Surging Possession (6)

At night.

Zuo Yue ran down the stairs in her pajamas. She was holding a strangely shaped lollipop in her mouth. The braids on his head were untied, and he did not look tired at all from the journey.

At this moment, Anhao was still dawdling and refusing to enter the bedroom. Zuo Yue saw Anhao sitting on the sofa with an English book in her hand as if she was memorizing English words, so she ran down excitedly.

The sofa suddenly caved in and Zuo Yue moved closer to Anhao. She looked down at the English book in Anhao's hands and clicked her tongue."Aiya, Chinese students actually learn such child's play!"

Anhao's mouth twitched as she closed the English book in her hand.""Why aren't you sleeping yet?"

"I'm jet-lagged. I'm even more energetic than before. How can I sleep?"