Even a king couldn’t win without his supporters.

The old Boar beast-man glared at the Hawk, making it hard even breathe or choked out a word.

"So before you beasts forget about our life-long dream, I will say it one more time, the Boars family shall be in favor of the Headmaster command. A loyal servant wouldn't ever question his master's wise decision." Once again Gallant stated his loyalty, he wouldn't mind picking a few fights with the Minks and the Hawks.

The Minks' head couldn't protest to Gallant idea, he was an extremely influential beast, upsetting him meant a lot of bad deals on their family's business. The Hawks' head shook his head from side to side, he held his beak low. Even with the backing of all the elders here, they wouldn't dare to talk back to both Gallant and the new Headmaster.

Seeing the opposite side had backed down from their argument, Gallant continued.

"Why don't we take a vote, all in favor of conquering the Goat's land, show your hand."

Immediately, more than half the representatives raised their hand, even Harmon, had to follow Gallant's proposal. Helen was still cowering on the ground, being tended to by her spouses, unable to take a vote.

Hands by hands, slowly but gradually, most families were in favor of Porsogon command, he finally felt the relief of the pain in his mind. Though Porsogon had made a note to himself to repay this favor to his distant great-uncle.

"There you have it, the majority are in favor of the Master's decision."

"Good work, Great-uncle!" Porsogon praised Gallant, the old beast quickly bows to show his gratitude. "Now we can discuss further detail of the plan..."

The court was held for another 3 hours, discussing in detail the plan of rescue and invade. After all the necessary preparations, the operation shall be taking place in two weeks. Which made Sabal and Viosus not very pleased since the strike day was on the full-moon night.

After the court meeting, Viosus helped carry Porsogon back to his house, Sabal couldn't help but ask.

"Why don't you just stay in the big house? Your place is pretty much a run down compared to that." Neo immediately nudged Sabal's with his elbow, telling him to be more careful with his words.

"I can only stay in there when I'm fully healed, if any challenger came, I will be at a disadvantage..." Porsogon said lowly, his face didn't crinkle even though he was in so much pain. Viosus understood his concern even before Sabal asked, Porsogon was slowly growing to like Vio, he thought the fox was reliable and insightful. He didn't talk much which were the quality that Porsogon appreciated, especially when they were always stuck with the two loudmouths.

"Yeah, shut up already, brainless lizard." Neo chimed in and mocked Sabal. Sabal smirked and looked down onto the bird.

"Look how is calling me brainless, I bet this little chicken head didn't know why either."

Neo instantly got a red face, he hated being associated with those pea brain idiots, he swung his arm, lightly punching the Snake. Though the fist only glazed through Sabal's skin lightly, he fell onto the ground, pretended as if it had hurt him greatly.

"You feral beast! How could you hurt a wounded friend, I had never treated you bad, why are you hitting me...!" Sabal pretended to cry and shrieked in pain, as passerby were next walking, he dragged a small female into the show, showing her his broken arms and pretended he was wronged greatly by Neo.

The female was a pretty young sparrow, her hair was light brown and it laid comfortably, barely touching her shoulders. Her arms and legs were that of a brown and white sparrow. The young female had beautiful big eyes and a small dainty nose, the round cheeks, and dimples making her face a lot more youthful. She smiled like a kid at Sabal's acts, believing every second of it.

However, there was someone not very happy with the situation, it made his face even redder as if his tomato's face was about to explode.

"STOP IT! I DIDN'T DO ANY OF THAT!" Neo huffed and puffed, the boiling hot blood was fuming out of his ears.

The female laughed loudly at Neo who was acting like an angry clown, she found the duo Neo and Sabal extremely amusing.

"Cousin? I haven't seen you in a while, where have you been?" The female shrieked as if she couldn't be happier to see Neo. She raised both of her arms high, aiming for a hug from Neo.

Neo on the other hand, as soon as he heard the extremely high-pitched voice and her annoying face, he turned around immediately and was about to make a run for his life when he got grabbed by the neck all of the sudden.

It was, of course, Sabal, who obviously couldn't let the star of the show disappear mid climax. He was, even more, pleased to see Neo's painful reaction seeing the bird female.