You Still Have Me

Shen Qian's face sank. "Qinglan, is what Xitong said true?"

Shen Qinglan's eyes were fixed closely on Shen Xitong, "There is one thing called 'falling in love at first sight.' If it has not happened to you, it doesn't mean that it can't happen to others."

Hands shaking, Shen Xitong pointed at Shen Qinglan, intending to say something more, but was interrupted by Grandpa Shen. "Well, I agree with this. I was also the one who gave the permanent residential booklet to Lan Lan. If you have anything to say, just confront me."

Grandpa Shen looked stern, his eyes sweeping across everyone, fixing on Chu Yunrong and Shen Xitong for a particularly longer while. 

It finally occurred to Shen Junyu why Shen Qinglan had knelt on the ground the night before. His sight fell on Shen Qinglan, eyes deep and dark.

The moment Grandpa Shen had spoken, those who had intended to say something had all shut up.

Chu Yunrong looked with great sympathy at Shen Xitong who, pale with blank eyes, was obviously deeply hurt. It made Chu Yunrong feel somewhat annoyed at the sight of Shen Qinglan.

Of course, Chu Yunrong knew that Shen Xitong liked Fu Hengyi and she was also satisfied with that. But now Shen Qinglan had come between them and stolen Fu Hengyi. After all, Shen Qinglan was her own daughter—she couldn't ask her to divorce anyway. She simply felt that Shen Qinglan once again posed a tricky problem for her.

Fu Hengyi soon came out of the ward, looking calm and peaceful. No one could judge from his expression what Grandma Shen had said to him.

Then, Shen Qian was called in, but he came out very quickly. When leaving the room, he cast a deep look at Shen Qinglan. His eyes were red, full of sorrow.

"Mom said she wanted to see dad and Qinglan."

Hearing this, Grandpa Shen and Shen Qinglan went into the ward. Shen Xitong, however, turned to look at Fu Hengyi, eyes filled with sad tears, looking quite pitiful. 

It was quite obvious, however, that Fu Hengyi's sight did not fall on her at all. He just looked at the closed door of the ward—as if through that door he could see the lonely girl inside.

Silence reigned in the corridor of the ward. Shen Qian and Chu Yunrong looked painfully sad because they knew that there was a great possibility that Grandma Shen would not pull through this time.

In the ward, Grandma Shen held her granddaughter's hand and looked at her lovingly, "Lan Lan, you've found a good husband. I can really rest assured this time."

Shen Qinglan slightly raised her lips, "I believe in grandma's vision. Since you say it is good, it must be."

"It's just a pity that I can't see our Lan Lan's wedding. Our Lan Lan will be the most beautiful and happiest bride in the world."

"Grandma, don't talk nonsense. You will be better and see me walk into the auditorium in person."

Grandma Shen lifted her hand, intending to touch Shen Qinglan's face, but dropped her hand halfway due to lack of strength. Shen Qinglan hurriedly grabbed her hand and pressed her face close to it. The rough and warm touch pierced deep into Shen Qinglan. Her eyes turned red, and the tears that she had not shed since she was five years old burst out uncontrollably in an instant.

Grandma Shen felt the moisture on the palm of her hand, eyes also turning red. She was indeed reluctant to part with her granddaughter. She then turned to look at Grandpa Shen, with some kind of earnest request.

Grandpa Shen looked at his wife and nodded solemnly.

"Lan Lan, be happy in this life. You know—don't keep what you want to say in your heart. Just speak out. Henceforth Hengyi will be your closest family member. You will live happily with him for a lifetime..." Grandma Shen told her carefully.

Shen Qinglan nodded with a smile.

"Old man." Grandma Shen reached out to Grandpa Shen, who then held his wife's hand.

"I'm here."

"I'm sorry, old man. I have promised you to accompany you all my life and spend every minute with you but I still broke my promise."

Grandpa Shen said in a shivering voice, "Since you know it, you must make it up for me in the next life. How about that?"

Grandma Shen smiled, "You old greedy. You have already had me in your company for this whole life—you even want to keep me in the next?"

"Just say yes or no."

Grandma Shen looked at him with warmth, "Okay, I promise. You must remember to find me earlier in your next life. Don't let me wait too long."

Grandpa Shen looked nice and warm as he stared at his wife, smiling lovingly, "Okay, deal."

"Old man, I'm leaving first. We had planned to have trips together, but we didn't make it. Now I can't walk anymore. Remember to have a trip around for me and tell me if it's beautiful."

"No problem." Grandpa Shen held his wife's hands tightly.

Grandma Shen's eyes then fell on Shen Qinglan, whose tears kept falling, "Lan Lan, don't cry. Grandma is just tired and wants to have a good sleep."

Shen Qinglan nodded casually. For the first time, she clearly knew what heartbreak felt like.

Grandma Shen's look lingered on Grandpa Shen and Shen Qinglan. Her eyes gradually closed. 

Turbid tears fell from Grandpa Shen's eyes. He looked at his wife's peaceful face and his straight back bent instantly, as if he had aged a decade in the blink of an eye.

Shen Qinglan moved her lips slightly. Tears had already blurred her vision.

Not long after, cries echoed in the ward—Chu Yunrong's, Shen Xitong's, Shen Qian's...

Grandma Shen's bedside was crowded with people. Squeezed into the corner, Shen Qinglan sat on the ground, at a loss, unaware of everything around her.

Fu Hengyi's heart ached all of a sudden. He pulled Shen Qinglan up from the ground, holding her in his arms.


After coming back from the hospital, Shen Qinglan locked herself in the room. No matter who knocked on the door, there was no response from inside.

Three days and nights had passed. While the whole family was busy arranging Grandma Shen's funeral, Shen Qinglan's refusal to eat or drink also made Shen Qian and Shen Junyu, father and son, worried and anxious.

"Qinglan, open the door, it's dad." Shen Qian came to knock on the door again, a tray with a bowl of porridge in his hands. At Shen Qinglan's bedroom door still lay untouched food—she hadn't had anything for three days and nights.

The whole family hadn't expected the one suffering the most from Grandma Shen's death to be not Grandpa Shen, but Shen Qinglan.

Grandpa Shen came up from downstairs, followed by Fu Hengyi. Fu Hengyi had also been busy here and there those days. Although they had had no wedding ceremony, he and Shen Qinglan had received their marriage certificate and he was the rightful son-in-law of the Shen family—nobody doubted his presence there anyway.

Grandpa Shen looked at Shen Qian and then at the closed door, sighing deeply.


Grandpa Shen waved his hand and took a look at Fu Hengyi.

Fu Hengyi nodded and forced the door open with the key in his hand. However, before they could clearly see what was going on inside, the door closed again.

The room was dark, and Fu Hengyi didn't turn on the light. After his eyes had fully adapted to the darkness, he found Shen Qinglan sitting on the floor, hugging her knees.

She seemed to be at a loss: her eyes were blank and she looked colder than usual. 

Fu Hengyi stepped forward, gently hugging her in his arms.

"You still have me."