Still Alive (1)

"Mr. Arel…" D respectfully nodded at the middle-aged man with a cold expression.

Mr. Arel glanced coldly at D, turned around, and walked to the protective window. He looked at the people inside who were surrounded by all kinds of medical equipment.

"It's been so long, and you're still not awake?"

Seeing that Mr. Arel didn't seem to want to pursue the matter further, D saw that the truth had already been discovered, so he walked behind him and said calmly,""In the four months of treatment, Mr. Zuo only woke up three times, and each time, it didn't last more than five minutes."

Mr. Arel paused and continued to look at the person who seemed to be sleeping soundly. He said calmly,""What's going on? My daughter is still suffering in China, but Vllen is still alive and has been hiding it from my daughter. Is this your decision?"