
Mohsen's expression was a mix of defeat and hope, his eyes never left Yilas's face. With just a split second of doubt in his heart, Mohsen couldn't stand the unpredictable outcome. His pride was great but he swallowed his preside for her.

"And if Master Bryok saw that Yilas had taken in me as a spouse. He would think twice about killing a spouse of a general of this city, it would definitely raise some questions..."

Mohsen stuttered while he closed his eyes and his hand unconsciously form a fist. Mame was the only one able to see through his excuse since she practically raised him, but if Yilas was unwilling to respond his feelings, she wouldn't want to force Yilas.

Thinking about poking fun at Mohsen a little more, Mame couldn't hide the sneaky grin on her face.

"Hmm... good idea Mohsen!" Mame's voice rose high, she looked to Yilas and nodded. "I think that is a great solution, mating with a general of the court could make you an official member of the court, or at least earn their family's backing!"

Like finding the light at the end of the tunnel, Yilas considered the option but she felt like it would be using the guy. And that would be extremely selfish of her, moreover, what would Viosus and Sabal do if they found out she took in another spouse?

"But we must act fast." Mame's quickly turned serious, she looked to Mohsen to watch his reaction closely "Though it doesn't necessarily have to be Mohsen." Name looked into Yilas's eyes searching for her reaction. "Spousal is something that bind the two to a lifetime, even if it's fake, I want Yilas to be taken seriously and I would only approve this if the two sides consented."

Mohsen had a poker face expression but there was something strange about it. Nothing about him was moving, not even his breathing nor his eyes blinking. His whole body turned into a statue, frozen intofear of Yilas being with some other beast's arm. His heart started to jumped uncontrollably. If he opened his mouth, he afraid only bad words and curses would come out.

Mame took a deep breath and thought deeply before continuing.

"Yilas, I see that Zassar came here quite often, does he have any interest in you? That horse is also a general of the court, he came from a loyal family and at the ripe age for mating. Have you bear him any thought, my child?"

As soon as the name Zassar was mentioned, Mame knew she hit a bad wound. Mohsen's face turned pale as if all the blood in his body had been cut off from circulating. Yilas also looked like she saw a ghost, it was cooler to be in the tent but sweat started to run like big pearls rolling down her forehead.

The atmosphere surrounded the three became stale, Mame laughed inside but held a serious face. She was only helping the two of them to be honest with their feelings with each other but it seemed like both were too stubborn to admit it

After a while had passed and still no response, Mame had asked again.

"So... what do you think, Yilas?"

"I-I think..."

"Yilas, even if you don't choose me, please don't let it be Zassar. He's not a good beast at heart, just look at the things he did to you."

Mohsen shouted, cutting off and surprised Yilas but he held his hand onto hers and looked into her eyes sincerely, his eyes was clouded with a pool of emotion that it was hard to conceal from Yilas.

"I don't think that Zassar would be that bad, I heard he had been looking for a spouse for a few years now... Plus, Yilas is a one of a kind gem, no one can deny her unique beauty. If he were to be picky, I will do all the persuading..."

Receiving a compliment from Mame, anyone would have had a smile from ear to ear. However, the only thing Yilas could think about was how Zassar had drugged her twice, marrying a sly man like that would only bring fear to her heart. She couldn't hide the terror on her face.

Yilas was torn, on one hand, she was scared of Zassar because of the past experiences. But on the other hand, she wouldn't want to bring Mohsen into this mess that might get him killed. Maybe bringing in a man that she didn't care about would ease the feeling of guilt inside her.

"No, the burden shouldn't be brought onto anyone else beside us!" Mohsen jumped his guns again, this time he even grunted harder than before like there was a ball of fire burning inside him. Seeing Yilas scared enough to turn pale, Mohsen realized he could never let her get with the horse beast-man. Something in his stomach churned vigorously, making him sick just thinking about the idea.

"What burden?" Mame questioned Mohsen ironically " And what about your father and you would the both of you able to withstand Bryok's wrath when he found this out?"

Speaking of his father, Mohsen suddenly turned quite. He knew poking his nose into Master Bryok's business would bring a lot of trouble for himself, but causing his father to be involved made him hesitated for a second.

Mame looked at the hang back reaction from her general and it didn't please her, and she knew Yilas would doubt Mohsen even more if he kept his silence.

"I-I... Leave my father out of this. I will take all the responsibility..."

"You know getting your family involved is unavoidable if you decide to do this..." Mame advised Mohsen to think thoroughly about his next move. She wanted Mohsen to be committed to this not only because it was the easiest solution to the problem but for this was what his heart wanted.

She didn't want the young couple to look back at this moment 10, 20 years later, and regretted it. More than anyone, Mame understood that regrets and blames could ruin any relationships.

Mame sighed and laid Yilas's hand on top of hers. She had a smile as gentle as a flower on her face, she looked at her favorite child lovingly before shouting to a servant outside the tent.

"Call for Zassar!"