would be needed to break the curse let alone bread a new race would be beyond any of the possible sires you could buy from the system. After looking at this reality I have only found one sire that would have the raw power to do this" she said

"So who is the man I must convince to become he father of a race of Elves?" I asked

"Harry it's you."she said

"Well that will make it easier the question do I want to be the Father of a race? If the curse breaks what will the High-elves be like ? I mean are they going to be a good race or will they be high handed and xenophobic?. What can I do?" I said

" You will need to magically bond them to you, Then in 3 days they will need to swallow your essence this will break the curse, once they finish their transformation back to High-elves you must wife-bond them while breeding them until pregnant and last you soul-bond them in a coven. Also your wives in to outside will be part on the bond coven. Which servants do you want?" she said

" Go with the 13 Royal Female House-Elves, I owe Dobby for saving my life and I will happily pay that life debit." I said

"That will give you a full Royal Coven. They are 100x stronger than a witch coven with a boast to all 5 elements, Time magic, Light magic, Space magic, and Soul magic. Royal High-Elves are very arrogant but once you win them as wives are the most loyal bonded mates. Do you want me to bring them thru now"She said

" Yes sent them thru" I said

The room began to pulsate while a portal manifested it self on the ceiling. Thunder and Lightning assaulted my overwhelmed scenes while dropping me to my knees. Finally when I was near collapsing 13 beams of light emerged out of the portal, exploding in a overwhelming crescendo of a cataclysm. Picking myself up (with as much dignity as I could muster considering the overwhelming power of the summoning) I looked over to see 13 small, young Female, cute House-Elves of all time. I walked to them and said " Welcome to my world"

The tallest of the Elves said " Whatis itss you wantss with usiss Wizard!" in a tone filled with rage.

"I wish to break the Blood Curse that been put on your race" I said

" And whyss yoss doess that for usesss! Iss finss that uss allss dontss do thats forss freess. Wnatss theas costess fors thiesss"She said

"I owe a life debit to Dobby the house-elf and I mean to pay it"I said

"howess willss youss breakisis its. Wes hases tryeses forses manyses yearses, whats ises youses doess"She said

"I am the only one who can break it. Thru soul and sex magic I can break this injustice that has been done to you. What I must do is magically bond to you, Then in 3 days you will need to swallow my essence this will break the curse, once you finish the transformation back to High-elves you must wife-bond to me while I breed you until pregnant and last we all will soul-bond to a coven. We will be family"I said

She turns to the other Elves and begins to talk to them. The small girl begin to cry and talk very fast. Some look at me in outright awe while others in mistrust. Finally after some time the elf I was talking to came over and said "Youss mustss swearss thisis inis thes Bondss hats is alls truesis. Plueses Youses mustes be goodes husbanses to useses!!!"

They came close and we swear the first oath to each other. Magic surges into each elf causing them to cry in praise and worship. I then said "Ladies your magic must settle for he next 3 days before we break the Blood Curse. Once the ritual is done it will take 13 days to morph back to your true forms. We will need to let your magic settle for 13 more days before our weddings. "I said " Lily would you show my intendeds to their rooms so they can rest, also provided food and drink to them. Sorry I must go but I will be back in 3 days."I said

Looking at my menu I hit save, then exit and teleport to my room room at Casterly Rock and said " Lily how are they doing now that I left?"

" They are overwhelmed and are celebrating for all they are worth. Absolute bliss is the best way to put it. You have done a very kind thing Harry." Lily said

"Lily are you able to make a copy of all the knowledge that is rattling around in my brain. I need everything I read, saw, or was taught put in book and movie form. Also I need to know if the natives of this world are able to learn and have the common sense to progress this world to a modern one?" he said

"Yes I can make a copy of all your memories and knowledge. As for the indigenous population of this world the answer is yes they can learn. I can transfer everything you read, saw, or was taught put in book and movie form now. Did you need to set up an education system for them to learn in?" Lily said

"Great set up an education system with a heavy slant to Medical Profession, Physics, Math, Engineers, Ship Rites, Chemists, Weapon Smiths, Military Sciences, Agriculture, Computer Sciences, and Aerospace. Don't worry about teaching them magic right now as it may not work for them. I'm going to head back now."I said