About two weeks later I was still very overcome with grief. Jake and Steve were very sad too but they tried to put on happy faces to cheer me up. I walked into the bathroom this morning when I woke up and felt this wave of nausea. I ran to the garbage can that was in the tiny two bedroom apartment the three of us lived in. I puked a lot. The next week went like this every morning I would have morning sickness. I started having weird craving too, like jellybeans and I do not like jellybeans. I knew I wasn't pregnant, I am 1/3 vampire after all. Vampires are dead and are not sterile and they can not reproduce at all. So I must just be sick or something. One day, however Jake walked in while I was throwing up, "you should take a pregnancy test or have Steve do one of those pregnancy test spells he knows how to do" "no way! I'm not pregnant, I'm a vampire, and vampires aren't sterile. I'm just sick" 'at least try, for meee?" he pleaded. "Fine!" I yelled.