Death is the only revenge

Thunder roared across the deep purple sky. Though it was high noon, the clouds had covered as far as eyes could see, leaving no trails of sunshine. No matter how strange the weather had changed in a matter of seconds, the assassin troops hid deep in the tree branches still silently watch Yilas's every movement, waiting for the chance to strike.

The girl screamed and whaled, and finally collapsed on the ground, covering the dead beast's body within her chest. Three troops on one branch nodded, giving the signal to attack to all seven of them.

"YAAAAAAhhhhh!" All seven beasts suddenly screamed while jumping off from the high tree. Since it was only a female alone, they hadn't turned into their animal forms. Seven beasts men were more than enough to detain a young female.

Seconds went by but it had felt like minutes since they jumped off the trees, only the commander of this troop noticed something strange. The female though heard them loud and clear, didn't move at all, she still had her back against them. The closer they got to her, the heavier gravity felt. As if there was an invisible force, stopping time from moving quickly, stop them from ever landing on the ground. The squat's leader had realized something terribly wrong with this female, they had been fooled, this must be a trap.

'I must tell them to fall back.' The troop's leader thought in his head before he could open his mouth but the lightning above had moved faster him.

In a split of the second, without a warning, exactly seven lightning bolds stroke from the deep sky, precisely hitting each and every one of the assassination squads. Leaving them fell like burnt flies, dropping dead on the ground without ever uttering another word.

There was endless ringing sound over Yilas's head, she couldn't process any emotions or thoughts besides anger, she couldn't even hear the thunder or the people screaming around her. Once Yilas lifted her head, her face, and hair were covered in the beast's blood, with the bloodshot left eye, she looked nothing like a sane person. If one were to look into her eyes, there had only been hell-fire left.

Not long after realizing the circle of a thunderstorm had gathered in only one spot above the forest, the big old Bryok knew immediately that the female must have been there.

"Command the beasts to go toward the storm!" Bryok gave his order to his commander, leading the hoard of over 50 beasts into the forest.


Not long after, Bryok's soldiers had found the body of the assassin beasts, all of them were roasted meat by the time they found them.

"Stay on alert! The beast must still be close!" The commander screamed to warn his beasts right after checking the pulse of the dead body. The storm cloud never moved from this one spot so he could sense something was wrong. The hair on the back of his neck kept rising up was another sure sign of danger.

"Spread out and search!" Bryok's voice echoed loudly, it traveled well over to everyone around, putting pressure on not only his troops but also Yilas, who was hiding behind a tree nearby.

'I must look for when he is vulnerable to strike, the more they gather around him, the harder it is for me to land a blow.' Yilas thought to herself as she saw the troops spread out following Bryok's order. It was working to her advantage this time.

Since Yilas had learned to conceal her presence, it was hard for normal hunter beasts to locate her. Yilas grabbed a palm-size rock from the ground and used a bit of energy to throw the rock as far as she could in one direction.

"There! There! I heard something over there!" One soldier after another started to notice the movement and ran over to the direction of the rock, pulling most of the force behind their trail.

'Now is my chance!' Yilas told herself as she watched more and more soldiers ran toward the direction she threw the rock, leaving behind only a handful of guards to protect Bryok. 'Focus! Focus! You only have one shot!' Yilas reminded herself of her slim chance of assassinating the head of the Goat's clan.

Yilas stepped out of her hiding spot and stood strong with legs shoulders apart. She held her right arm straight and her left arm holding the right's elbow, supporting the force about to emit. Yilas imagined a stream of energy as long as an arrow, as if her arm was that arrow. Visualization of modernized weapons was the only key thing that helped her control the flow of energy. It was what she was taught to her by Mohsen, who was now no longer able to teach her anything else.

The anger build up Yilas's energy quickly, in a blink of an eye, an arrow glowed as if it was made of lightning appeared to emerge from Yilas's palm, shooting at the speed of faster than the eyes can see.

Yilas had aimed perfectly at the beast-man standing tall, wasn't looking her way. As soon as she released it, there was no doubt in her mind that it would hit the target.