Summer's heat

Yilas decided to wash while Viosus turned his back toward her and kept watch. The creek was shallow so when Yilas stepped in, the water had only submerged to her knee calves. She bent over and flipped her hair, even though there was no soap, Yilas still wanted to wash her scalp since it had been so long since the last time she did it that it was feeling itchy.

"Yilly..." Viosus kept thinking about what the snake had said earlier, he wanted to confirm with Yilas. He hesitated at first but the question was like a mountain was sitting on his chest that he was uneasy not knowing the truth.

"Yes, Vio?" Yilas's voice reached out to Viosus when she was still bending over to wash her hair.

"Did the snake kissed you?" All of Yilas movements stiffened, she had forgotten about the matter. Still, she didn't know how to answer him, they just stood there in silence. The only noise filling the space was the sound of water running down the stream.

"I-I... didn't know what to tell you." Yilas finally spoke, Viosus felt a sudden sadness overcame him, a tight string wrapped itself around Vio's heart and tightened. Though he was relieved to know.

"Do you like him?" After a few minutes, Viosus finally talked again, his voice had gone softer, like the words barely made out of his mouth.

"Who? Sabal?" Yilas asked.

"Yes, him. Are you going to take him as a spouse?" Viosus his heart choked up to his throat when he asked, he could barely finished his sentence, even the saliva in his mouth was all dried up, his throat suddenly felt like the dessert.

Yilas laughed at Viosus absurd question, she never thought it that far. After all, in the 21st century, kissing was something normal, marriage, on the other hand, was a life-time commitment that had never crossed her mind. The concept of love and marriage were drastically different in Yilas's book than that in this beast world.

"It was just a kiss Vio, I don't think of Sabal that way." Yilas went back to cleaning her hair, Viosus was so shocked at Yilas answer, he turned around and walked closer to the bank.

"Then why did you kiss him? Did you kiss him in the mouth? It is something that only spouses would do." Viosus was bewildered, he questioned Yilas again, he couldn't keep his cool about an issue like this.

"What? It was just a kiss Vio, it was a beautiful moment that we shared. But to commit a lifetime to someone you kissed once is too big of a responsibility."

Yilas's 21st-century logic of relationships was much more open-minded than the people of this world. She was only got caught in the moment and was partially forced by Sabal so she didn't think the responsibility of marrying him would apply to her.

"So you didn't really like him?" Viosus felt unsettled but he was relieved that Yilas didn't think much about her acts with the snake.

"I don't know if I see him like that." Yilas thought to herself deeply, she was also too soft when dealing with him but she didn't think it was because she had feelings for Sabal. Though she didn't admit that her thoughts of him had increased after their kiss, the sensations and feelings kept replaying in Yilas's mind.

Viosus was content with her answer, he went into the water and hugged Yilas from behind, surprising her. Yilas jumped because of the sudden touch, her hair pulled up as she was being pulled straight, resulting in wetting her clothes and also Viosus's.

Yilas turned herself around to face Viosus, moving all the wet hair out of her face. she thought to herself since when did Vio learn how to imitate Sabal's behavior, embracing her whenever he wanted.

"What's the matter Vio?" Yilas opened her adorable big eyes to looked up at Viosus who was only a few inches apart from her. Little droplets of water still running on her face, some got caught in her eyelashes, making her look more enchanting.

"I was so happy Yilly, please let me stay like this for a moment." Viosus's hand was still on Yilas's slender waist. His big strong limbs could easily cover all of Yilas's frail body, he had embraced her close like this before but he had forgotten to admire how beautiful Yilas was, up close, her looks were even more bewitching.

Yilas didn't oppose to Viosus's hug, his arms were pleasant and warm, Yilas felt safe being embraced by this man. Yilas slid her arms around Viosus's waist, his hot, musky scent filled up her nose as she laid her head on his plump chest.

The scene was like heaven to Viosus, he was overjoyed with Yilas initiative, his calm heart now had starting to beat like crazy, he couldn't even breathe properly.

"I can hear your heart beating fast Vio..." Yilas lifted her head to look at Viosus, she thought that his reaction was beyond lovable.

"C-Can I kiss you Yilly?" After a long time, Viosus finally gathered the courage to ask Yilas, despite how he just point out that kissing was something that only spouses would do.

At first, Yilas was taken aback by the request, even though they were close, she didn't think that Viosus had been interested in her since he had always been respectful and formal toward her. But she had never disliked him, and Viosus had always been there for her so she didn't want to turn down his request.

Yilas shyly nodded her head without looking into Viosus eyes, she was too embarrassed to face him directly, suddenly she understood why Viosus had beaten so wildly.

Viosus quickly moved his face closer to Yilas's, his warm breathes were on Yilas's forehead and then cheek before it arrived at her lips. He was hesitant to go in for the kiss in spite of the fact that he was the one asking for it, but Viosus thought he shouldn't be a coward now.

Viosus closed his eyes shut and forcefully pressed his lips against Yilas's lips. The sensation of her soft, warm lips entered Viosus's mind, even her sweet scent had gotten so deep into his brain that he thought he would never be able to forget this moment.

The feeling of warmth filled Viosus's heart to the brim, the joy and satisfaction were too much for him to comprehend. Viosus pulled away after a short second, Yilas's lips, who was still enjoying the feeling, clinging onto his lips, not wanting to let go.

Viosus didn't know what had gotten into him but once he saw Yilas's bright red face, her lips attached itself to his, his urges gotten over his reasoning. Viosus moved his hand from Yilas's waist onto her cheeks, he pulled her face closer and landed his lips again on hers, this time with even more force and passion.

Yilas was enjoying the heat from Viosus's lips, she opened her mouth slightly to get a taste of his warmth inside her. As Yilas moved, Viosus was quick to follow, he opened his mouth and moved his tongue freely inside Yilas's mouth, getting a taste of her sweet like honey liquid. The heat and flavor were like an explosive bomb in Viosus's mind, he knew that after getting a taste of this heaven, he wouldn't be able to stop himself anymore.

They stood and kissed passionately, each breath with even more desire for each other. Viosus sucked up Yilas's lips and tongue like he wanted to eat her up alive while Yilas was gladly complying, she didn't hesitate to provide him with all her life force in this kiss. The creek below them was like music playing, adding to their romantic, precious moment.

After a few minutes, even though their passion didn't subdue, Yilas's legs did. She wasn't sure if the tingly sensation had weakened her legs or it was because they had stood there for too long. Noticing Yilas felt tired, Viosus picked her up with ease, he made her legs wrapped tightly around his waist without moving an inch away from her lips.

Yilas legs wrapped tightly onto Viosus's like their life depended on it, her arms knitted together around his neck like a tight scarf while Viosus hand was wandering around her back and neck, providing her with more support. With their face still attached, Viosus walked up to the shore and laid Yilas down to the soft part of the grass, he even made sure there was no sharp rock directly below before placing her down.

Once her body touched the ground, Yilas felt much more relaxed. Though her legs and arms still hadn't let go of Viosus's waist and neck, and her lips still clinging tightly to Viosus tongue. Viosus's hands which were supporting Yilas's back before now moved down to her smooth thighs. He rubbed the outside of her tight where the skirt was lifted, feeling the nice smooth and softness of her cool skin, as he was rubbing a tiny, barely audible moan escaped Yilas's lips.