Still Alive (2)

Zuo Hancheng appeared in front of her, covered in blood. There was a fire burning behind him. Every step he took toward her seemed to have used up all his strength.

Anhao was crying. She could hear herself crying desperately. She didn't care about anything else and just wanted to rush over and hug him, even though he was already surrounded by a sea of fire.

When she rushed into the sea of fire, everything suddenly turned into chaos. There was no fire, no Zuo Hancheng. She was locked in a terrifying, dark world. She could not hear or speak. It was very dark, and she was alone.

She could vaguely feel someone walking towards her. She turned around in a daze and saw Zuo Hancheng standing behind her. His eyes were gentle and filled with longing for her. He was talking, but she could not hear him. She could only see him calling her name from his lips.

Good, good…
