Heaven's Hammer

Chapters 3 Cersei's Waterloo

" Lily do you know what happened to the Resurrection Stone? I know I have but how do I access it" I asked

"Go into you menu and look under stones and it should be there. What do you need it for Harry?" She said

Doing as she instructed I found it and brought it out into my hands. I also found The Death Stick and The Cloak of Invisibility while bring them out too.

"I need to ask Joanna Lannister some questions that death would not tell me. I am really dreading the answers I may get." I said

I put he ring on and turn it 3 times while calling out the name " Joanna Lannister"

A stunningly beautiful spirit of a woman appeared in front of me. I felt the blood rush to me groin giving me massive hard on. This truly was one of the most stunning girls I have ever come across in ether world I have lived in.

"Why have you brought me here? I am not suppose to be here!!" She hissed

"All in good time wife? Who is the Father of your children? And where is the proof! Where you a faithful wife to me? Did you know of any arrangements to cause me harm?" I Asked

She churned and contorted under the compulsion that the ring had on it, finally she bowed her head and told me of a plot that was many years in the making.

"All my children are Aerys II Targaryen's. The proof is in my room behind the headboard behind a hidden board. I was never your wife but married Aerys before you came back from the war. Aegon V Targaryen was working with my father in order to bring your father down as a favor. Over many years they slowly poisoned your Father with lead in order to make him mad and turn him into the reprobate he was. They also killed your Mother in a bid to drive your Father into the arms of their planted honeypot undercover agent. I was told to snare you and cuckold you so my true husband could terminate you and then take over your house. But when you came back from the war you were not the same man as before you left. You crushed your father's right to be Lord , destroyed the 2 houses The King was using to bleed your Father of money and sent your sire's mistress packing. You scared The King into backing off while they thought of a better way to gain control over you. My husband thought it would be best to make you Hand of The King in order keep an eye on you. What stunned everyone was the level of ability in your new role. This made the King even more wary of you."She said

"Who knew that this was going on?" I asked

"Grande Maester Pycelle, Olenna Tyrell, Aerys II Targaryen, Rhaella Targaryen, Loreza Martell, High Septon Maynard, Ormund Baratheon, Duncan The Tall, and Aegon V Targaryen. As far as I know these are the main traitors to you."she said

"What about other family members?" I asked

"Stafford Lannister, my father, Maester Volarik, Lynora Hill, Damon Lannister also my sisters Lilith and Luciana Lannister. Are the only family I know about."She said

"Is their anything I need to know before I send you back?" I asked

"Summerhall was not an accident and the Targaryen curse is being inflamed by the Maesters." she said

"What! Do you mean by that?" I yelled

"The Maesters mixed unstable wild fire into the ritual in a bid to kill the Targaryen line. The grey rats were also the ones who poisoned the Targaryen Dragons to weaken the royal house. They added extra lead into any of the health tonics they would give the royal family in order to cause madness. They are the cause of most of the miscarriages in the county and are systemically killing pregnant women giving birth in an attempt break up the noble family power base. The Maesters hate magic and along with the faith have been in a 5000 year war to demolish it. They are the cause of the Doom of Valyria and have been at war with magic since before the crossing of the Andals."She said

I dismissed her, leaned back in my chair and pinched the bridge of my nose. Wow this is so much to process! How could this group of fanatics be against my house? And it has been going on for decades in a organized manor. I will need to watch my step until I am ready to destroy them all.

" Lily can you teleport the hidden documents in my wife's room to my desk" I asked her

"Yes right away and they are now on your desk. " Lily said

Sitting down at my desk I pick up one of the papers and recognized it as a royal marriage writ for my wife and The King 7 months before I came back from the war. Next were writs of birth for all her children with he King as their father. Following that a writ for Jamie to enter the Kings Guard at age 18. And lastly an open writ for Cersei to marry a man of the King's choosing at a later date. The level of planing that is needed to pull all of this together is mind blowing. Staring at Cersei's marriage writ it hit me and I started to laugh. They made a major miss step, the whole reason that you never give anyone a blank cheque is someone you don't know might use it. Picking up my quill I write my name down as the groom for the contract with a smile on my face.

