Ian was missing you

This is why alina's friend didn't believe that she saw someone in the water.

Alina belonged to a branch of a prestigious family. The head of the family loved alina, this caused people from main branch of the family to hate her parents.

Alina could remember that the head of the family always loved her; he never had an aim in his mind for the love he showed her and her family. The head always treated her father as his son.

When showed an extreme talent in medicine, her family and the head were extremely happy for her. This was because every once in a while a medical genius would rise in their family and who ever showed the aptitude for medicine was said to be given the gift of her family.

Alina always was confused that should she be happy to have this gift or not. Alina had an exceptionally high aptitude for medicine. The head of her family always used to tell her that she has surpassed everyone who ever had this gift. Alina was of course happy to hear praises from people but she always had this nagging feeling at the back of her head.

This feeling use to warn her of the other people in her family, soon she could see detest in their eyes. She knew that if she pursued medicine she would be putting her parents in danger. She had already seen many things which they did to her mother and father.

She then choose to learn how to cook, after a while she started to love cooking and become extremely good at it. The head was disappointed that she did not choose medicine but he still supported her decision. Her parents stated that they would be happy if she is happy.

Alina was happy with her life, she loved to spend time with people who loved her and ignored all others. This was until decease started to spread across land. It became a pandemic in just a few days. After a month, it finally reached her family. The first one to get was the eldest son of the head.

From him the disease started to spread in the family. The family head got infected and fell ill. When her parents visited the head, they got infected too.

This disease was airborne; it could spread from one person to other by just standing in close radius. The whole world was trying to find its cure. There were deaths everywhere. The government did their best to stop the spread and it helped to some extent. It was named furvid-46. Fur was used as it indicated that this virus had many things attached to its surface, almost looking like a creature with tentacles.

Alina was getting increasingly worried by seeing her parent's health deteriorate day by day. She regretted that why didn't she took medicine; she could have helped them right now. No one was allowed to meet the head after her parents.

She didn't have enough money to give them necessary treatments in the hospital. These treatments were not a cure rather a last chance to preserve life. Alina wanted to ask for money from the main family but they refused. Her only chance was to meet the head of the family but the main branch did not allow her.

Her parents died one after other by the end if week. Alina was frustrated that she couldn't do anything for them. The coming days were extremely hard for alina; she was so absorbed in sorrow that she didn't even notice how many days have passed.

Alina lost everything on the day head of the family died. She never wanted to feel this helpless again. She decided to become a doctor, after that she worked hard to achieve her goal. But who knew that world would have a surprise for her.

Alina was considered a genius she completed her medical course and got specialization within 4 years. She was joined world health organization to help find a cure for that furvid-46. After the month of her joining the furvid-46 evolved.

The world was pushed to chaos with this evolution. People started to call furvid-46 a zombie virus. This was because after the patient die from Furvid, they would come back alive and start to bite living people. The virus in their bite was extremely strong that whoever got bitten would die in a matter of minutes considering the amount of virus which got in them

Then the bitten would turn into the walking dead and would start to bite people.

Ian woke up screaming. He still could not stomach seeing those creatures' faces. Soon lily joined in with Ian. Mammy started checking everything. She checked Ian's whole body to see if anything was irritating him.

She changed his diaper and tried to feed him milk but nothing worked. Ian was still crying. His cry was so loud that everyone in the mansion was running to his room to check if everything was okay.

Hearing Ian cry, Alex ran towards the baby's room. The baby's room was just beside their room so he reached there as soon as he heard Ian and lily cry. He picked up lily and gently swayed her in his arms. Lily went to sleep in a few moments.

Ian on the other hand was still crying, Alex saw mammy trying everything to calm Ian down but nothing seemed to work. With every second Alex heart was breaking from seeing Ian cry. He wanted to hold his daughter close to his heart.

But he was afraid that Ian would cry even more if he were to hold him. After a while Alex couldn't take it anymore. He handed lily to mammy and went towards Ian. He looked down on that wrinkly red face. How can such a small thing create such loud noise!

Alex gently picked Ian up and hugged him close to his heart. "It's okay Ian, daddy's here, daddy will always protect you, so don't cry. Your mother would also start crying if you continue to cry like this" Alex had gentle smile on his face at the end of his sentence.

Ian heard Alex voice, it was as if his body was filled with warmth. Ian laughed in his mind space. He couldn't stop crying before even when he wanted to. Maybe it's because he's a baby.

Alex was so relieved to see that Ian has calm down. He didn't want to leave Ian but he had to check on Eliza. What he is said was true, he knew that Eliza would have started crying till now too.

"So that's what it was…" mammy said with a sigh.

"What" Alex moved to face mammy. Mammy had already placed lily back in the cot.

"Ian was missing you" mammy said as a matter of fact.

"Babies don't have sense of what is happening around them so how can he miss me" Alex gave Ian to mammy before he started to make his way towards his room.

Mammy didn't say anything after that as she gently placed the sleeping Ian beside lily. Even though Alex acted that he was calm and collected. Passing maids could still see flowers blooming around him. There was only one thought going around in his mind that was 'Ian was missing you'.