The Only Place You Can Go Is By My Side (4)

However, this time, she changed the way she made it. It was no longer a simple vegetable egg noodle. Instead, she used the new method she had learned not long ago to make the noodles. She sprinkled some egg-flavored soup on top.

It would take a long time to do this, and she could take the time to sort out everything that had happened today while she was busy preparing dinner for Zuo Hancheng in the kitchen.

Why did she always feel like everything was under Zuo Hancheng's control?

However, he couldn't control his stomach problem just because he said so. He couldn't control Minister Qin either…

He was probably thinking too much.

Anhao was making egg soup while listening to the commotion outside from time to time.

She did not know if Zuo Hancheng had left the bedroom. When he looked at her when he woke up, she felt that if he had not been unable to do anything because of the pain in his stomach, he would have eaten her without hesitation.