If You Don't Run Now, When?

"Don't call me little girl! Zuo Hancheng is only twenty-nine years old. How old can you be? You must be only a few years older than me. Don't talk to me in such a mature and worldly tone! Let me tell you, I've personally verified all of this. Zuo Hancheng is definitely a hypocrite in life and a fickle person in relationships. State, he…

Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly saw a figure approaching from the glass in front of the CEO's office from the corner of his eye, accompanied by the secretary's serious report behind that person.

Two figures appeared in front of the door. Anhao immediately said into the phone,""The pervert is back. I'm hanging up first!"

She put her phone down on the desk and turned around to go back to the lounge.

However, before she could reach the door of the lounge, the office door was already opened from the outside.