A loser's shame.

"Oh no!" Neo exclaimed, he couldn't sit still watching his brother being killed, he hovered above them in a circle, his anxiety was taking over his action.

"Don't! Get! Close!" Porsogon shouted, his voice barely escaped, if Neo dived in and rescue him, the match would be over, Porsogon would be disqualified immediately. This battle was a one-on-one fight, no outside forces were allowed to aid.

Hearing his brother's voice gave some senses back into Neo, he landed next to Sabal and Viosus and wouldn't dare to turn his back around to look any further.

Porsogon with his hands dug deep into his father's grip was getting some air back into his lungs. He swung his body back and forth to gain some momentum and finally landed his legs on Psamtik's shoulders. Now, he finally got the chance to turn the table around.

"WOAH! Look!" The crowd was rallied up once again. Psamtik who had thought he got the upper hand now was locked in an armlock. He grunted in pain when Porsogon bent it backward with all his strength, his grip no longer had the strength to squeezed on Porsogon's neck.


Psamtik roared and collapsed onto his knees but Porsogon hadn't let go, instead of the curved his body into an even tighter C.

Seeing even being lowered down, Porsogon still persisted with the locking method, at this rate, his arm would soon be snapped in half. Psamtik raised his arms high, using his massive arm muscle to lift a whole man up and in a blink of an eye, slammed it as hard as he could to the ground.


The rowdy crowd now all gasped at the ear-splitting sound of an incredibly powerful body slam.

"UGGGhhh!" Porsogon's back took the whole force, he was slammed so hard he couldn't control his breathing normally, the pain started to seep in but the adrenaline helped to numb temporarily.

Porsogon couldn't let go now, it was his chance to deal some damage. Though suffering through immense pain, Porsogon was still hung in there tightly.

"AAAAHHHHHH!!!" He grunted loudly before using all the strength left in his body to break Psamtik's arm.

The two beasts both scream and grunted, one screamed because of pain, the other to release more power.


The painful noise filled the stadium, the crowd of beasts exploded with cheers, one would not be able to hear themselves thinking if they were present. They shouted and screamed, thumping their feet while cheering for the fighters. This was a crucial moment where the battle had reached its climax. The winner shall be the one to prevail.

Porsogon could feel Psamtik's joints popped, his bones cracking like it was on the verge of breaking. 'Just a little more' he said to himself, his back fully arched back like a weird yoga pose, all the muscle and veins had long roped around his body now fully emerged to the eyes of the beholder.


Another ground shaking thud came from the body slam, this time harder than before. Porsogon mouth started to gush out some blood, it was due to the combination of the forceful impact and the penetration of the broken ribs into his organs. Porsogon's face now was half-covered by an eerie bright red color, droplets of blood formed a line, running down his pale, shredded chest.

In just a millisecond, Porsogon's head felt light, his whole body felt it wasn't his anymore. It flew in the air, loosening the grip from Psamtik's left arm. In just that second, everything around him felt like it was slowed down like never before. He could see the crowd of beasts screaming and shouting, he could see his brother, Neo who was fully collapsed on the ground, hiding behind his new friends from the fox clan.

Porsogon could also see his father's face, the wrinkles and lines on his forehead and eyes somehow looked excruciating. His heart softened as he realized it was an unavoidable future for them. Sooner or later, this match between him and his father would happen, and the winner would be the only one to survive. As a tradition, a match for the title of headmaster was always a deathmatch, either the challenger or the head must die to satisfy the victor's position. No matter how much Porsogon shunned away from the thought, it was their destiny to be one another death.

But even before stepping foot into the ring, Porsogon had already fully accepted the outcome, to die under his father's hand was an honorable death, much better than dying in the hand of a stranger. However, his life no longer belonged to himself. His shoulders now weighted with the lives of others, Neo, Yilas, his two friends, and the rest of the fox clan.

Unconsciously, Yilas's smiling face appeared in front of Porsogon's eyes. He had never seen a female so innocent, unpretentious, and filled with pure joy. She was always so kind treating them, welcoming them into her home when all they brought was mischievous plans against them.

Porsogon soon discovered a part of himself that he had never known by being next to Yilas. Now he regretted not holding her hands, not able to see her smile or hear her laughs, not brushing his hand through her silky smooth hair, not daydreaming about what their children might look like... There were so many things that Porsogon wished he could have done. 'Maybe if I have another chance, I will be with you till the day I die.' Porsogon spoke to himself before closing his eye shut, letting the silence take him in.


A strange voice shouted at him, wasn't sure why Porsogon knew it was directed at him but his eyes immediately opened and it followed the sound.

A redhead beast screamed at the top of his lung, his voice was even louder than the crowd of over hundreds of beasts. His face burned red, the vein on his forehead was on the verge of exploding. Porsogon thought it was funny how the fox got so worked up, it didn't suit his personality at all.

"YEAH, YOU BETTER HANG IN THERE!" The black snake screamed loudly, his raspy voice almost cracked while he was trying to cheer.

"BREAK HIS ARM BROTHER!" Neo immediately shouted as well, the goofy little kid Porsogon raised had an ugly expression on his face, it was like a mix of crying and trying to be tough, Porsogon unconsciously smiled.

Since a very young age, Porsogon had always felt a distance from others due to his strict upbringing and his family position in the clan. Therefore he was always someone that beasts looked up to, admired but never touched. The beasts only saw him as the son of Psamtik, not as his own identity, Porsogon. But unknowingly, he had been blessed with so many supporters, in a sea of savage beasts who would tear apart the weak, there they were, shouting like idiots rooting for the obvious loser.

A sudden power boost pumped into Porsogon's body, his arms tightened and his legs gripped even harder.

"AAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!!" He screamed spewing blood everywhere but also used all the strength he had left, bending his body for the final time.