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Shen Qinglan knelt in silence regardless of what Grandpa Shen said, her eyes firm and unmoving.

Grandpa Shen looked at his stubborn granddaughter, feeling angry and anguished. He could guess the reason for her to do that; and precisely because he knew about it, he could not agree to it.

He could not allow Shen Qinglan to sacrifice her lifetime of happiness in order to make her grandmother feel at ease when she were to pass. Fu Hengyi was certainly a good man. If Shen Qinglan and Fu Hengyi got married because they loved each other, not only would he not object, he would even fully support them. But, surely, not like that.

Shen Junyu walked in and came across the scene: Grandpa Shen was sitting on his bed, apparently furious, while his sister was kneeling on the floor like a statue.

"Grandpa, what happened?" Shen Junyu questioned in shock. He thought Shen Qinglan had done something wrong, which had angered his grandfather.

Neither of them spoke.

"Grandpa, Lan Lan's still young. If she has done anything that displeases you, don't take it out on her. The floor is so hard, it'll injure the knees the longer she stays that way. Let her get up first, alright?"

Shen Junyu did not know what had happened, but he assumed that Shen Qinglan must have done something—Grandpa Shen could not possibly treat her that way.

"Did I forbid her to get up? She is the one who refuses to do it," Grandpa Shen finally spoke, sounding utterly discomfited.

"Lan Lan, apologize to Grandpa."

Shen Qinglan did not move. No one could change her mind once she made a decision.

"Shen Qinglan, you have made up your mind, haven't you?" Grandpa Shen spoke harshly as he glared at Shen Qinglan. How he wished to beat her up so that she would come to her senses! But he could not bear to do it.

"Yes," Shen Qinglan said without hesitation.

"Alright, then you shall keep kneeling for however long you are willing to."

"Grandpa," Shen Junyu uttered.

"Get out," Grandpa Shen glared at his grandson as he pointed at the door.

Shen Junyu peered at Shen Qinglan still kneeling on the floor. "Grandpa, whatever mistake she has made, she's still just a young girl. With Grandma back in the hospital, you—"

"Get out!" Grandpa Shen bellowed.

Unable to do anything, Shen Junyu exited the room. The whole family was at the hospital at that time, so he could not get anyone else to help. The main thing was that he had no idea what was going on in there.

Shen Qinglan stayed on her knees throughout, and Grandpa Shen did not even sleep a wink. His favorite granddaughter was kneeling there, begging him to bless her marriage to a man she did not even like. How could he sleep with that knowledge?

Dawn came. The sun rose higher and higher until noon approached. She had promised to meet Fu Hengyi in front of the Bureau of Civil Affairs at twelve o'clock.

Shen Qinglan could not help feeling anxious, but did not show it on her face. After a night of kneeling, her knees had gotten numb.

"You've hardened your resolve, haven't you?" Grandpa Shen's anger was inconsolable.

"Please fulfill my wish, Grandpa."

Grandpa Shen put his hands on his hands and paced around the room, panting. A long while later, he tossed a dark red booklet in front of Shen Qinglan and said, "Take it."

Shen Qinglan picked up the booklet, and then kowtowed toward Grandpa Shen. Shen Qinglan was a proud woman. For as long as she lived she had yet to kowtow to anyone before.

That was her first time, and it was done willingly, because she had broken the heart of the old man who truly loved her.

"Shen Qinglan, this is your decision. Don't come to me when you regret it later."

"Thank you, Grandpa."

Grandpa Shen closed his eyes, unwilling to look at the person on the floor. Weakly, he waved his hand.

Shen Qinglan stood up. As soon as she moved, a sharp pain jolted from her knee. She fell to the ground and tried to ease it.

Grandpa Shen clearly saw it. He wanted to help her up, but instead he turned his back on her.

Shen Qinglan waited for the pain to subside before slowly standing up again. She headed for the door, practically dragging herself there, but she kept her back straight.

Grandpa Shen watched his granddaughter leave, and sighed deeply.


Fu Hengyi was in front of the Bureau of Civil Affairs waiting for Shen Qinglan when she arrived.

"It's not too late to turn back," he said flatly, his eyes fixed on her face.

"Let's go."

Shen Qinglan went in first.

Fu Hengyi followed her.

By the time they came out, they were holding another two red booklets in their hands.

Shen Qinglan walked behind Fu Hengyi. Neither of them spoke.

"Get in," he opened the car door.

She got in, not asking where he was bringing her.

The car stopped at the capital's No.1 Hospital. Fu Hengyi got out of the car. Shen Qinglan still walked behind him.

It was not until they reached the seventh floor and the elevator opened its doors, that Fu Hengyi stepped forward and took Shen Qinglan's hand.

She struggled.

"If you don't want your family to worry, you should cooperate," Fu Hengyi leaned over and whispered in her ear.

She stopped struggling and allowed him to take her to Grandma Shen's ward.

In the ward, other than the Shen family, Grandpa Fu was there too. They were all surprised to see the two walk in hand in hand.

The most surprised one was Shen Xitong, still in her wheelchair. Her face paled as she took note of their hands held together. Her hands on the armrests turned white.

Fu Hengyi, with Shen Qinglan in hand, walked up to Grandma Shen on the sickbed, "I'm sorry for being late, Grandma."

Grandma Shen looked at them and seemed to understand what was going on. She turned to Grandpa Shen, who nodded with a grin.

Grandma Shen relaxed and waved at Fu Hengyi. He approached her. "Are you in a relationship with Lan Lan?" She asked.

Fu Hengyi nodded, "Yes, Grandma. To be honest, we got married this morning and received our certificate," he said in a gentle tone.

Even though Grandma Shen was mentally prepared for this, she was taken aback too. Her eyes grew stern as she looked at him, then she turned to everyone else, "Please leave. I'd like to speak to Hengyi alone."

"Grandma," Shen Qinglan uttered.

Grandma Shen grinned, "I'm just having a few words with Hengyi. Nothing harsh. Please leave."

They exited the room one after another.

Only Grandma Shen and Fu Hengyi were left in the ward.


In the corridor, Shen Qian looked at Shen Qinglan and asked, "Qinglan, what the hell is going on? When did you start dating Hengyi?"

"It's been a while. We met when he came back on a break last time, and then we contacted each other several time after that. The feeling's mutual, so we tried it. After some time we felt that we are compatible with each other. And Hengyi's not getting any younger, so we decided to get married," Shen Qinglan briefly explained.

Grandpa Fu and Grandpa Shen, who both knew the truth, twitched the corners of their lips unknowingly.

"Nonsense," Shen Xitong rudely interrupted. "You're lying. You haven't known Hengyi for more than three months, and you've seen him even fewer times! There's no relationship!" Her lips trembled as she spoke, obviously in disbelief that the two had gotten married.