The sky cried for me.

Yilas was afraid of her own body, reacting against her will, she struggled to get away from Sabal but his coil was too stiff, every time she moved it tightened even further.

"Hmmm!!" Yilas protested with her voice, she was panicking, her eyes looked for help from Neo who was still unconscious, now she really didn't know what to do.

Sabal finally let go of her lips, leaving both of them panting for breaths.

"There is nobody here that can help, so all your struggling is useless. But don't worry, I will be gentle so it won't hurt you." He smiled gently, though it appeared pretty on his handsome face, it had the opposite effect on Yilas, she was petrified. Those his words were cold, his eyes gleamed with happiness that couldn't be described.

"Don't do this, please! I don't want this, let me go." Yilas begged Sabal, her face features scrunched up miserably. Sabal held up his hand to her face and looked directly into her soul, he was not only eating her body up alive, but he was also draining a part of her soul with him.

"Trust me, I don't enjoy seeing you suffer either, but you have to mate with me now, it's the only way I can trust you to keep your promise." His eyes saddened, he nudged his forehead against her lovingly.

"There must be another way, if you do this, I will h-hate you for the rest of my life." Yilas heart was broken, she felt pain and felt like crying but nothing came out of her eyes. A part of her understood why he did what he did, but it still pained her seeing his desperate method.

Although her tears didn't flow, water droplets from the sky started to pour down on them, after a few minutes they had already been drenched. Sabal still hadn't moved an inch, his eyes grew sadder and sadder, his face darkened.

"Even if you don't love me, it will be fine if I can stay by your side. I have only known loneliness all my life, Yilas, you are the only light in my future. That day I found you was the happiest day of my life, you saved me from the depth of despair. If you don't stay with me, my life will be pointless, I will never love another female besides you so I might as well die right here, right now. "

Sabal held Yilas tight on his chest, his whole body sheltering her from the rain, she could feel him trembling. His heart was beating out of control in his chest. Yilas heart was wavering, she felt sorry for Sabal, she didn't know he had been feeling like that, it must have been a hard life for him. Yilas felt so bad for him that her rejection stopped, she couldn't say no to him, her heart was weak at that moment.

Yilas remembered all the lonely moment she experienced in her last life, how could she forget such a terrible feeling. Even upon her worse enemies, she wouldn't wish for them to go through that living hell.

Sabal brought Yilas under a big tree nearby where the rain didn't pierce through, his coil had already let go of her body, Yilas was laying quietly in his arms, her head rested on his chest. There were many thoughts running through her mind but the sympathy for him took over her, when someone was so important to her, she wouldn't want them to reject her either.

Yilas decided to drop all her fights and let Sabal do whatever he wanted. Noticing the changes, Sabal seized the moment and continued.

He laid Yilas down flat on the ground, his body pressed heavily onto her. Under him, a beautiful white pearl, shining even under gray sky covering the earth. Her face was exceptionally pretty, it blushed red whenever he moved his body just a little, her plumps lips barely closed, letting out sounds that Sabal couldn't control himself once he heard it.

His soldiers became rock-solid on his legs, he transformed to his Civil form, hanging it between Yilas's thighs. Yilas had closed her eyes, she used her arms to cover her sight. Although she stopped resisting him, there was another obstacle that Sabal had to overcome. This was also his first time so he didn't know what to do!

Seeing the part between her legs, Sabal was confused, she had only had one small entrance, and it was too small. It blushed a pretty pink color but the slit was barely the size of one of his fingers so he didn't know if one of his things would fit, let alone two.

But the fire of desires had been burning for way too long in Sabal's heart, he couldn't stop now. With that thought, Sabal whispered gently next to Yilas ears.

"I'm about to enter, don't be scare, just hold on tight to me."

Yilas nodded, her eyes were still sealed shut, she couldn't dare to look at him. All she knew was his body movement and his out of control breathing on top of her. Yilas had decided to accept Sabal and all of his feelings, she was just laying there, waiting for this moment to be over.

Sabal grabbed his stiff stick with his hand pointed the tip at Yilas's entrance, finding his way in. The task proved itself difficult since he couldn't his body not to push too sudden, her entrance was like a firm wall, not letting anything violate it. Sabal afraid that his thing might hurt her, he decided to go as slow as he can but the urge kept pushing something inside of him, like loud banging on his tip, trying to release itself.

After a few minutes of trying, he finally found a soft spot, he slowly inched his hip in. the pain surprised Yilas, she screamed and held onto Sabal's back tightly, digging her nails deep into his skin. It was like somebody was cutting her meat with a knife, Yilas was scared and hurt, she could only find comfort in Sabal in front of her.

Yilas wasn't the only one in pain, the entrance was so tight it squeezed down onto Sabal's rod, though it had only entered about half an inch. He held his breath and try to push it further, the marks on his back resulting from Yilas's nail had gone deeper, some fresh blood was gushing out.

Sabal's rod started to sense warmth coming from Yilas's inside, he started to feel exceptionally good, though he was still stuck at an inch mark, he already starting to lose control of his thing.

Suddenly Sabal felt an electric current running out of his body, making his whole body weak. He moaned loudly, hiding his face in her neck, a pouchful of white substance came out of both ends of his sticks, some got itself inside of Yilas. His whole body shook in waves and combined with his violent grunt for a while before flopping his whole heavy body on top of Yilas, almost squishing her to suffocate in the process.

Yilas opened her eyes in amazement, she was surprised that it was quicker than she had anticipated. When Yilas saw AV in her previous life, it had gone on for a long time, including the time she laid down, it mustn't be over 12 minutes. Though a part of her was relieved, it wasn't as miserable as she thought, she smiled a gentle smile before trying to push Sabal's heavy body off of her. His satisfied, lifeless body still clung itself tightly onto her body, not willing to let go of the only warmth that he had ever felt in his life.

After a few minutes of break, Sabal finally lifted his upper body, he looked into Yilas face with an endearing smile, he loved her so much he didn't even know who to express it, and this moment was the happiest thing he had ever experienced. Now he finally became Yilas spouse, they would be together forever, they would be inseparable from this moment onward. He would never be alone in this world again.

He laid his gentle kiss onto Yilas's forehead, before connecting his forehead to hers.

"I love you, Yilas... Now I am yours and you are mine forever."

Yilas got lost in his purples gem-like eyes, though she didn't approve of how Sabal do things, however, her heart had accepted him before her mind realized it. She didn't feel any resentment toward him, instead, she felt calm and her heart opened a doorway for Sabal to entered.