
Viosus's urges grew even more than just kissing, his whole body felt tingly and hot, he wanted to explore her whole body, to touch and kiss every part of hers, to hear her pleasing moan even louder in ecstasy.

As he thought, his body pressed down heavier to Yilas, making her breasts fully squeezed onto his chest. Viosus couldn't help but move his hands upward, finding its way to her blessed hills. Once Viosus use his right hand to grab Yilas's right chest, it couldn't even fit into his big palm, moreover, it was even softer than anything Viosus had ever touched.

When Viosus reached for her chest, Yilas was surprised, she let out a yelled but it was swallowed down by Viosus. He thought it was another one of her satisfying noise so he fondled her breast even more aggressively, kneeling them and squeezing them over and over again as he couldn't get tired of the amazing feeling on his hand.

Viosus's private part had already hardened itself a while ago, he even had to squeeze his hips tightly to prevent it from grinding wildly on his beastly instinct. Since Viosus's torso was much longer than Yilas, her bum was just above his thing so luckily it didn't touch her. However, a part of Viosus wanted Yilas's to touch on his hot thing, easing the pain it was enduring.

Viosus suddenly pulled himself back a little, separating himself from the bewitching lips that had imprisoned his heart. Viosus didn't pull too far away, his cloudly green eyes were still fixated on the puffy pink lips in front of him. He still couldn't get enough of that sweet juice from Yilas's mouth but he must put some restrain in his action, he thought he gone too far for what he asked for.

"Yilly..." Viosus breathed out while whispering her name, his voice was hoarse and thick like they were on the verge of breaking "I have always loved you... Though I thought I would just going to stay by your side, protecting you forever. But after today, I knew that my heart desires you more than just that. Just being your shadow isn't enough anymore." Viosus confessed as he looked deeply into Yilas's eyes.

Yilas was surprised but she was also happy to hear his honest feeling, finally, he had shared his heart to her, she had finally broke through this tough walls. A joyful smile formed beautifully on her face.

"Yilly... will you take me as your spouse?"

Viosus sincerely asked, his eyes were filled with hope and patient, he had never been calmer than this moment. He wanted to be with Yilas forever, and after what the snake man did today, he acted his true feelings at last. Viosus was glad he took the courage to ask for Yilas's kiss, now he knew that Yilas felt the same way about him. And before he did anything more, he needed the acceptance of her heart, he wanted her to love him more than just her friends.

Yilas didn't know what to answer, she was so shocked that her eyes rolled open big, her mouth opened but no words came out. A part of Yilas didn't know when she had fallen for Viosus, but she was sure a part of her had already belonged to him, however, another part of her brain screamed that she was too young to get married. Especially with a life decision like this, she felt like she needed more time to think things over.

"C-Can I think about it?" Yilas nervously laughed, she didn't want to upset Viosus but she couldn't just say yes either "It was just too sudden that I need time to consider it seriously."

Many thoughts jumbled inside Yilas's head, her heartbeat was out of control, making it harder for Yilas to process any information. She had only been 19 years old in her soul, the proposal from Viosus was something she couldn't grasp in a matter of seconds so the best thing to do was to retreat right now.

Viosus smiled kindly at Yilas, his hand gently tugged the wet on her face to the back of her ear, every touch was filled with endearment. He had expected Yilas wouldn't want to give him an answer right away, but as long as she didn't refuse him, it was good enough because Vio didn't want to ruin their relationship even if she rejected him.

"I will wait... for however long it takes, Yilly..." Viosus whispered as he pecked on Yilas lips softly for the last time before getting up off the ground and also helping her up. His face was keen with a smile, he felt like the summer breeze was much fresher today.

Yilas got up and went back to the creek to wash her body. The whole time Yilas's body was just moving out of instinct, she was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even remember what happened within those few minutes.

A part of her was torn, she was just a teenager, she couldn't accept the fact that these people of this world would propose to a 16-17-year-old, her body was way too young to accept any man in her life. But another part of her was trying to convince that if she truly had feelings for Viosus, it would only be normal to accept him as a spouse in this world standard. Since Yilas was in a different world now, she needed to adapt and live as the people around her.

But after all that thinking, she still couldn't decide on what to do, but one thing she knew for sure, Yilas cherished Viosus, and she wouldn't want to lose him no matter what.

When Yilas was done with all the showering, Viosus and her went back to the whole house, the whole time Yilas's face was bright red and she was so embarrassed she couldn't even look at him. Vio was on the opposite, he had a grin on his face, the flowers were blooming like a beautiful spring day in his heart.

Sabal was the first the noticed the two to come back, and not long after, he also noticed the overly joyful Viosus. He hadn't seen that man smiled so brightly since he got here, and Yilas on the other hand was giddy and anxious, she jumped when anybody talked to her.

Even though Sabal wasn't present when something happened between the two of them, he figured that it wasn't something that was in favor of him. What even worst was that it might have put him at a disadvantage. Sabal bit down onto his bottom lip as he thought angrily, he quietly planned that he shouldn't give Viosus and Yilas any time alone in the future.

When the sun had gone down the mountain, Viosus started a fire and everybody helped to prepare for dinner. Little crow even found some wild mushrooms that can be eaten with meat. Merth helped with the meat grilling while Yilas made the soup for Berthort, Sabal sat next to her, quietly watching her movements.

"Sabal... Does your chest still hurt?" Yilas asked sincerely as she stirred the mushroom soup consistently.

"It still hurts so much, I think it might even leave a horrible bruise." Sabal looked at his bare pale chest where it didn't even have any marks left. He was only faking so that he could get Yilas to help him rubbed his chest later.

"I think we still had some ointment left in the house, I will find it for you after dinner." Yilas nervously looked at Sabal's chest, she furrowed her brows looking at the happy smiley Sabal. She couldn't understand how he could still smile like that even when he was hurt.

"By the way, Berthort hasn't woken up for 4 days now, do you know what might help him?" YIlas as Sabal, she was genuinely getting impatient seeing Berthort hadn't wakened up.

"I don't know why the bear is still sleeping, normally the poison would have lost its effect by now." Sabal raised his hand to pinched his chin, thinking hard about the matter. He had only killed a lot of people with his poison, not saving them so the knowledge about the antidote he had given to the bear was as much as Yilas's herself. But it was a fact that he rather kept for himself.

"That's strange..." Yilas murmured as she thought about asking the goat doctor to come to check on Berthort, though if she or Viosus showed up at the goat city again so soon it might not be a good idea. Yilas sighed and continued to stir the soup, soon Lyth had come out of the house to take the food from her and went to feed them to Berth.

"Let's eat Master." Merth gently reminded Yilas when she was spacing out again. Yilas looked at the food but all of her appetites were gone, she couldn't even swallow a piece of food down her throat. Since when did things had become too much to bare like this, Yilas could only ask herself.