" Lily can you teleport my wife's marriage cloak, all of her jewellery here please. Oh and before I forget activate the observation map and would you monitor that for me"I said

"Right away" She said

Taking out my wand I copy the my wife's marriage cloak. Then Transfigure the new marriage cloak into a Targaryen virgin bride cloak. I went in the jewellery box a removed my wife's wedding ring. Using some magic I added shield runes,detect charms, monitoring wards and a port key on it. With a evil laugh I think revenge truly is best served ice cold.


Later a page announces my daughter has arrived and she walks in like she owns the place. This is the first time I have met her and to be honest with myself she makes her mother look plain. I wonder what she will be like when her world falls apart.

"Please come and sit. Did you want some wine or sweets?" I asked

"Some wine would be nice. Why did you call here father?"Cersei asked as I poured her some wine

"How are you settling in?."I asked

"Fine but I still do not understand why we had to leave and come here." Cersei said

"We left after The King Stole my ungrateful son. Many court officials conspired to rob me of my heir and they will pay. Right now I am making a list of who influenced my slow witted son! "I Said

"Is that why you called me here to accuse me!!!" Cersei screeched

"Oh do I need a reason to meet with my loyal daughter?" I smiled

"Why would you say that? Who has been spreading lies about me to you?" she hissed

Slowly I pass her a letter that cost me many gold dragons to obtain a copy from Grande Maester Pycelle. When she opens it up all the colour drains from her face. The letter was a correspondence between Cersei and Jamie. In it she tells him come to her in King's Landing. They must find away to stop me from betrothing them off. She tells him that they are one being and incomplete without each other. And that no old man can tell them what their destiny is.

"Father I can explain" she hissed

Not saying a word I then hand her a report that one my intelligence agent sent me. Cersei opens it up reads part of it jerks her eyes to mine and passes out. My agent talks about a chance observation he stumbled across where he could hear quite clearly what they were saying to each other. My eldest children are caught plotting to betray me and House Lannister. Cersei informed my son that I, intended to betroth him to Lysa Tully, and had gone as far as inviting Lord Hoster to King's Landing, to discuss the dower. Cersei suggested that Jaime become a member of The Kings Guard instead, replacing the recently-deceased Ser Harlan Grandison. Though this would require Jaime to give up his claim to Casterly Rock and his position as my heir, it would allow him to be close to Cersei and free himself of the unwanted marriage to Lysa. After a night of passionate sex, he gave his consent to Cersei's plan. While the siblings expected me to oppose it, Cersei claimed I could not openly object. She promised to do the rest, and a month later, Jaime received news at Casterly Rock that he had been chosen for The Kings Guard, and was to present himself to The King during the grand tourney at Harrenhal, where he would say his vows and don his cloak. Meanwhile I resigned as Hand of he King and brought Cersei home with me.

"Lily I need to see Cersei's Menu please"I said

"Right away Harry"Lily said

Avatar- Cersei Lannister( Cersei Targaryen )

Age: 18

LVL: 1 – 0% O next LVL

Shop Points: 0

Skill Points : 0

HP: 50/50

MAGIC : [0/1290]=Above average witch woman/ locked Targaryen curse

STR :8 = able to lift 80lbs over your head

MOV : 10= 10miles/hr

VIT : 57[-30]17 = Above average woman/ Targaryen curse

END : 10 = 10 min high level workout

DEX : 15= average woman

CON : 16= average woman

INT : 42[-30]12 = average woman/ Targaryen curse

WIS : 42[-30]12= average woman/ Targaryen curse

LCK : 50[-30]20= average woman/ Targaryen curse

Money - $10,000 Dragons

Cersei Lannister( Cersei Targaryen ) :

Cersei is the hidden daughter of Aerys II Targaryen. She has no idea that Tywnn Lannister is not her father. The princess carries 5 curses on her binding magic, vitality, intelligence, luck and wisdom. Cersei has always been attracted to her brother but that is part of the curse that all Targaryen's carry. When Cersei was 6 she hid in your room and watched you have sex with your wife. Ever since that day she has continued to find ways to watch you have sex with other women. She dreams that having sex with you would be her greatest kinky desire. Cersei thinks that if she made you angry enough that you would rape her. With her being so overwhelmed Cersei has stimulated her breast to produce milk in large quantities. She dreams about it almost nightly and makes bitchy to everyone around her.

