
Meeting Yuseo // Conan

Sulbi and I decided to meet at the cafe to meet Grandma Yuseo. It's the first time she's been allowed to go out of the hospital. The doctors advised that if she only has a month left, she might as well spend it doing what she wants. Plus, it's always been hard to deny Grandma Yuseo's requests.

I pick up my Grandma Yuseo and she looks different.. Much more jaded, aged, and frail--yet beautiful. She's wearing a flower print dress with a cardigan hung over her shoulders. You can see the bones of her frame more vividly. She has bright red lipstick and drew her eyebrows on. "Omo, my Conan. Thank you for picking grandma up. I can't drive anymore. I'm so excited to see Sulbi-ya. She's a really good girl. You know, I've known her for over 2 years. The BEST worker at my favorite cafe," Grandma Yuseo says.

"Yeah, she's nice. I've met up with her and we see each other at school. We have a lot more in common than I thought," I said back smiling, eager to please her. We drive to the cafe and from the outside, it's just a small brick building that says, "Cafe Soul." We arrive inside and Sulbi immediately takes off her barista apron and greets us.

"Hi Yuseo!!! Hi Conan. Thank you for coming. I'm SO happy to see you again Yuseo. It's been so long," she said excitedly. Her tone is completely different. Not shy--really confident and comfortable.

I look around and the interior of the place is much different than the outside. The place has white walls with leafy green accents. There's a bookshelf with kids books but no kids around. The main demographic of the place looks like older immigrants. The smell is a light caramel.

Sulbi leads us to the small circular table next to the window and beside the bookshelf. She hands Grandma Yuseo a book from the bookshelf. "Look, I got a new book for you. It's called, 'Project Mulberry.' The writer is actually Korean too. You would love this book."

Grandma Yuseo's lips grinned widely, "O mo... Thank you Sulbi-ya... I miss reading books and practicing English with you. Thank you." They hug and I see Sulbi's eyes behind her glasses water up and her jaw clench from fighting the tears. Grandma Yuseo looked so happy.

We ordered drinks and talked about school, family, Korea. Then Grandma Yuseo stops, and her face turns serious. "Conan... Sulbi... I'm so proud of you two. You two have finally met and now you are dating. Conan... I see Sulbi as my own granddaughter. She is a beautiful woman with a kind heart. I want you to be there for her. And Sulbi, you know how I feel about Conan already. He is my only grandson and he still has a lot to learn. But let your patience and buul [(fire in Korean)] guide him." Then she wipes her eyes with her hanker chief. We all hug, or rather huddle around the small table. There's a calming yet sad understanding about this hug and gathering. Why do I feel like this is going to be the last time Grandma Yuseo, Sulbi, and I will be together?

Then my umma (mom in Korean) comes to pick up Grandma Yuseo. Sulbi and I are left at the cafe. It's almost closing hours, so we leave outside and I walk her to her car. I take a deep breath and look out into the sky. It's getting dark. I tilt my head up and I see a small, wimpy cloud in the gray sky. It reminds me of my grandma's frail body. But it also reminds me of myself. Tears start welling up and I look downward, trying to hide the tears.

Sulbi notices and walks toward me and just puts my head in her shoulder to cry on. She holds me as I weep like a little kid again.