
Yilas slowly inching closer, trying to make amends to him.

"S-Sabal... I... I was going to tell you about it. B-But don't be sad, I promised that I will marry you so I will, just give a little bit of patience. I-I will try my best to fall in love with you."

"I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!" Sabal yelled loudly, his gaze burned right through Yilas, scaring her to death, her body froze on the spot and wouldn't budget.

Yilas eyes were filled with fear and remorseful, at that moment she was truly petrified, all she could do was sit there and withstand his anger.

Neo was woken out of his nightmare by Sabal's scream, he saw Yilas desperately quiver herself up, on the ground, her body was trembling. Without thinking, he stepped in front of the snake, covering Yilas with his body.

"What kind of beast are you? Scaring a female like that..."

"Out of the way, weaklings!" Sabal growled deeply, up close, his voice possessed tremendous pressure, any beast would be scared off by his power.

"Call me names all you want, but you're not getting close to Yilas with that attitude." Neo stood firmly, even though he was heartbroken, he would still protect Yilas, the one a loved the most. The fact that she had accepted a spouse wouldn't change his mind, females always had multiple spouses, of course, a beautiful female like her would have many pursuers.

"Move, now!" Sabal turned his however body into the snake tail in a blink of an eye, he went towering over Neo, who was normally around his height. Sabal's pupil contracted sharply, he even hissed loudly, terrorizing Yilas who was whimpering behind Neo's back.

Neo crossed his arms, he had been in lots of battle, this behavior was to intimidate the opponent. If he budged now, what pride would he have in front of Yilas?

Just as when Neo blinked, Sabal's tail moved in lightning speed, tighten itself around his body, and squeezed hard. Neo who hadn't prepared himself to be attacked, fell into the deadly grip of a snake, judging by the force, Sabal wasn't playing at all.

"Neo!" Yilas screamed as she saw Neo being squeezed, his whole body was wrapped tight by Sabal's tail by a few rounds. Although Yilas was scared, she came and tried to pull his tail away, only to result in him tightening it faster.

"Sabal! Stop!" Yilas yelled but all she saw in Sabal's eyes were bloodthirst, she had never seen such a sinister look on his face. Seeing Neo could barely breathe anymore, she came to Sabal's body and started to punch his chest.

Sabal noticed Yilas's weakly efforts but he didn't stop, his anger had taken over him, now he was going to kill everyone in his way. The bird soon became lifeless in his coil, he thought it deserved to die for its ignorant behavior.

When the bird had lost consciousness, Sabal felt some wetness on his forearm, only to see Yilas teeth marks all over, the one she was currently biting down on was gushing out blood. Though the wound wasn't painful, what made his heart hurt was the expression on Yilas's face.

Her forehead and brows crinkled up pitifully, her eyes sealed shut and her cheeks flushed red. She had looked like she had been crying for hours but no tears were present, the scar on her eyes as if it was swollen, irritating horribly. Sabal thought even when he was the one in pain, why was she suffering more than he did.

Sabal calmed down, he loosened his coil and released the bird, his lifeless body was dropped on the grass. Yilas opened her eyes once she sensed movements, she found Neo lay stiffly like a corpse. She had quickly stopped her biting and was about to run to Neo when her whole body was squeezed and coiled by Sabal's tail. Yilas had become Sabal's prey in Neo's stead.

Sabal brought Yilas's up, her face inches away from his, he stuck out his fork tongue and hissed at Yilas.

"Sabal... Your grip is too tight, it hurts!" Yilas was having trouble breathing, her chest was squeezed tight by his tail, her arms were restlessly losing blood flow.

"Why did you lie to me? I thought you were honest and naive, but who knew, I was the naive one for trusting you." Sabal said bitterly, his eyes blazing bright like two lightbulbs burning into Yilas's soul.

She felt guilty, though she loved Viosus, Sabal was meant to be her husband in the first place. In a moment of weakness, Yilas had persuaded herself that everything would work out and they could all live happily together. Even when she knew that Sabal would be this angry, she did it anyway because she couldn't bring herself to act heartless toward Vio.

"I'm sorry, I am really sorry. But truth is, I love him, I couldn't marry you because I love him." Yilas closed her eyes, she accepted her faith and judgment from the powerful devil in front of her.

"I know you love him, I would be dumb if I didn't see that. But I don't care, I want to be your spouse, and you will be mine now." Sabal said sternly, this time he wouldn't give Yilas time or mercy, anything in this world if he wanted it, he would get it, Yilas was no exception.

"B-But I..." Words hadn't escaped her mouth when Sabal forcefully pressed his lips against hers, roaming his skinny fork tongue wildly inside Yilas's mouth.

Oh, how he had missed this fragrance, this sweet like honey nectar from her lips and tongue. An explosion resulted from the kiss woken up all of Sabal senses, his body felt tingly all over, the heat coming from Yilas's body filled up the endless void inside his heart. But Sabal wanted more, his greed was bottomless, his desire was like a giant shadow swallowed up all of his thinking, his body moved purely out of instinct.

Yilas tried to scream but any noise coming out was eaten all up by Sabal's mouth. He was a messy kisser, his kiss was so greedy it sucked out all the energy in Yilas's body, making her legs and arms slacking as if they were born boneless.

Sabal's coiled tail slid down Yilas's body, stopped right at her slender waist, the thickness of his tail was almost double her stomach. Sabal thought her small and frail body might have a hard time accepting his body.

Yilas was freely exposed to Sabal's hands, the light fur cover was easily ripped away in an instant, presenting two plumpy, squishy round boulders. As his tongue was still playing inside Yilas's mouth, Sabal's hands had different targets, it had wrapped itself firmly around her chest, the sensation was like an electric shock, transmitting from his fingertips to his brain.

Sabal's hand started moving and molding Yilas's chest ignoring her inaudible screams. She desperately shook her body to get away from Sabal's touch only to glace his fingers nicely, satisfying him even more. Sabal didn't let Yilas wiggling for long, he grabbed her breasts roughly, this time pinched on her little pink berries, grinding them with his fingers.

Yilas's face immediately became red, the pain shot through her body all the way to her toes, though it should pain her, her body felt weird sensation instead. She didn't know how to react, her shameless body was feeling good, lustfully wanting more of his touch.