"Lily can I break these curses in on session or do I need to remove each one on it's own."I asked

"You can break it in one 7 hour session but you will need to mate bond with her and fertilize the egg she just discharged."Lily said

"Well I guess I will be giving her the dream fuck she wants"I said

Moving over to where Cersei was slumped over in her chair and lifted her up into my arms . I situated her ass on the table and pushed her dress up over her ivory thighs. Holding her around the waist with my left hand, I used my right hand to expose her leaking breasts then tear Cersei's under garments off. Looking down to her groin I see a bright pink pussy haloed by spun golden pubic hair. Reaching into my pants I pull out my massive cock, it's head is as big as my fist and the shaft is as thick as my wrist. Grasping the monster in my hand I start to use the cock head to stroke it from her clit to the top of her ass depositing per cum the full length. Cersei starts to leak her arousal on my cock head and begins to push her hips forward. Finally I push into her tight cunt inch by inch and bottom out balls deep. Sensing she is awake I stare into her bright green eyes while stroking slowly in her pussy. Lust invaded my mind as I strained hard against her, my knotted cock deep inside the panting girl. I held in her for a instant, then eased back and forth an inch or so at a time before again holding tightly to Cersei. Her ass wiggling under me. After a second, I pulled back a couple of inches and short-stroked her. My pace picked up, as my breathing began growing harsh.

Cersei's head was back, a strained look on her face, as her body started to betray her control, animal lust drove her recklessly as she held her pussy up for my monster knotted cock to drive in. Reaching down I began rubbing my finger on her clit causing her to beg "harder FASTER!!!". My rhythm started to grow ragged. I gave several short, rapid strokes, then rammed as deep into her pussy as I could. I held for a moment, then shivered and groaned. Cersei knew what was happening, and she felt like she couldn't breathe. "No, Father. Don't," she begged, but my balls heaved. I bucked my ass forward, hard, twice. Then one more short stroke as I groaned again and gasped as I froze with my gnarled dick stuffed up Cersei's cunt. As I started to get my rocks off, Cersei held her breath, knowing what was about to happen. The bloated knotted cock expanded and jerked as sperm pumped through it. " Your mine" I murmured. Cersei whimpered, the knotted cock jerking again as gobs of thick spunk sprayed from the head and gushed into the young golden blond's pussy.

Cersei gasped when she felt the first spurt inside her innocent channel, the detestable load gushing into her, gushing against her womb as she whined out, "Nooooo, I'm Jamie's soul mate." Not caring whose woman she thought she was, I intended only in marking her as mine, I drew back and hunched my ass forward again. "Uh ... Father," she grunted as my dickhead sprayed rut into her again."Your mine" I rumble. I hunched again. "Uh," she said, almost inaudibly, her orgasm peaking again and again. Her long nipples squirted fine streams of milk as she, unable to help herself, hunched her pussy up on my demon's cock and fucked me back hard.

I rubbed faster on her clit as my armoured tool jerked painfully in the golden blond's vaginal canal and disgorged another gob of chocolate smelling seed, bathing her womb, while her breasts swayed and sprayed milk on my chest." Your mine" I yelled.

I could make out multiple thin streams of milk spurting from Cersei's bouncing tits in time with my jerking strokes. Moving my mouth down latched onto her nipple and sucked on then while lightly biting on each tit. Cersei squealed sprayed more milk and clamped down hard on my knotted cock while she milked it with her stretched pussy " Uhhh ... uhhhh...Fuck Me!!!"

