
That night Viosus had a terrible nightmare. In the scary dream, he found himself seeing through Yilas's eyes, she was running somewhere in great urgency to the point where the sole of her bare feet was bleeding painfully. Leaving on the ground heart-breaking thin red trails of blood. Her body exhausted and her vision spinner, her breathing was like that of a dying fish, gasping for air every chance that it got.

Yilas seemed to be finally caught up to the thing she was chasing, a white small rabbit covered it's fur in blood, trapped in a complicated net that imprison its body to a big tree. Yilas without hesitation flung her body toward the poor creature and she started screaming in pain. Viosus couldn't hear what she was saying but he could feel the pain in her every pore, the heartbreaking desperation drenched the air around her. She screamed and screamed desperately but nothing seemed to help the half-dead animal.

Yilas untiringly tried to untie the blood-soaked animal, it laid lifelessly as if the beast-god had taken its soul far away. Yilas tore and pulled and yanked the net with all her might but it didn't budge, she had pulled so hard that her tiny white hands had turned pink, droplets of blood as big as a pearl dropped down to the ground below her.

Viosus watched the woman he love in great despair but he couldn't do anything, he called her name but nothing would come out. He could only silently watched her through the tears running down his face.

Yilas was too focus on freeing the deformed creature that she had failed to watch her surrounding. Viosus who was watching her through his dream saw a dark shadow from behind, he yelled as loud as he could, trying to get her to watch out but it was too late. In one swoop, the shadow had gripped itself around Yilas, swallowing her whole in one gulp.


Viosus woke up screaming and covered in sweat and tears and was panting. His heart still beat fast as the dream he experienced was too real. He was convinced that it was what Yilas was experiencing as if their soul were connected by the beast-god and they wanted to show him that Yilas was in danger.

But just as the dream came, it went just as quickly without a trace. Slowly, Viosus's consciousness had regained itself and wiped away clean the details he had seen about the surrounding. The only thing he could remember was that dread and fear instilled within him.

It was just enough reasoning for him to jumped out of his bed, grabbed his things. Viosus knew he had to get to Yilas immediately.

"What's wrong with you?" Sabal called out to Viosus in a low and hoarse voice, though sitting to watch Viosus gathered his stuff, he yawned lazily.

"I had a vision about Yilas." Viosus hands still diligently placing items neatly next to one another. His thoughts were all over the place so it was hard to answer Sabal and packed at the same time.

"Wait a minute... How can you see her just now? It must have been a dream..." Viosus dropped whatever he was doing and froze. He wondered how he could have seen those things and starting to question himself whether it was real or it was just his imagination.

Sabal walked closer and patted Viosus in the back, he sighed and shook his head.

"Did that Boar get into your head? Working up ourselves for such scum isn't worth it. You should learn to not believe in every word they said." Surviving against all the discrimination and hatred wasn't an easy thing, Sabal could only imagine what it might have been for someone that was mentally weaker than him.

"Leaving now would only make things worst." Sabal continued. Viosus started to doubt himself, like any other dream, the image had started to fade in his mind. Though those terrifying feelings still lingered, it felt too real for him to deny it ever happened.

"It was real, I felt her. She's calling for my help." Viosus sounded honestly concerned. Sabal knew they had a much deeper connection than what he had with Yilas but to justify a dream or an intuition was an impossible act. Viosus continued his packing and said, "If she had shown up in your dream, you would have been packing too."

Through the slit open of the door, a single ray of moonlight focused directly on Viosus's face. His hair twinkled like the stars but his eyes were filled with tears. They were as green as the color of his emerald eyes.