CH. 476: Spoiling the Maid

Asahi found the Red Dragon Emperor in slumber. Her giant body had numerous broken scales, testament of destructive power Yuriko's new race carried.

"She doesn't have a scrap of energy after the ordeal," Klyscha said as she gazed at the exhausted Ddraig. "I'll let her rest for a while."

Asahi nodded and looked around. Klyscha's small room was expanded into a giant open space to accommodate Ddraig's figure and give Yuriko space to maneuver with her wings. It was basically Yuriko's training ground to beat up Ddraig.

"Man, this room feels strange."

"I do agree, my love… I miss the intimate energy we had in our small room." Klyscha gave a soft smile. "I'll let Ddraig enjoy some rest. She earned it."

"That she did."

Asahi felt Ruby's aura fluctuate before it rose like a tide. "I'll go check that."

"Uhmm…" Klyscha showed reluctance as if she didn't want him to leave just yet.

Asahi smiled and ruffled her hair. "Alright, I'll stay for a while."

If she was hesitant, then the matter with Ruby wasn't important enough to warrant their attention. Heck, she would urge him to leave if the castle was in danger. He could read Klyscha like a book.

Klyscha teleported them to their room where they spent nearly an hour cuddling and reading some manga. Klyscha had an endless supply of manga from all the world she watched over, so they never actually got bored.

Asahi woke up to Grayfia's gentle gaze. "My Lord, Ruby departed some minutes ago. She said something about finding a flawless figure to captivate your heart."

"What a silly girl." Asahi knew Ruby took his jokes seriously, and now wanted to prove something. "Seeing me lonely, my maid decided to accompany me?"

"I did…" Grayfia nodded meekly. "You can rest more if you want to. I'll wake you up if I feel sore."

Lately the girls around him had developed a habit of spoiling him whenever they were alone with him. Grayfia, especially, became more maternal after her pregnancy.

"What about dinner?"

He ate some with Alise's group earlier. Even so, he could enjoy a dinner with every girl in the castle without feeling full. After evolving to this stage, his body quickly dissolved the food into an energy source. He could technically devour infinite food, not that he had any wish to try it.

Grayfia felt the care in his words and gave a soft smile. "I had some snacks when Shizuka served Ruby. I'm not hungry."

Asahi pushed himself from her lap and gently pinched her cheeks. "You can't do that. I'll make something for you."

"My Lord will cook for me?" Grayfia laughed in amusement. "I'll patiently wait here. Please take your time and make something good."

"At your duty, Milady."

Grilling meat for fun and cooking were two completely different beasts. Still he wasn't a tad nervous when he entered the kitchen.

'Isn't cooking just mixing and matching of perfect ingredients?'

Even if he did nothing, his instincts would guide him toward the right path. Nobody could outperform him when it came to intuition.

With the power of intuition and love, he quickly whipped up a plethora of healthy dishes. Grayfia gawked as Asahi entered the room with appetizing dishes flying around him. A table came into existence, and the exquisite dishes lined up on it with flawless precision.

"Eat up, Milady."

"Are you trying to make me fat?"

She was already conscious about her belly. The abundance of food made her wish she stopped eating altogether for a few days. That way she could maintain her figure, at least for a few more weeks.

"Ahem, I'll love my wife even if you get chubby."


Asahi put on his most honest expression. "I never lie about this stuff. Klyscha knows all of my thoughts. You can ask her."

It was one of those times he wasn't fooling around.

'Goddess?' Grayfia asked, her chest fluttery. 'Tell me…'

(He isn't lying.)

Grayfia's lips twitched as she tried suppressing a smile. "I'll eat… in moderation."

Asahi couldn't help but smile wryly. "Devils have some type of body manipulation ability, don't they?"

Grayfia shook her head. "We can control our age. A complete makeover would be too godly for our kind… I don't want to use this ability with a child here."

"That will be risky." Asahi took the bowl away from Grayfia. "Just sit quietly. Let me feed you."

Grayfia obediently let him spoil her. After the dinner, Grayfia was forced to receive a lap pillow from Asahi. She wasn't used to this type of care from anyone, much less her man.

"A grim reaper came on Goddess Nyx's behalf. Lilith tried to fight it but Ruby intervened with her aura… and knocked him out."

"Oh, that's why Ruby released her aura. Where is he now?"

"Aimi took him to the prison section."

"Should have just killed him. We are already enemies with Nyx's faction."

Though not on Sirzechs's level, Thanatos was one of the top warriors of the Greek Faction. His XP should give one or two levels. After all, Nyx created Thanatos with Erebus.

"Nyx, the Primordial Goddess of Darkness… She is extremely powerful." Grayfia shuddered to fight a primordial goddess. "Don't take her lightly."

"Don't worry about them. The entire Greek can't do shit if we go all out."

"Umm…" Grayfia nodded cluelessly, mesmerized by his confidence. "I trust in you."

Asahi stroked her hair. "Of course you do."


The next day, Nyx couldn't sit still in her room. Thanatos had yet to report after delivering her message to the Underworld. She was confident in Thanatos' decision making. If he came across someone unbeatable, he'd escape using his innate teleportation skill.

"I am going to the Underworld."

Creating Thanatos took a lot of effort. She couldn't let one of her trump cards die like this.

She conveyed her intention to Erebus.

"Sister, we should give up on our plan," Erebus said as he manifested before Nyx. "Hades was the owner of that mysterious book. With him gone, we have no reason to pursue Lilith or go against the Underworld."

Erebus was frankly afraid to unintentionally offend the entity who killed Hades. He wanted to get the hell away from this unknown faction as far as possible. The more he lived, the more he cherished his life.

"What? Why are you saying that? We only just started our faction. We may have lost Hades but we can obtain more partners. We can coerce them with the fake dragons Angra Mainyu makes."

Nyx wasn't ready to let the opportunity slide.

"Sister, try to understand."

"You are the one who can't understand anything! We will get many gods' cooperation if we say we want to avenge Hades. We can spin a narrative about a loose evil god murdering gods for amusement. We can do so much!"

"No. I am not continuing this plan, neither are you," Erebus' enraged shout made Nyx shudder. He deeply cared about her but he had to be harsh. "Do not talk about it anymore. I'm returning to my palace."

Erebus disappeared. Nyx stood there with a grim expression. "I'll find Thanatos first."

Even the severe tone of her brother couldn't convince her from dropping this matter.

So she set out to meet the Devil Emperor in the home of the devil race.

The Underworld.