Viosus's guilt

Viosus had a cold shiver down his neck as the words from Sabal mouth slowly slid into his ear. He angrily pounced down Sabal's chest even harder, his left hand-rolled into a fist. The snake words were outrageously disrespectful but somehow Viosus still felt scared to confirm it with Yilas, he was afraid that the snake spoke of the truth.

"Shut up!" Viosus growled lowly at Sabal.

Yilas who was laying neatly in bed now had close to Viosus and Sabal, she used her tiny flimsy arms to wrap around Viosus's waist, she couldn't let them fight over something like this.

"Stop it!" Yilas put some force into her pose and pushed back with all her might "Don't fight, it's all my fault!" Yilas screamed but Viosus hadn't dropped his arm.

The tension in the room multiplied in a matter of seconds, Viosus who was still fixated on Sabal, not planning to let go anytime soon. Sabal was sneakily smirked at Viosus, he already knew he had achieved his goal in provoking him. Even if Sabal were to get a punch a two from the fox, it would only make Yilas to side with him more, slowly driving the fox away from her.

"Viosus! what has gotten into you lately." Yilas sighed forcefully, she had been noticing Viosus had been rash recently, he couldn't control his temper and result in violence any chance he got. "You have to treat Sabal like one of us from now on, stop this nonsense at once!"

Viosus's left-hand was formed into a fist, he held his head down low, his eyes were glued to his feet. He didn't know how to explain his anger to Yilas, he was angry with himself for being so useless, he couldn't protect her from the Boar clan's beasts. And all that guilt and anger bottled deep inside him, making him lose control of his actions. With even the slightest provocation he had already not himself.

Viosus stood silent for a moment before dropping his stand, letting Sabal go. Yilas was relieved that Viosus finally came back to his normal self. Yilas went to check on the wound on Sabal's chest, luckily it was only reddened by the force, no damage had been inflicted. Then Yilas turned to Viosus, whose eyes were still fixated on the floor.

"We had just discussed Sabal's staying here for the future, if it's okay with you, I would like for you to accept him." Yilas gently grabbed Viosus's hand and looked at him kindly. He finally tilted up his head to face her. "Sabal came from an unfortunate past and he had no place to call home. I think you should do the right thing and welcome him into our clan, what do you think Vio?"

With her explanation, Viosus understood why Yilas went with the decision. Yilas of today reminded him a lot of their late Master, who was kindhearted enough to share his home with all the ill-fated animals. Viosus reflected on his actions and felt like he had been overly selfish, he thought he should follow what Yilas had asked for and also treat the snake man better.

With that in mind, Viosus slowly nodded his head in agreement with Yilas. His sudden change surprised Sabal, he didn't think Vio would be so easily persuaded and it would also mean his plan for sabotaging their relationship had failed.

Yilas was very pleased with Viosus acceptance, she smiled generously and patted his hand. She whispered her thanks closely to his ears and both of them smiled at each other. Sabal was like a sore loser on the side, pouting while staring annoyingly at the lovely-dovely couple in front of him. though he thought to himself, he had only lost this one, there would be more opportunities in the future.

After that the three happily left the room, Yilas and Viosus went to help Lyth feeding and checking Berthort while the snake went with Little Crow to fetch hay for his sleeping spot for the night.

When Yilas and Viosus walked into the room, Lyth was in her half-snake form, using a stone bowl of water to clean Berthort. These days, Lyth was the main person who was responsible for taking care of Berthort. Nobody had any assigned roles but Lyth had taken upon herself to do the job. Yilas had noticed that Lyth and Berthort were very close, maybe since she was a female, she would often notice these type of behavior more than Viosus would.

"Do you need any help Lyth?" Yilas softly asked Lyth, she didn't want to spook her sine they came from behind.

"I had just fed him with some soup so there everything is done, Master." Lyth had turned her body toward the two once she heard Yilas's voice. She had been staying with Berthort most of the day, only returned to her room when it was time to sleep.

"Good thing we have you Lyth, you are such a good caregiver." Yilas complimented Lyth, even though she was in the hospital most of the previous life, taking care of a sick person wasn't something that Yilas was familiar with. Viosus had never experienced sickness from poison so he was also clueless in that aspect, however, he was thinking something might be wrong because Berthort hadn't wakened up for many days now. Berthort's body had gone thinner, his complexion wasn't good, his body temperature was high until just today. He thought they might need to force the snake to treat Berthort better.

"Berth was always the one protecting me so I need to repay him." Lyth blushed as she heard Yilas's word, she hadn't been helping around the house lately so she felt unworthy of Yilas's compliment.

"Once Berthort wakes up I will tell him about all of your hard work." Yilas giggled, she winked at Lyth tease-fully as she saw Lyth was embarrassed "But maybe it's no good, he might snatch away my only sister away for himself." Yilas put her hand on her chin, acting like she was considering the matter seriously. However, the big smile on her face had given away all the secrets.

"W-what are you talking about!" Lyth ran up to Yilas, playfully punching her on the arm, Lyth's face was even redder than a ripped tomato. "I-I am too young, I will never leave you, Master, who would ever leave you for Berthort."

As Yilas saw Lyth's cute reaction, she laughed out loud. Her laugh was so contagious Viosus on the side couldn't help but bear a smile on his face. Yilas patted Lyth's balded head.

"My little sister is too precious!" Yilas even pinched Lyth's smooth plum cheek. "We were just here to check on him, but seeing you this attentively, all my worries just went away."

After getting close to examine Berthort, Yilas and Viosus went outside to give them some space. The sun was about to set so they decided to went to the creek, Yilas had wanted to find a way to take a shower since she hadn't had one in a long time. Yilas and Viosus chatted merrily along the way, Viosus suggested Yilas washed up in the creek while he kept watch.