The Left-wing Pervert Who Bullies the Flowers of the Motherland

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, followed by a woman's voice."Eh? Isn't this the private phone of Han City? May I ask who you are, Miss?"

Anhao's first reaction when she heard a woman's voice was that she was done for!

Had she accidentally received a call from his girlfriend or lover?!

Hence, she steadied her voice and pretended to be a secretary."I'm sorry, President Zuo is in the meeting room and hasn't returned yet. He left his phone in the office. I'm his secretary..."

"You want to say that you're his secretary, right?"

The woman on the other end of the phone suddenly laughed."Alright, stop pretending to be on the phone. Hancheng never gives his personal phone number to his secretary or assistant, and his secretary doesn't dare to pick up his private phone number."

"..""Huh?" Anhao was shocked.

How was she supposed to answer this!

She could not understand the woman's straightforward question on the other end of the phone.