
A few days have passed since that incident. Ian didn't know how many days exactly because of baby routine.

Who said being a baby is easy. It's everything but easy, well especially for a adult soul. You sleep all day and have no control over when to do your business and don't even talk about breast feeding. Who said closing your eyes work because it doesn't. Ian was deep in his thoughts.

He opened his eyes to look around. Everything was still blurry but it was better than before. [It is said that baby's vision gets better within first 40 days right…] Ian heaved a small sigh.

He had noticed that only mammy and one other maid comes to their room. Mammy never lets anyone else enter and mammy takes care of Ian's all needs. The other maid takes care of a few lily's things when mammy is busy with Ian.

Ian and lily still haven't seen their mother. Ian has heard from the maid that usually visit that giving birth twins took a toll on Eliza health and she is still resting to get better.

Ian still didn't know why they have not met their mother. It's not that hard to take two babies to meet their mother. Ian really wanted to see his mom. There was one person he wanted to see more than anything and that person was Eliza.

After that incident Alex started to visit Ian and lily a lot. He usually holds Ian in his arms a lot more than lily. Ian was happy for that but felt a little guilty towards lily.

[Maybe it's because lily sleeps a lot more than me…] Ian tried to pacify his guilt. Alex would always gently sway Ian in his arms and talk about almost everything.

"Today president came to visit me in the office; he asked when he can see both of you. I didn't reply but he didn't get the hint and asked again and again. I can't believe it that people choose him to be president, sometimes I really want to give him a beating." Alex huffed at the end of sentence.

[I can't say anything about the president but dad I never knew that you love to talk this much, I have new found respect for mom] Ian listened to his dad babble about almost everything from the house keeper to his own work issues. [It's almost like a torture …. Dad, please stop... My ears can't take it anymore] Ian was never a talkative person even in his past life. And he never had friend who would talk this much and this fast.

In about an hour his dad has changed topic about 20 times and the stories were extremely long. To Ian it was nice to have company even if it felt like torture. After being in that space for such a long time Ian became scared of being alone. Ian would listen to Alex and make a few noises here and there in the stories.

Ian had gained a little control over his body. He can move his head and hands but he still can't clench his hand properly.

"Oh I almost forgot, you and lily would meet your mother today. I am sorry that I never took you both to meet her. It's just that she was not in good health and if she were to see you, she would have wanted for both of you to stay with her, which would not be good for her." Alex placed the drowsy Ian with lily.

Ian eyes shot open after hearing that he would be able to meet his mother. Alex chuckled after seeing Ian reaction.

"Sometimes I feel like you can understand my every word" Alex gently touched Ian cheek; he then kissed Ian and lily before leaving the room.

Ian was excited to finally meet his mother; it has been so long he had seen her. The memories of past flashed passed his eyes.

[This time, I will protect you; I will not let anything happen to anyone of you….] Ian almost clenched his fist as he slowly drifted to sleep.