When my gnarled cock quit jerking, I didn't pull out of the golden blond. Instead, I lengthened my strokes until I was pulling well back in Cersei's pussy, then sliding firmly up inside her, my balls slapping against her ass, her pussy coated with my slimy seed. " Your mine" I hissed. The process created an obscene sound as air and sperm were forced around the junction of knotted cock and stretched pussy, coating both our groins. Cersei panted and whimpered as the monster shaft slid almost out of her, only to swell her tight vaginal canal again as I slowly pushed all the way back up her belly, accompanied by her delicate, whimpering, "Uhs," as I shoved all the way in. I licked her nipples, milked her breasts with my mouth, then sucked her as my pace increased.

"Noooo, Father," she managed to say as her orgasm tapered off, then "Uh ... uh ... uh..." in time with my strokes as our groins slapped together. " Your mine" I rumble

I rubbed on Cersei's clit, while my throbbing behemoth of a tool drove in an out, I gradually picked up the speed of my thrusts. Cersei's whispered, "Uh ...no.. uh...yes uhs...FUCK ME!!!!" tore at the younger girl's heart as my knotted cock slid back and forth in her pussy. Her tits bobbing wildly, she turned her face toward me as her hands again searched futilely for somewhere to hold on to, the double ministrations of my hand and swelling gnarled pole were bringing her closer to the biggest orgasm of her life. Her cunt clenched down hard as she squirted around his Hell spawned appendage. Cersei felt sick for her abandoning of Jamie's love, as she watched her Father shove his gnarly dick up her pussy but she needed more.

I hunched my hips forward, sending my knotty pecker tearing up her channel. She raised her legs, spreading them wide before abruptly locking them around my driving hips. I short-stroked her, driving my hips forward in a frenzied thrust and then groaned. My gnarled rod thickened and bulged as I shifted my pace and rammed hard into the girl. She grunted louder this time, her pouting lips standing open as I lunged again and held, my groin locked against hers, while I continuing to crazily masturbate her clit with my finger.

Cersei whispered, "No, no, no, no, Uh ...no.. uh...yes uhs...FUCK ME!!!!" as my body tensed and shivered, my balls heaved, my gnarly dick swelling then jerking again. Cersei caught her breath, then squealed as gobs of rut gushed from the end of my dick and flooded her tender pussy. "Uhhh ... uhhhh..." she said as each geyser of my seed gushed into her womb. I pulled back before ramming in again, my back arched, head back and shouted as my sperm filled balls again emptied into the girl.

The golden blond grunted, kicked wildly, then clenched her Father's ass with her legs again as she rammed her pussy against his groin, her tits spurting milk, swaying and jiggling as she squealed and worked her pussy up and down the spurting knotted rod shoved so far up her belly. She shivered again as her Father slammed into her, then froze, his eyes going wide, as he appreciated her beauty, his knotted cock jerked and spurted, jerked and spurted.

The fucking couple collapsed into an entwined, squirming tangle of arms and legs. Cersei saw sperm leaking past the growing plug stuck up her pussy as her Father's rut was forced deeper in her belly. Her new lover pulled his hand from between their groins and started grind onto her cunt, while his rut sprayed deep into her seed filled pussy.

She shivered and sighed as her Sire slowly rotated his ass, pulling back slightly and easing back in all the way past her cervix allowing his penile head spines to lock all his spermatozoa in her womb. After a while, he grew still, just letting his expanding knot seal Cersei's cunt tight. I let my cock soak and fastening it self inside her cervix while the trembling girl bucked. His gnarled rod began to throb sending orgasms thundering thru her body none stop. He lowered his mouth to his darling daughter and kissed her, fucking his tongue in and out of her mouth, while sperm flowed in her womb, her long breasts still dripping milk, her legs pulling him closer to her swollen vulva . His sperm oozed up her Fallopian tubes, coating the Ovaries and leaving hundreds dormant spermatozoa there . Looking Cersei in her eyes her Father said " From this day forward you are mine!!"