Zuo Hancheng's Conditions (1)

Anhao had just arrived downstairs. Actually, she didn't want to trouble Mobai, but Mobai rushed down very quickly.

"Let me send you back." Mobai followed behind her and sped up to overtake her. He walked to the car in front of her and opened the door.

"Thanks." Since she was an old friend of Mobai's, Anhao didn't stand on ceremony and got into the car.

After Mobai got into the car, he started the engine and drove off. Anhao sat in the front passenger seat and looked at the neon lights outside the window. Suddenly, she asked,""Were you the one who called Minister Qin during the day?"

When Mobai heard this, he immediately smiled.""How did you guess?"

There was no need to continue asking. From his tone, it was indeed him.

If he was trying to hide something, his first reaction would definitely be to admit it first, not like this.