Chengfeng Asks the Moon-She's Kissing Him (69)

Xu Chengfeng was silent because of Zuo Yue's persistent question. Zuo Yue's hand grabbed his sleeve tightly."Uncle…"

"There is no danger." He finally answered, but it sounded more like a compromise to her.

Only then did Zuo Yue relax. Seeing that he did not look like he was lying to her, she continued to eat her porridge obediently.

After she was full, the nurse came in and removed the cutlery on the dining table. Zuo Yue leaned on the bed and saw that Xu Chengfeng had been staying here for the past few days to take care of her.

He looked so good even when he was so slovenly. Moreover, he had no time to tidy himself up because he was here to take care of her.

Zuo Yue saw that he was reading documents and did not disturb him.

However, even though the two of them were sitting quietly in the same ward, she still felt exceptionally at ease. It was as if her entire heart was at ease.