Master plan

Viosus and Yilas went back together talking and laughing, they even held hands on the way. The sun was still high when they got to the house so Yilas thought of some tasks that she needed before planning to trade with the goat city.

First, she needed to come up with a product that was new and would easily be sold to a lot of consumers. Second, she had to find a partner or authority personnel in the city to authorize and distribute the product. Third, if the two conditions were satisfied, Yilas could continue to worry about the production of the byproduct.

But what would be a suitable product for them? Yilas questioned herself as she sat in the shade of the bamboo trees. Sometimes the wind would blow, glancing her pinky nose with a refreshing scent of nature.

A round of footsteps got closer behind Yilas, she was so deeply immersed in her own thoughts that she didn't hear it coming.

"Yilas!" An unfamiliar voice called for Yilas, she tilted her head back to find Sabal with a handful of fruits. She smiled to greet him.

"Hey, Sabal! Come join me." Yilas patted the woodblock next to her, telling him to sit down.

Sabal quickly moved closer and handed the fruits he had to Yilas, those were the berries he picked out this early morning.

"Tell me Sabal, did you live alone before this?" Yilas had wanted to ask him about his current circumstances but haven't had a good timing until now. She was most curious about all the scars on his body.

"Yes, ever since I could remember..." Sabal answered Yilas, his long skinny eyes moved toward the sky as he thought to himself about his lonely past.

"How could you survived in the wild like that." Yilas opened her big adorable eyes wide, thinking she could have never survived even one day by herself.

"I learn how to hunt quickly and I moved around a lot." Sabal honestly spoke his mind as if Yilas was asking her survival advice. Of course, if it was the two of them, he would protect her no matter what.

"Do you have a home Sabal?"

"There is no need, I usually move if there was danger around."

Suddenly Yilas heart sunken, she felt a sad empathy for the man next to her. She wouldn't say that she understand his hardship, as she had never been homeless. Luckily for her, no matter what world she was in, Yilas still had a place to call home.

"How about you staying here with us Sabal?" Yilas asked without any hesitation "As long as Berthort is healed, I think everybody would agree to let you stay. Besides, after today, I think they are quite fond of you."

Sabal looked at Yilas with his eyes wide opened, he didn't think she would be so kind as to treat him like that. She just kept surprising him even more. Sabal was confident that Yilas would accept him as her spouse eventually because he was strong and capable to provide for her, but he didn't think it would be so soon.

As he thought some more about it, he started to wonder if she was pitying him. But no matter if it was pity or not, as long as she had him in her thoughts, that was all Sabal could ask for.

"I will stay! Wherever you stay, that place is my home."

Sabal said as he quickly got a grabbed of Yilas body once again, his movement was so swift and fluid that Yilas couldn't even see it coming. He rubbed his chin against the top of her head endearingly, resting his chin onto her silky, shiny hair.

Even though it was just a few times touching, Sabal thought he might be addicted to the soft and smooth feeling of Yilas's body. He had never had anything that felt like this before but it was like the greatest comfort in the world, he wished he had known about it sooner.

Yilas didn't hate the affection, but Sabal had been hugging her excessively for the last few times they were close to each other. Moreover, every time he was too close, her heart would start beating like crazy, her body heat just jumped off the roof, and her brain would stop working for a few seconds for no reason. She didn't know if she would ever get used to this feeling. And if would be embarrassing if any of the members saw he treat her like this.

"Stop! You can't just hug me out of nowhere like this." Yilas's face was buried deep in Sabal's big broad chest that her voice was distorted. She even forgot to breathe in his tight squeeze.

As Yilas swam around in Sabal's arms, her hands glazed through a bunch of thick scars on his chest, there was one that was bigger than others. It was right in the middle of his chest, the scar was even longer than the length of Yilas's palm. She unconsciously stopped on top of the scar to feel it, the meaty scar tissue swelled up from the surface as thick as the size of a finger.

"What happened here?" Sabal let go of Yilas a bit, still holding her shoulders with his hands, he looked down at where Yilas had her hands in.

"An eagle beast almost clawed out my heart but my poison killed it first before it could finish the job..." Sabal said it with a smile in his face, he was as calm as if it was just another normal story. While Yilas was surprised at the survival skill of the beast-men of this world, without any treatment, anybody in the 21st century could have easily been killed.

Yilas looked at the man in awe, this must be a fatal wound, how could he survive alone? Moreover, this was just one out of 30s something scars all over his body, she wondered if this man could be immortal.

"It must have hurt a lot, not to mentioned all the others..." Her eyelashes fluttered downward, she couldn't bear to look any more of Sabal's wound. Yilas felt very sorry for him, if she could, she would even cry and mourn his pain.

Sabal grabbed Yilas chin with his hand, pulling her face upward and closer to him. Her beautiful red eyes, her pinky scar, and her white clear skin, everything was captured in his eyes and heart. Feeling her kindness and empathy for him, Sabal felt like his loneliness of all these years was shaken off his back, he no longer had to shelter its burden by himself. And In turn, he would never let her feel alone in this world as long as he lived.

Feeling Yilas's hot, warm breath on his face, it was like an invisible rope tying around Sabal's neck, pulling him closer to her. As she struggled to get away, he pinched her chin even tighter, not letting her move even an inch.

Sabal had never felt an urge like this. He wanted to know what her cherry red lips tasted like, how her breath felt, he wanted to feel the warmth behind those pearly white teeth.

