I went to the local pharmacy and bought the test, and when I came back I took it to get Jake off my back. I looked at the results and… it was positive. I immediately took another one because I could not believe it but that one was positive too, I took the other six that were in the box and they were all positive. I fell on the ground and started bawling again, for several different reasons. I would get to be a mom after all. I was pregnant with my dead fiance's child. I did not know how I would be able to raise them, and I contemplated if I would even be a good mother at all. Jake must have heard my cries, because he came into the room and asked "what's wrong?!" I couldn't speak. I was so shocked, so I just pointed to all the tests on the floor. He knelt down to look closer and his jaw just dropped. Then a smile spread across his face. "I'M GOING TO BE AN UNCLE!!!!!!!"then Steve walked in and started yelling "WERE GONNA BE UNCLES!!!" "WERE GONNA BE UNCLES!!!" they both yelled "yes you are" I told them.