A greedy man.

Mohsen could feel the softness of Yilas's skin. They were pressed against each other but somehow it wasn't enough for him. The little devil urged him to get closer and take more. His desires grew exponentially in a matter of seconds. Mohsen closed his eyes and rested his face between Yilas's neck and shoulder. He greedily enjoyed this amazing seductive scent from her body, he could only wish to bury himself in this spot forever.

"T-Teach...? Are you... okay?" Yilas shakily asked. The sudden comfort coming from Mohsen seemed strange since it was out of character for him.

Mohsen's breathing was heavy and uneven, Yilas thought maybe he had been exhausted bringing her here. She gently stroke his bareback, consoling him with the little strength she had left.

Like an indulged puppy, Mohsen's whole body relaxed and leaned on more onto Yilas, everything about this moment made him felt peaceful, he could fall asleep for a thousand-year in this pose. After a few minutes, when Yilas was about to pull away Mohsen immediately growled in disapproval.

"Just stay like this for a little longer..." His arms curled tightly onto Yilas's waist, bringing her chest closer to his. Yilas though surprised, let Mohsen had his way, he had done so much for her, the least she could do was following his request.

Getting anxious, Yilas's heartbeat raced fast, it was beating so loud she was embarrassed that Mohsen could also hear it. But it wasn't the slightest concern in Mohsen's mind. He was more worried about the effect of the aphrodisiac food on Yilas's health. Since this was the first time he saw Yilas in heat, he guessed it was the first time since females in this world were usually fertile only once or twice a year. And Yilas was also quite young to have her first heat.

Being forced to start your cycle dealt a great toll on the body, especially with Yilas's frail figure. It could even shorten her life-span. The more Mohsen thought about it, the harsher he cursed the horse beast, next time the beast appeared in front of him, he swore to let it bore the price.

"I'm sorry Yilas..." Mohsen murmured but it was enough to deliver to Yilas's ears.

"W-why did you say that? It's not your fault! I-It's a natural thing that happened every women's body..." Yilas face reddened, she thought the timing of the arrival of her auntie flow was certainly bad, it was only a matter of time before she had her period this month. What she didn't know was how rare it was for females to have more than 2 estrous cycles in this world.

Tumbling on her words, Yilas felt embarrassed about explaining this private issue to a man, especially an insanely attractive shirtless man.

Mohsen suddenly pulled Yilas away by the shoulders, the expression he wore was serious. Yilas opened her big eyes widely, fearing Mohsen was going to scold her.

"Whatever happens to you, I will take responsibility!" Mohsen stated without blinking, his gaze never moved since it locked in with Yilas's eyes. Yilas had thought the matter wasn't that big of a deal but now, looking at this man's sincerity, she questioned the advancement of human body research and knowledge.

After being confused for a few minutes, Yilas fake a smiled and waved her hands to defuse the situation.

"I-It's not that serious, teach..."

"Call me by my name from now on." Mohsen interrupted

"W-What?" Yilas was astonished.

"I said, call me by my name!" Mohsen annoyedly repeated himself, his eyebrows woven, Yilas always thought Mohsen's looked much more handsome when he was not too cranky.

"O-Okay...?" Yilas awkwardly agreed, under such a demanding gaze, she couldn't bear to keep eye contact with the pretty face in front of her.

"Say it!" Mohsen sternly ordered, his chocolate brown pupils flushed with a scare warmth and fuzzy emotions.

"Say what?"

"My name, say my name." Mohsen urged the little female to say it, he wanted to hear her calling his name dearly as if they were lovers.

Being put on the spot, Yilas's face turned bright red, she had never called her teacher by his name, it seemed like an odd request to her.

"M-Mo...Moh-Moh...sen... Uhhmmmmnn!"

As soon as the letters escaped her mouth one by one, her lips were filled with something else, making Yilas surprisingly screamed. Yilas's eyes opened wide, her face was only a few millimeters away from Mohsen's. They were connected by the lips and by the man's hands, pressing her head closer to his.

Shrieked in shock but Yilas quickly settled down, she tried to pull away but it had only made Mohsen holding her tighter. His soft and wet tongue started to find its way, breaking through Yilas's pinky veil, entering her mouth and conquered all the resistance in her bones.

Yilas felt weak in her legs, it wasn't sure if it was the effect of the things that she drank or the flow that she was on but her senses seemed to heighten, her logically thinking gave up on the righteous things.

The kiss was heavenly, Mohsen didn't know what got him to do such a thing but he was overjoyed he listened. Only following his instinct, Mohsen tasted Yilas's plumps lips, it was sweeter than the nectar of the finest honey. As soon as their lip met, all Mohsen's could feel was greed. He wanted more, he wanted all of it. That was why he greedily explored her mouth without mercy, he sucked and twirled her tongue like a skilled master.

The thrilled raced both of their hearts, the temperature seemed to have only increased itself around the two of them. They were deep into their sensual tongue kneading that they had forgotten the time before they were able to escape each others needy mouth. Especially Yilas, who was indulged in the sensation that she stopped breathing, only to gasping for air, turning on Mohsen's urges even more with the sound of her exhausted breathing. Mohsen had only wished he could seal away her perfect pout forever with his lips. Letting all his desires roamed free for the rest of his life.