CH. 477: Unintentional Terror

When Nyx reached the Underworld, the castle flying over the capital city caught her eye. She was a primordial goddess with a massive following. Yet her residence looked like a treehouse compared to the luxurious castle.

"It's exquisite. How did he accomplish that?"

She wasn't the brightest mind, otherwise, she would have created a lot more than a grim reaper with her immense power. She wasn't blessed with creativity like those culture gods.

After a few seconds, she landed near the main gate of the castle. Yuriko immediately came out and blocked Nyx's path. She was wearing a formal two piece business suit. A goddess of this era wasn't familiar with this peculiar clothing.

Nyx furrowed her brows, feeling like Yuriko was draped in darkness just like her. The other person had a minor or major divinity related to darkness, yet she never heard about any goddess joining the Underworld as of yet.

"Who are you?"

"You come to my home and ask me who I am?" Yuriko questioned as she folded her arms. "Any polite person would open the conversation with a proper introduction. I'm Yuriko, the wife of this castle's owner and the current Devil Emperor. Who are you?"

Yuriko's words, although polite, accused Nyx of being rude. Being busy with her shop and then the racial transformation, she was in the dark about Asahi's feud with the Greek gods. From Yuriko's perspective, Nyx was a devil princess trying to meet Asahi for political purposes. Nyx's concealed aura and sharp, elf-like ears only made the matters worse. How could she act politely under these doubts?

Nyx gave a nod of appreciation. 'The rumors of the Devil Emperor having talented women were true.'

An overwhelming darkness gathered around Nyx as her aura shot up and surrounded the entire castle. After displaying the full extent of a primordial deity's aura, she boldly swept back her black hair.

"I'm Nyx, the Primordial Goddess of Darkness. Call upon your husband. I have something important to discuss."

"Are you from Mount Olympus?"

Yuriko's calmness stirred Nyx's heart. Even the Great King Lucifer would kneel in her boundless presence. Rather than showing any fear, Yuriko furrowed her brows. She was beyond normal god-level beings after her transformation. The darkness around Nyx had naturally no effect on Yuriko, a newly ascended Fallen Angel.

Nyx covered her mouth as she laughed. "As expected of the Devil Emperor's wife, you have great tolerance to my divinity."

"Are you from Mount Olympus?" Yuriko repeated her question in a cold voice as if she had enough of Nyx. "Answer."

Yuriko wasn't a big fan of the mythologies but she knew a tad bit about the Greek Myths. The story of Prometheus and Zeus, Pandora's Box, the abduction of Persephone, and the story of Minotaur—what legends she knew repulsed her. Naturally she had no admiration for the gods featured in Greek Mythology.

"Yes, I'm from Mount Olympus."

"It is no surprise you rudely intruded into my home."

Nyx tilted her head. The woman clearly mocked her just now.

'I can't be reckless in enemy territory. I have to find Thanatos and retreat.'

If by any chance the Devil Emperor killed Hades, she would hardly be a match for him. She was on par or slightly stronger than Hades. It was simply impossible for her to contend against the Devil Emperor.

"Now you know my identity. Can you tell the Devil Emperor to meet…" she paused hearing thumps approaching from beyond the castle main door. It seemed like the footsteps of a minotaur or something worse.

Nyx waited with bated breath as the unknown entity pushed open the door. A large someone covered in crimson armor from head to toe. Golden eyes deep within its skull glared her way. Nyx's aura shrank as terror coursed through her. The being before her carried far more power than Shiva and Indra, two of the strongest beings she ever encountered.

"Who… who is that?" Nyx asked, feeling her voice involuntarily tremble. "D-Devil Emperor?"

The fear of the unknown muddled her head. She didn't recognize the tyrannical draconic aura around Great Red.

Yuriko waved her hand. "Great Red, didn't you leave before? Why did you return?"

Although it was their first meeting, she had seen Asahi's fight against the Dragon God multiple times. She had great respect for the dragon who gave Asahi a little hard time.

"Yeah…" Ruby said with a nod as her wings sprang up. "I came to meet Shizuka. I wanted to ask her something."

"Is that so? I hope you found your answer."

"I did…" Ruby heavily nodded at Yuriko before she took flight.

As Great Red's intimidating aura disappeared, Nyx could finally breathe.

"Why is Great Red here?" Nyx asked the question any person would ask in her situation. "When did Great Red become so small?"

"I don't know why she is small. The answer to the other question—she is a good friend of my husband," Yuriko said with a smile. "She might join our family soon."

She was confident in Asahi's ability to seduce women. Once he set his sight on a woman, he passionately chased after them. The very passion made her forgo her morals and join him in the bed.

(Why are you so happy about that?)

Nyx also made a complicated expression as if she was thinking about the same thing.

'I wonder…' Yuriko thought as a sigh escaped her thin lips. Feeling glad at the thought of her man seducing another woman… was absurd. Only now she realized the strange turn her life took after the apocalypse.

'I wasn't always like this. I blame the world and Dear for this… I was a normal woman before the apocalypse.'

Klyscha laughed at Yuriko's attempts to justify her strange kinks. She was having fun teasing Asahi's favorite milf.

(You used to read perverted doujins. You are perverted to your core.)

"Uhh…" Yuriko's mature facade deflated like a punctured balloon.

"I'll return tomorrow…" Nyx said as she activated her darkness magic to fly. "Please tell your husband about my request to see him."

Nyx couldn't afford to offend the man now that he had the friendship of the strongest being in the world. She didn't put Ophis on the same level as Great Red due to Ophis' strange personality.

Yuriko watched Nyx fly silently in the red sky. "Klyscha-sama, you aren't innocent either. You also feel happy when Dear conquers women. You sent him to seduce women throughout the multiverse."

(It's my duty to fulfill my husband's wishes… My love just so happened to have a desire to be loved by multiple women. I'm happy to support my husband with everything I have and find kinky women like you.)

Klyscha had completely embraced her helpful wife's side.

(So have you, my milf friend.)

'No, I did not!' Yuriko yelled in her mind before sighing softly. 'I love Dear too much, I guess. Besides, Dear loves me like the way I am… even if I'm kinky. It gave him once in a lifetime experience of having the mother daughter combo.'


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