Unexpected plan.

"Hmm..." The little cute moan escaped Yilas's lips. But it only acted like oil, burning up Mohsen's desires for her even more.

"S...stop..." Before his manly instinct took over, Mohsen gripped Yilas's shoulders and pulled her away. She was still lost in a daze, blinking her long lashes like a deer. Mohsen swallowed down a big gulp, only a thin string of pride got him back from acting wildly. "What do you think about me Yilas?"

"I-I ... I don't know. What do you mean?" Still confused, Yilas opened her adorable big eyes, Mohsen had thought if he stared any longer, he would lose himself in them.

"I mean, what do you think of me as a beast-man?" Mohsen lightly furrowed his brows, he was somewhat nervous to hear what the little female had to say. He never cared about what others think of him but if he had feelings towards this female, he needed to ensure that she felt the same way. Only then would he be willing to share his true feelings.

"You are my teacher, right? I-I respect you very much, and you're very smart and thoughtful so I had always thought you are admirable. And-and I feel comfortable around you..." Yilas face still flushed red, she awkwardly looked down onto the ground, trying to scrap for words. Although everything she said was truthful, Yilas still felt embarrassed saying those things out loud.

"Do you trust me?" Mohsen sternly asked. By his expression, Yilas thought he was serious but she didn't know what he wanted for an answer. Her heartbeat uncontrollably fastened, leaving the poor girl redder and redder by the second.

"O-of course!" Yilas mumbled. She twisted her fingers together, nervously answered the stern man in front of her.

"Then get to the point and tell me what you really think?" Mohsen's voice started to show some irritation, he was getting more nervous because he was scared that Yilas might reject him. Or even worst, she didn't have any feelings toward him at all. But after some rethinking, he thought his questions were still beating around the bushes. They avoided the main issue, so Mohsen rephrased it quickly. "What do you think of me as a spouse?"

As soon as Mohsen dropped the question, his mouth became dry, he was constantly checking for any changes in Yilas's expression.

Yilas wore a puzzled face, she furrowed her thin white brows as if she was thinking really hard for a few minutes. She even had her little hand twisted her cute pointy chin, showing her dedication in finding an answer. After a few minutes of silence which felt like hours to Mohsen, Yilas finally smiled and opened her mouth.

"I think you will be a great husband but just don't scold your wife too much as you do me."

"YOU...!" Mohsen's face turned red this time, he didn't know to laugh or to yelled at Yilas for the stupid response.


Mohsen didn't know what to blame, himself for asking a vague question or Yilas for being an airhead in a serious conversation like this. Infuriated, Mohsen's eyes were like burning charcoal, he didn't hesitate but to express all of that anger on Yilas's lips. If only he had the courage to say what he really meant. Mohsen asked himself why he was always acting short-tempered around Yilas, there was something about that female that make staying still around her impossible.

He groped her face tightly with his hand, not letting her move an inch. His lips pressed hard onto Yilas's and his tongue vigorously conquered her pink entrance, making her screamed at the back of her throat.


The surprised scream slowly turned into moans, Yilas was embarrassed that she was capable of making such lewd sounds.

Mohsen didn't show any mercy to Yilas this time, his act was rough, his mouth was greedy like it was about to eat Yilas alive. Her small body was slowly being pushed back by the man's strong body pressing against hers, forcing her to a submissive position.

Using her hands, Yilas used all her might to push on Mohsen's chest. She almost forgot he was shirtless until their skin touch. His tough, lean muscle was not for a show like bodybuilders, they were solid but still had the warmth and softness. The touch felt like a loving caress to Mohsen, he grabbed her wrist and held it there, anymore stimulate from a touch would make him lose all of his reasoning.

"I will ask Mame to be our witness. Yilas... become my spouse tonight." Mohsen suddenly dropped the bomb on Yilas while she was still in a daze, her mind wandered somewhere else even when Mohsen looked her dead in the eyes. "Yilas... listen to me..."

"Y-Yeah...?" There was a silky pink screen in Yilas's eyes but Mohsen still tried to talk to her.

"I mean what I said, I will take you as my spouse. I will take all responsibility and make Bryok stopped the crazy plan. I am sure that Madam Mame will be on our side."

Yilas finally came back to her senses, looking at the serious expression on Mohsen's face, she knew he wasn't joking around. Though appreciative of Mohsen's kind gesture, Yilas couldn't bear to ruin his life long happiness just to save her from

"Zassar told me a male can only have one spouse in his entire lifetime. Mohsen... if you marry me, you will be stuck with me for the rest of your life or worst, become a young widow. I can't do that to you, it's too much..." Yilas looked guilty, she felt like it was all her fault that Mohsen was pitying her. Once again Yilas could only blame herself for being weak and useless, not able to defend herself even though it was her second chance at life.

However Mohsen wasn't pitying her, he wanted to confess to Yilas his feelings towards her but no words could escape his mouth. Mohsen could only watch Yilas flopped down like she was losing all her will to live. It made his heart raced even faster.

"NO! WE ARE DOING IT!" Mohsen couldn't state it any firmer. His eyebrows knitted tightly onto each other and his eyes burned like two charcoals. He picked Yilas up like a little doll and proceeded to carry her on his shoulder. Mohsen walked quickly back to the campsite even though Yilas was screaming and kicking on his back.

Mohsen had always been stubborn, nobody could change his mind once it had settled. And right now, all he could think of was the plan of marrying Yilas.