Surging Possession (5)

Eighteen years old? Tsk tsk, she was also in her third year of high school. In the end, it was said that her sister-in-law did not want to be sent to England for university after graduation next year. After arguing with her family, she ran away from home in a fit of anger. In the blink of an eye, she ran to China and fell into Zuo Hancheng's territory. She was caught in less than two days.

"I'm young? You actually called me small?" Zuo Yue widened her eyes and looked at Anhao."You have the cheek to call me small? How old are you?"

Anhao raised her eyebrows."

"No way! Today, I heard that you brought a tutor to my brother's company for tutoring. I saw the textbooks in your bag just now. You're actually in the third year of high school like me! You're the same age as me!"

"No, I'm one year older than you!"

"One year older is considered older? You still have the cheek to say that I'm young?"