I Like You (70)

Zuo Yue hugged him too tightly. Xu Chengfeng slowly frowned and was about to put her back on the bed, but she hugged his neck and refused to let go.

Xu Chengfeng frowned and said coldly,""Zuo Yue, I've warned you before. Stop messing around."

"I'm not messing around." