Trap or Treat?

Suddenly being summoned by the headmaster, a cold chill ran down Zassar's neck, his heart jumped out of his chest when he heard the call. He had thought it was due to the food that Yilas accidentally consumed. But he couldn't disobey the most powerful beast-woman in this city so therefore his only option was to follow.

Before leaving his tent, Zassar had placed all his favorite items into a small box and hid it carefully. He didn't forget to brush his long, luscious curly hair and said his prayers to the Beast-god before leaving as if he was afraid he might never come back.

Zassar stood outside the tent for a while, waiting for the servant to inform his master.

"Head Master, Zassar is present." A male guard lifted to curtain just slightly and talked to the Master.

"Let him come in..." A rich, high tone voice of a woman responded.

Zassar looked at the blue sky and took a deep breath before walking in, his hand was shaking nonstop. If he died today, his family would never let this go, therefore Mame couldn't kill him. But undoubtedly, there were many methods which were crueler than death.

"Master, I am here upon your summon..." Zassar struggled to finish his sentence as his eyes glazed over the entire room.

Mame was not the only there, Yilas and Mohsen were also sitting on the wooden chairs, their face was as dark as the color of the night sky. Zassar swallowed his fear like a big gulp down his throat. He quickly kneeled down to one knee.

"Madam, no matter the punishment, I promise you I..."

"Zassar?" Mame interrupted the twisted tongue Zassar, he was spouting all that nonsense in a panic.

"Y-Yes...Ma'am?" Big balls of sweat the size of peas ran down the man's forehead, making his small baby hair stuck to his brown, golden skin.

"I have seen you come and go around here quite often lately, do you have any business here? Or is it someone here that peeps your interest?"

"I-I..." Zassar opened wide his deep-set eyes and unconsciously looked over to the nervous Yilas. She avoided making eye contact with the man, seeing her reaction, Mohsen glared at Zassar, scaring him to shiver. "No, Ma'am, it was just that general Mohsen is here and I needed to see him."

"Since when does your business need you to consult with other generals?" Mame raised just one of her eyebrows, looking down at the big man-child shivering in fear in front of her.

"It-It was just personal matter, nothing more Ma'am." Zassar tugged his head low, hiding his face from the fierce judgment of Mame.

"Alright, I won't dig any further." Mame rolled her eyes knowing way too well the man-child was lying. However, he wasn't called here to be interrogated, they had better get back to the main problem. "But I didn't summon you for the that, I actually wanted to ask if you are still in search of a spouse?"

Zassar head instantly lifted, his brows furrowed and his mouth gapped, wondering why his Master brought up such matter.

Though his thought didn't last long, a dark depressing presence soon projected its killing intent toward him, giving Zassar a cold chill in the middle of the day. Almost in no time, Zassar could identify where it was coming from.

As if the starring wasn't enough, Mohsen started to grunt at the back of his throat, letting a low grumbling sound escaped.

Yilas jumped when she heard the noise but she held Mohsen by the hand and shook her head, trying to get him to cease the threatening.

"HHfffffttt...." Like a sulky child being told off, Mohsen breathed out intensely through his nose and looked away, if he were to keep seeing the horse beast-man, he would lose all his chill and just rip the horse apart in a blind rage.

"Madam... I-I..." Zassar wanted to answer but seeing the aggressive Mohsen, he hesitated.

"Don't worry, in this room, only I can be your judge!" Mame reassured the horse-man safety, she made sure to say it loud and clear for the spoiled child moping in the back.

"My-My family still hasn't found a suitable subject, Ma'am!" Zassar mumbled quietly as if he was afraid that someone else besides himself could hear it.

"Good! Good!" Mame praised his honesty and bravery. "How about I assign you a spouse? Wouldn't your family like that?"

Zassar couldn't believe his ears, he stared at his master with his eyes opened wider than before for a few seconds but then immediately placing his head on the ground, bowing his entire body in front of Mame.

"I-I don't deserve the honor, my Master..."

In the court, only the highest, most successful young general would have the blessing to be appointed a spouse by the Headmaster. It was like a gift of having offsprings and continuing the bloodline, showing the greatest acknowledgment for not only the general but for his family also. Mame had never given their blessing to another general, only Bryok had, and it was only reserved for his right-hand soldiers.

At first, Zassar was extremely ecstatic about the news. However, as time passed by and thoughts after thoughts chased through his head, something didn't add up to him.

Considering how Zassar had never worked directly under Mame's command even though she was the Headmaster of the city and how his family's presence in the court had slowly died down in recent years, it was beyond strange for Mame to give him such an honorable gift. Plus, Mohsen, her alleged 'successor' was sitting right here in the room but she didn't seem to bother considering him. The more Zassar thought about it, the more he got scared. 'Something smell fishy' he told himself.

"B-but master, may I ask, to whom this blessing am I sharing with?"

"Hmmm... You have met Yilas, right? What do you think of her?" Mame glanced her eyes over to Yilas, who was trying to cover herself with her shoulders.

Mohsen hand squeezed tightly into balls of fists, his face looked even redder than a tomato, looking like he was about to have an outburst with all the anger.