Cooling water

Mohsen thought Yilas's high temperature was alarming. He couldn't let her suffer like that. The beast-man took a deep breath and suppressed all of his urges, though, the question of what her lips might taste like still lingered his mind. He swiftly lifted Yilas up and started to walk toward the camp at a quick pace.

"N-No... We can't see a doctor... I-I'm, w-we can't... get caught..." Yilas whimpered softly, she sounded like a wounded beast which made Mohsen's heart tightened as if it was tied by an invisible rope. His steps slowed down and he looked down at Yilas's bright red face, she was looking back at him.

"Haizz..." Mohsen sighed and his brows finally loosened up, his tense shoulders dropped a bit. After a quick-thinking, Mohsen knew what he needed to do. "I know where we can go."

The glimpse in his eyes reassured Yilas, he was full of confidence that Yilas couldn't keep nagging. In the state that she was in, Yilas could only beg him to be careful. Soon, the sleepiness took over her, Yilas closed her eyes and rested on Mohsen's sturdy chest.

"Wh-where are we?" Yilas opened her eyes to a whole new place after she regained consciousness.

The place was covered in a beautiful green. Tall trees connected as far as eyes could see, the tall grassy wall grew as high as Mohsen's legs. At the corner of Yilas's mind, she could hear the water running, trickling between rocks, playing a joyful symphony.

Mohsen didn't answer her, his eyes still hooked on one direction that was far away. Yilas could hear the sound of a stream running getting clearer. They were headed toward the water.

Crossed through many bushes and trees, what appeared before their eyes were a wide stream. It reminded Yilas's of her home but the terrain was a little different. The rocks were round and smooth, they laid across into a pathway nicely framed the cooling water. The water was so clear, Yilas could see every stone at the bottom, some small sweet water fish swam away quickly once Mohsen's footsteps approached.

Mohsen carefully sat Yilas down on a smooth rock, just enough to fit her tiny figure. He stepped into the water and using his palm, scoop up some water for Yilas while she anxiously watched the bottom of his pants and the long shirt's sleeves getting drenched.

"Drink it!" Mohsen offered his hand full of water to Yilas, his expression was serious, it spooked Yilas out. She instantly took a small sip and didn't realize how dehydrated she was until her lips touched Mohsen's soft and damp hands.

Mohsen wore an even more intense expression as if he was angered by Yilas's thirstiness. He was about to return to the stream when Yilas grabbed him by the hand.

"It's okay, I can do it myself, teacher..." Mohsen looked down onto the little female and their eyes met. Yilas had seen this expression many times before. Mohsen's normal straight brows were connected in the middle of his face, his eyes, like a fire being lit in a dried forest, burning every soul that dare entered his way.

Yilas immediately flinched and avoided the eye contact while her face turned red once again, Mohsen noticed this but thought it was the side effect of the substance. He worriedly checked her temperature by the cheeks, Yilas was shaking as his cooling touch glazed through them.

"You are still too heated. Come over there and sit in the water."

Yilas shook her head, she couldn't feel that her body was burning up. Instead, all she felt was cold, even the slightest breeze made her trembling. While wrapping herself with her arms, Yilas shakily answered.

"It-it's too cold here."

Without an ounce of hesitation, Mohsen took off the only shirt he had on him and put it on Yilas. Her eyes were rounded because of shock, her frozen body had already been covered by the overwhelmingly manly scent from Mohsen's body. It made all her senses felt tingly.

So engulfed by the smell, Yilas forgot there was a shirtless man in front of her. His chest was lean and pale but his shoulders were as twice as wide as his waist, presenting a beautiful proportion that could easily belong to a top-knot model. He was so slim, yet sturdy and muscular Yilas wondered how he got that body while he only slept all day.

Contrast to his healthy yet manly figure was his pale white skin, it was the only thing that made Mohsen looked fragile. Tried so hard to look away, Yilas could feel her face burning up, she tried to take off the shirt so that Mohsen could get it back but he inched closer, preventing her from doing so.

Only a few inches away, Mohsen softly asked.

"What are you doing?"

"I-I-I'm... please take back your shirt..." Yilas turned to the side, avoiding Mohsen's gaze as she felt her heart jumping out of her chest.

*Ba-dump* *Ba-dump*

Yilas's hearing was bombarded by her own heartbeat sound, no matter how she avoided, Yilas couldn't help it from having a mind of its own. Mohsen heard the heartbeat too, he worriedly asked.

"Is it still too cold? You can't take it off right now..." Before Mohsen could finish his sentence, Yilas had already being squeezed tightly between his big strong arms. The only way Mohsen could think of to warm her was to use his own body heat. Though he hadn't given a second thought about how his body would react to Yilas being in this close vicinity. When he took a deep breath, the sweet scent of her skin was brought in with the air and filled up his mind and senses. Mohsen's urges grew unconsciously. He squeezed the soft little creature tighter, making her skin pressed deep into his.