Marriage isn't always a good news.

*Lick, lick* Yilas felt something funny and warm on her face. She was only half awake when she opened one eye to find a red ball of fur with bright green eyes staring at her.

"Good morning, Vio" Yilas brushed her hands along his long fluffy fur and yawned big, since when had he gotten up the bed with her, Yilas thought.

She opened her eyes widely to realize that Vio wasn't on the bed, she was the one fell on the ground, sleeping next to him. Yilas couldn't remember what she dreamt last night but it must have been a wild one.

Moreover, she realized she was laying on top of Viosus, it must have been uncomfortable for him. Yilas jumped off her cozy fur bed in an instant and apologized to Viosus. He turned back into his human-like form and landed a good morning kiss on Yilas's cheek. If he had known his wife liked his fur so much he would have cuddled her up securely.

They went to prepare breakfast together, a beautiful harmonious atmosphere danced around the two. Soon they were joined by the rest.

Merth and Little Crow were secretly exchanging looks, Viosus didn't come back to the shed last night and his attitude changed a complete 180 so they guessed something good had happened between them. Though they couldn't complain since they were all routing for Viosus, they just secretly giggled with each other, wondering when were they going to be let in on the good news.

Berthort and Lyth had gotten closer after the incident, and Lyth was still taking care of him even when he had gotten better. Merth and Little Crow would sometimes gossip about how they were closed but never admitted their feelings and usually become shy when asked about it. Now, since another pair of love birds appeared, they feared that the beasthood force of this house would drop significantly.

At breakfast, Yilas looked at the people around her cherish-fully, she secretly wished this peaceful moment would last forever. Viosus didn't hesitate to break the news while they were still shocked. He didn't warn Yilas before either, she was reacting more surprised than anyone.

"I called it!" Little Crow pecked onto Mert's paw and laughed historically. Merth on the other hand didn't look too happy about it as if he had lost a bet.

Everyone's reaction was beyond supportive, Yilas and Viosus were somewhat relieved seeing them so accepting. The two spent the rest of the day together, once they had started talking again they couldn't stop.

Yilas consulted Vio on the issue of trading with the Goat city, beside the bowls and buckets idea from her, Vio recommended selling her new invention, the ax. Since the majority of the beasts in Goat's city focused on agriculture, the tool would benefit them greatly and was a guaranteed successful product.

His master quickly agreed and they map out a plan to get a lead on selling. First, they would ask the doctor goat for information, then with that, they could get in contact with whoever willing to take the deal. The more they talked about it, the more Yilas was excited about her and her people's future. Soon they will be wealthy enough to have full bellies and nice, warm clothes for the winter.

Once the sun was about to set, Sabal and Neo entered the door, both of them looked worn out but they had lots of food. Neo in his bird form carrying a bison and 2 deer on his claws, flying to entered the house first. Then came Sabal, who was in his half-civil form, both arms filled with small prey, and his tail curled up another bison.

Everybody noticed them right away, the yelled and sing animatedly seeing all the food. Yilas was happy to see them come home safe, she left Vio's side and came to greet them quickly. She even grabbed some cloth and wiped off the blood and sweat from their faces while Vio and the bunch helped them storing the meat away.

"It must have been hard work for you guys, why don't you go wash up in the creek and rest for a bit." Standing between the two tall men, Yilas looked like a little child. She estimated her body was around 165cm tall which was average in the 21st century but next to these people, she still felt like a baby mushroom.

"Only if you join me..." Sabal grabbed Yilas's hand and landed a kiss, Neo immediately smacked the back of his head, making a dry *pack* sound.

"Already on your nonsense again..." Sabal pretended that he didn't hear or feel anything from Neo, then he talked sarcastically.

"The wind in this house sure is lively as usual..." Neo got irritated on the side, saying "You! You!..." to Sabal but no words came out after that. Sabal continued. "Did you miss me Yilas? Cause I missed days and nights."

