Psamtik's toughest decision.

Slowly but surely, the giant gate was opened. Entering a calmed king, the atmosphere in the training ground was set on fire. The beasts howled and shrieked, hyping up the arrival of their leader.


Psamtik's voice echoed to the whole stadium, killing every other sound that was alive just now. Porsogon slowly opened his eyes, his icy blue gaze immediately found its target, his father's tall, wide build.

Psamtik though was in his 50s, were over 2 meters tall, his back was still wider than even that of a young man in his 20s. His thick, tall hinge legs were like that of a pure-bread animal, it was all covered in a thick short layer of black fur. After years and years of training, Psamtik's body hadn't aged much from his 30s, still packed with over 200 pounds of muscle. Aside from his masculine build, Psamtik's face features were just as scary as his figure.

His red eyes were different from that of Porsogon, who inherited his mother's eyes color. But due to that difference, Porsogon looked more icy and cool while his father looked intimidating and bloodthirsty, any child who dares to look directly into his eyes were all scared to the point of crying and peeing their pants. Many even said he had won many battles just because of his appearance.

The old man squinted his eyes to looked at his son one last time as a loving father because once he had stepped foot on the ring, there would only be the boar's headmaster Psamtik. He took a deep breath, and a minute to himself to reminiscing his memories when Porsogon was born, he still remembered to this day.

Porsogon stood up from his sitting position and kneeled in front of his father, welcoming his appearance. This was his way of displaying respect and gratitude for all these years.

Both of them knew, only a cruel faith awaited them at the end of this match.

The silenced crowd held their breaths, ten minutes had passed by but it felt like a decade. Sabal couldn't contain his eagerness, he kept swinging from side to side, bumping over and over to Viosus.

Though Psamtik's appearance took over most of the attention, he didn't come alone. His servants and head of some families were also behind him. In the line which had spread to the audience seat were Helen, Heff's older sister, and her many spouses. She was eagerly waiting for today's match, and of course, her vote was on the young and handsome Porsogon. Though immediately upon sitting, her eyes caught a glimpse of a beautiful redhead beast who she had never seen before, sitting directly behind Porsogon.

"Son, I'm glad to be able to see young mature to this day. No matter what the outcome today is, you will still be my son." Psamtik said with his deep, burly voice.

Porsogon raised his body to a standing position, he didn't mind the obvious bargain his father threw at him because today, he must win this fight.

"LET THE FIGHT, BEGINS." Psamtik raised his voice this time, also as he spoke, the fire pits surrounding them in a ring shape were lit, exhilarating the atmosphere inside the stadium.

The beasts howled and growled in response, they thumped their feet and clapped their hands, the noise packed full with excitement, the place was as lively as a festival. Neo who was flying over them this whole time finally landed at the edge of the wall, he was so anxious that he started plucking his own feathers.

Psamtik hunched his big back and widened his wing as if he was an experienced wrestler, about to charge toward Porsogon. Porsogon on the other hand, kept his body relaxed, he focused on his feet, moving lightly to counter Psamtik's tactic. The only advantage Porsogon had over his father was his speed and flexibility if he were to get caught in Psamtik's chokehold, the match would be over for him.

The two circled each other, speculating their opponent's next movement, it was like a game of the mind. Out of nowhere, Psamtik shot his body like an arrow, flinging toward Porsogon. His hinge legs weren't gigantic for no reason, seeing the lack of speed in his own body, Psamtik trained his legs to be strong enough to be used as a paddle, creating a launchpad for himself in time like this.

Porsogon, however, had watched his father fought and sparred countless times over the years, he had anticipated his father's every moves before the battle even began. Slightly shifted his body to the right, Porsogon had moved out of Psamtik's reach in just a blink of the eyes. Seeing his opponent escaping, Psamtik swerved his left arm, trying to grab him desperately but it was no use. after getting back to their feet, they were back to the face to face position, circling each other once again. The crowd behind them went crazy, cheering and screaming nonstop for each of their favorite fighters.

Porsogon's strategy going into this fight was simple, keeping his distance, waiting for his chance. Psamtik wasn't fast, he just had an insane amount of power in his blows so as long as Porsogon kept his distance, the headmaster would eventually lose his agility and become tired. However, to be able to do that also took a tremendous amount of endurance.

The battle continued for another 10 minutes with the same move being brought back again and again, yet the crowd of the beast was still cheering them on, not letting the thrilling atmosphere died down even the slightest bit.

Porsogon was starting to see the sign of Psamtik's tiredness. His legs moved slower, his breathing had gone out of rhythm, his eyes were lazily followed his shadow, and slowing the response speed his moves. In his head, Porsogon was finally seeing his opportunity opened up. Psamtik turned around speed had almost doubled and his legs were slowly dragging at this point before Psamtik turned around this time, Porsogon decided to make his first attack.

Catching air another time, Psamtik had his back against Porsogon, he was still hunching down low when he felt something charging him from behind. Porsogon had turned into his Boar form and using all the strength in his body, running his strong sharp tusk into his father's back. Every beast simultaneously gasped loudly, Sabal excitedly cheering 'Yes!' while Viosus was holding his breath the whole time. Neo couldn't even bear to look, the used his wings to covered his eyes for him but still secretly took a peek.

Psamtik didn't respond in him, rather, he took the direct blow from behind and flew almost 5 foot. The tusks hit was not deep but it was enough to break a few of Psamtik's rib, he completely flopped down but was using his fist to keep his body up.

Porsogon swiftly turned back to his civil form and started to get closer to Psamtik, if it was any possibility to finish the fight quickly, he would take it. Once he was one step away, Porsogon raised his hand high, about to end the fight with a hard punch in Psamtik's nape. What he hadn't anticipated, was the sly Psamtik using this opportunity to get Porsogon to come close, closing their distance to his advantage. Porsogon realized he had made a grave mistake.

Before he knew it, Psamtik had stood straight up from his kneeling post and held Porsogon by the neck. His grip was tight and strong, making Porsogon unable to escape. The young boar was now desperately struggling to get out of the grip, his body moved from side to side, his hand trying to dig into Psamtik's hand but there wasn't a single gap. Psamtik smiled slyly while slowly raising Porsogon up till his feet weren't touch the ground anymore.

"Hahaha... still got a lot to learn kid." Psamtik started to laugh with his deep, scary voice.

Porsogon couldn't breathe at all, his throat felt like it was about to snap, he had to figure out a way to escape. Around him, there was nothing in reach, his mind was about to hit its limit, giving up his consciousness in a matter of seconds.