Unable to stop the urge, Sabal moved closer and pressed his lips onto Yilas's. Yilas squeaked like a little mouse but the noise was short-lived. The sudden heat of her lips and the sweet scent of her mouth entered his mind, it was like an explosive bomb in Sabal's heart. He couldn't help but want more, his desires grew bigger than a mountain in just a matter of a few seconds.

Not only his lips, he felt like his body needed to suck all the heat out of Yilas's body. Sabal opened his mouth, using his skinny fork tongue to break the seal of Yilas's lips. Even just the outside of her lips tasted like sweet nectar, Sabal thought to himself. But once he had broke in, the heat was even more burning, his tongue was exploring Yilas's mouth ruthlessly. Their tounges were swerving, and dancing with each other, Sabal's especially forceful, not letting Yilas rest for a second.

As their lips were dancing, Sabal couldn't help but bring Yilas body closer to his, pressing her plump, full chest onto his chest. The feeling was very satisfying to Sabal, he never knew these comfortable balls of meat would be so soft and alluring. The combination of kissing and Yilas's body pressed closely against his made Sabal's buddies down below couldn't stand still, it started to grow stiff and poked directly at Yilas's thighs.

Woken up from the hazy daze Sabal put Yilas in, she felt something hard and hot against her thighs. Yilas opened her eyes to take a peek and saw the monstrocious beasts that were directly rubbing in her thighs, she screamed out of terror. But her voice was soon swallowed by Sabal.

Yilas pushed Sabal to run away from the monsters between his legs, this was the first time Yilas was kissed and saw a man's private part, the only crazy thing was this man had two of that sword.

The passionate dream was suddenly cut short for Sabal as Yilas pulled her lips away from his, he looked at her sadly to find her terrifying eyes on his private part. Sabal thought if Yilas was going to mate with him, she might want to see his reproductive organs, it might be a good chance to win her over. With that thought, Sabal shamelessly drew his skirt all the way to the side, fully exposing the two-headed monsters to Yilas.

Sabal's soldiers stood tall proudly, it pointed at a 45-degree angle charging at Yilas whose face was pale like all the blood had escaped her. Yilas was shocked, she could feel a warm liquid running down from her temple to her nose and down to her mouth. She had been lost in a sweet dream a minute ago but this dream just turned into a nightmare. She was so shocked that a thin stream of blood escaped her nose, running down her lips quickly.

Noticing the warm liquid on her face, Yilas wiped it away, only to scarily found blood on her hand. Yilas let out an *AAhh* without seeing the man in front of her, his eyes were glued to her face, his face as pale as a sheet of paper. Before she could look for something to help the bleeding, Saba had to swoop her whole body off the ground, running back to the main house calling for help.

Viosus from the male's side of the house came running as he heard the plea for help. Once seeing the blood of Yilas's hand, he didn't ask for any detail, angrily got Yilas from the snake's arms, and brought her to bed. He called somebody else to brought some cotton flowers.

"Yilly... let me see your nose" As Yilas was comfortably laid on her bed, Viosus held her head and examined the bleeding like a doctor.

Seeing the bleeding had stopped, Viosus sighed and blamed the snake for Yilas wound. He had just turned away for only a moment and this had already happened.

Saba who was standing near them, sighed out of relief once Yilas had stopped bleeding from her nose. He was freaked out because of all the blood coming out of Yilas, he didn't think she was so frail. Sandal thought to himself he should pay more attention to her health in the future, he didn't want her to die a minute earlier than himself.

Little Crow flew in from the door, he dropped the little cotton buds in Viosus's hand and waited at the door patiently. Viosus used the cotton to wipe away the blood and stuck a small clean piece in Yilas no to prevent any further bleeding.

"You better have a good explanation, snake beast." Viosus grunted at Saba, if Yilas hadn't asked him to treat the snake with open hearts, he would have just killed him instantly.

"No, no, it was my fault Vio" Yilas quickly intervened as she didn't want Viosus to dislike Sabal, also she couldn't possibly explain it was her fault for having a nose bleed when looking at Sabal's giant privates. "It must be the diet I have recently, too much meat could cause overheating within the body."

Viosus looked at Yilas questionably, he knew she would lie to cover for the snake beast. She was too kind and too naive, he was scared the snake might take advantage of Yilas generosity.

"Yilly... You can't just have internal bleeding like that out of the blue. Don't worry, tell me and I will punish the snake beast for you." Viosus sighed as he thought he would beat up the beast either way, even if Yilas said it wasn't his fault.

"N-No! It really wasn't anybody's doing, sometimes my body..." Yilas wouldn't dare to speak of the embarrassing moment she just had. But before Yilas could finish, the man on the side had already spoken up for himself.

"I kissed her." His cold, deep voice suddenly quieted the room, Yilas couldn't even finish her words once she heard it. Sabal continued "I made her bleed because of the kiss, it was my mistake."

Yilas were so embarrassed and shocked that her mouth which was just in the middle of the sentence formed an O shape, she couldn't believe this man just shamelessly admit that. Viosus, on the other hand, didn't believe what Sabal just said, he thought this beast might have gone crazy. But still, a fire of rage was lit inside him, Viosus looked at the smiling snake man and felt agitated by his reaction. Using his strong forearm, Viosus pinched Sabal onto the stone wall, pressed down heavily with much force, making a loud thud noise and even shaken the ground.

"What did you said snake beast?" Viosus grunted at the taller man in front of him "Don't you dare claim such nonsense, I won't let you disrespect our master."

Although being pinned to the wall and threatened, Sabal didn't feel much pressured by the fox, he was more amused by how angry his reaction was. With a big smirk on his face, Sabal glanced at Viosus slyly and whispered into his ear.

"If you don't believe me, you should ask her."