His purple seductive eyes dwelled deep into Yilas's eyes, making her shyly looked away, her face burnt bright red.

"O-Of course not, it's only b-been a day or two." Yilas behaved adorably, just how Sabal wanted to see, he couldn't get enough of her cute embarrassed reaction.

"Alright, that's enough." Neo chimed in swiftly and dragged Yilas and ran away, leaving Sabal behind "She is coming to wash with me." Neo didn't forget to turn around and stuck his tongue out teasingly.

Sabal followed the two, both Neo and him submerged in the water as soon as they get there, the weather was blazing hot so a refreshing cold shower felt fantastic. Yilas was embarrassed, she sat with her back turned to them, she thought if they were going to be naked, why drag her along? The more she thought about it the more inappropriate Yilas thought it was, she was looking for an opening to get away.

Little Crow landed in a tree branch not too far away, he mocked.

"You better leave Master alone, or else big brother is going to tear you to pieces!"

Yilas waved her hand at him, signaling him to not say such things but it was too late.

"Pssshh... Big brother this, big brother that, is that all you've got?" Neo burst out laughing.

"If that fox had a status, I wouldn't have said anything. But this is my female, what does he have to deal with it?" Sabal stood his hands on his hips, puffing his chest questing the annoying crow. His gaze was cold and cruel, scaring Little Crow off his post.

The Crow flapped his wings, he went flying.

"Master not your female, big brother is going to be a master soon..." Little Crow body had gone out of eyes reach but his voice echoed all across the forest.

Yilas knew once he said it, her life would be over. She shrunk her back to the size of a tiny boulder of rock, closing her eyes praying that Sabal didn't hear that.

But after a few minutes of complete silence, nothing but the sound of water running down the creek, Yilas felt a murderous intent came charging behind her. Without even looking, she knew where it was coming from, a cold sweat starting to pour down her neck and back.

"Yilas...?" A deep chilling voice came from afar, scarring Yilas to the point where she jumped out of her fear. Yilas was such a scaredy-cat she couldn't turn around to answer Sabal. At that moment she had thought Sabal was even more terrifying than the devil himself. Or maybe that deep down Yilas felt guilty, her conscience was punishing her.

"Hahaa... "Yilas pretended to laugh to hide away her fear, she thought she needed to suck up to him right now, or else they wouldn't make it out of here alive. "What is it that my handsome Sabal wants to ask?"

"What did the bird mean?" He said it cold and clear, there was no emotion behind those words. The less he said the more pressured Yilas was under, he wasn't even responding to Yilas complimentary pronounce.

"N-Nothing... he doesn't know what he talking about..." Yilas answered giddily, she secretly cursed Little Crow for being talkative.

Neo who stood quietly like a statue next to Sabal finally spoke, he had been thinking intensely about every word that the crow had just said.

"Vio? A master?" Neo mumbled to himself, he still hadn't connected the two together yet "But he usually refers to Yilas as his Master, but now Vio is going to be master, is Vio intending to kill Yilas off?"

The murderous intent projecting from Sabal hadn't reach Neo yet, he was still busy analyzing by himself.

"No, that fox wouldn't dare, there's us here protecting her too, so how is he becoming a mas...AHHHHHH!" By the end of that sentence, Neo had figured it out.

Yilas had accepted Viosus as a spouse! That was the only logical explanation, Neo thought to himself. But then it dawned on him, Yilas had finally chosen her spouse, and it wasn't him. His stomach sunken, Neo felt a lost deep inside his heart, his body was shaking in response to those feelings.

"You said I have to wait for you, wait until you're ready to accept me, but now you are treating me like this?" Sabal said calmly, he didn't scream, he didn't yell. His voice was just cold, monotone all the way making it hard to guess what he would do next.

YIlas was dredging to turn around but she finally did it, though it took all the strength and courage out of her soul.

Sabal's was completely dark as if it was covered by black clouds, his whole body was shaking by anger, the atmosphere around him turned thick like glue, suffocating anything around it.