The night before

Viosus swallowed a ball of fire, it burned from his tongue to his stomach, the bitter-sweet, spicy taste filled his tastebuds. Trying to keep himself from coughing, Viosus eyes started to turn red. Though wasn't looking, Porsogon knew Viosus didn't know how to drink these juices at all.

"Don't force yourself..." Porsogon poured both cups once again, there were so many matters on his mind that he had to use these drinks to silence the thoughts. "About the thing I said..."

Though ended peacefully, their exchange from many days before had definitely put them in an awkward position. Both Viosus and Porsogon had been ignoring each other since then.

"I'm serious about it... to become your forged brother..." Porsogon said it in his cold tone, it was a statement and he didn't seem one bit nervous or questioning his legitimacy. "And I would like a have your blessings."

"No, never!" Viosus answered coldly, the more the Boar talked, the angrier he felt. His heart was beating out of control due to the effects of alcohol on his body but Viosus didn't know that, he just felt the adrenaline pumping up to his head.

"I am being respectful to you by asking for your blessings but you know, you couldn't refuse me, right?"

More than anyone, Viosus understood what was on the line. The plan they been prepared for so long was finally becoming reality within matters of hours but it could all be called off by a word coming from this beast-man. Viosus grew angrier, the Boar was threatening him. Biting his lips to the point it gushed out blood, Viosus glared at Porsogon with blood-shot eyes.

"It's not my place to answer your question..." Viosus grunted every word, his teeth were grinding against one another so hard one could hear it loud and clear.

"Oh, I think it is..." Porsogon poured another drink for himself, his demeanor didn't seem to be affected by what was in front of him at all "Though you are only a spouse because you grew up with her and capabilities wise you aren't the strongest around. Even so, she trusted you the most so all I could ask for is for you to step aside and let her fall in love with me."

Porsogon's words slapped Viosus across the face, smeared his dignity to the ground, and stepped on it without mercy. The fox man's face darkened as he bowed his head, his palms rolled into fists.

"But maybe, she wouldn't even question me if both you and the snake disappeared..."


Viosus slammed his hand on the table, interrupting Porsogon's speech with the loud sound.


The solid stone table under his palm had started to crack. Their trust in one another was like this piece of furniture, one it had been damaged, nothing could have saved it. And to Viosus, there was no going back, he should have trusted his gut instinct from the beginning.

When Viosus slowly lifted his face, Porsogon greeted him wearing a calm smile on his face, he knew he had let the man gotten into his head. 'How stupid am I?' Viosus cursed himself.

The Boar stood up, elegantly, and gently placed his hand on Viosus's shoulder when he passed.

"It's her decision but I hope we can see eye to eye one day." The man whispered before walking away completely, disappeared just as quickly as he came, leaving Viosus shaking in anger.

Gleaming in the dark like two blood-shot rubies, Sabal had heard enough to make his blood boil. No matter how well he had concealed his presence when Porsogon walk passed him, the Boar stopped his steps quickly and called out into the thin dark air.

"You know too well you don't have a place around us, she only kept you around because she felt sorry for you."

With that, Porsogon returned to his path while Sabal started to laugh hysterically. How childish a man could be thinking only with that could shake Sabal's ground. Those were facts that were nothing new to the snake man. He knew better than anybody Yilas didn't have any feelings for him but it didn't bother him since he liked her and he was willing to wait. But he also knew, Yilas was very intuitive, she would see through that devilish man in one glance.

So he laughed and laughed, the Boar might have the last word today but it would only make his downfall that much more painful when he think he was always in the right.