CH. 475: Thanatos

Lilith had taken residence in the flying castle after her trip to the beach. She remained holed up in her room, reading and drinking like a queen.

Today, she was sleeping when she felt the repulsive aura of a grim reaper in the castle. When she was weak, these stinky scythe wielders had trailed her through the mortal world. They were hellbent on bringing her to their master to experiment with the truth of some book named after her.

Her lips curled in a smirk. She was stronger than before, and she had the backing of the strongest man in the universe. How could she not take advantage of this situation to have some fun revenge?

She spread her devil wings and flew out of her room. She found the grim reaper having a staring contest with Grayfia. The grim reaper was wearing an exquisite cloak, surrounded in a tremendous aura, far surpassing those vermin who chased her before.

"Hey, Grim Reaper bastard."

Thanatos glanced at Lilith. The aura he felt from her neared the level of gods. Her features looked similar to the woman Nyx was after.


"Nice guess." Lilith gave an elegant laugh. "And your reward is..."

Lilith snapped her finger. A surge of demonic energy filled the air before condensing into black orbs that crackled. She narrowed her eyes and pointed a finger at Thanatos.


The orbs streaked past Grayfia. A scythe appeared in Thanatos' hand and he cleaved Lilith's orbs. The demonic energy clung to his scythe, devouring its aura.

"Oh, a great weapon." Lilith hadn't expected Thanatos to counter her attack so easily. "Can it hold forever? Shall we put it to a test?"

Thanatos raised his scythe, the black blade glowing with a dark aura. "Come with me or I'll have to force you."

His aura amplified as he tried to intimidate Lilith. Then a wave of aura crashed into him. Thanatos was flattened to the ground with a crater formed around him. It was like the heavens gave a divine retribution for his unjust actions. Thanatos lost consciousness under the immense pressure. Had the aura lasted a second longer, Thanatos would have undoubtedly perished.

"Great Red?" Lilith said, awed by the sheer terror of Great Red's dragon aura. To think her man defeated such a monstrosity on his own.

Grayfia couldn't help but chuckle as she saw the look of admiration in Lilith's eyes. "Lilith, you want to meet her? She is with Asahi at the moment."

Lilith raised a brow. 'Asahi conquered Great Red? And people called Lucifer the Devil…'

In reality, Asahi deserved the title for seducing so many women. She was included in the list too since she fell for his sweet words.

Grayfia couldn't possibly know Lilith was misunderstanding Ruby's relationship with Asahi. All she desired was the end of the gods' drama so she could focus on the upcoming marriage.

Lilith patted Grayfia's shoulder to take her out of her distracting thoughts. "I'll meet her later. What should we do about this man?"

"Let's toss him in the prison," said Aimi who returned from Asahi's room empty-handed. Seeing Thanatos in this state was not even a surprise for her. "I am glad this shit is over."

"I share those feelings," Grayfia said with a sigh. "Lilith, do you want to kill this grim reaper? He isn't the same one who chased you. I still think it's appropriate for you to decide his fate."

"I really appreciate your consideration for my thoughts but I'll leave the decision to His Imperial Majesty. I'm content with no Hades to chase my ass all day."

She didn't have any hatred for this grim reaper. The ones she wanted were those pesky Hades' subordinates.

"You don't have to worry about Hades. My Lord killed him… brutally."

"He took revenge for me. A man of his word." Lilith smiled fondly as she looked back to Asahi's promise about Hades. "By the way, Grayfia, I'm going to meet Yasaka. Please convey it to His Imperial Majesty."

Lilith didn't wait for any response as the magic circle under her feet absorbed her, directly teleporting to Kyoto.

Grayfia looked at Asahi's most loyal woman. "It's us two now."

"It seems like it," Aimi replied, glancing at her watch. "I'll return by the morning to check up on the rookies."

Hurried footsteps approached from behind as Shizuka arrived and stared at the grim reaper stuck in the crater. "I missed the action again."

Grayfia sighed. "Cleaning this will be a nightmare."

The crater would have been multiple times bigger if Asahi used normal materials in the floating castle's construction. The rocks forged from Asahi's elemental form were the peak of any earthly material without any specific enchantments.

Aimi grabbed Thanatos' cloak and dragged him across like a corpse, taking him to the aforementioned dungeon-cum-prison.

Shizuka squatted and touched the broken floor. "I'll do it for you."

"That's not—"

'A person' was what Grayfia wanted to say but the divine glow from Shizuka's hands enveloped the ground. The debris flew back into the crater and repaired itself.

Shizuka looked over her shoulder with a gentle smile. "Klyscha's powers are too broken."

'No, you are the broken one! How do you apply healing magic to non living things? How does it even work?'

(She visualized the ground as Asahi… and the rest is history. She has been training recently to become Asahi's exclusive healer.)

'She is essentially unkillable as long as her opponent isn't someone like Great Red.'


Shizuka cluelessly tilted her head. "Grayfia?"

"No, it's nothing." Grayfia forced a smile. "Everyone has been training hard recently. I also need to raise my skills or I'll be left behind."

If she wasn't pregnant, she'd have taken some race changing potion to improve her potential. Her base stats kept improving every day through level ups but she had hit a bottleneck in the overall output of her demonic power. If she exerted herself, she was just as if not stronger than the Sirzechs of this era. But she wanted more.

'I'll ask My Lord to summon that Vepar Diva.'

The collection of new ice magic spells would become a new power in her arsenal.

Shizuka rubbed her back. "Do it in moderation."

Grayfia looked down at her belly and sighed. "I know."

The baby just couldn't come faster. How else was she supposed to resume her maid duties?


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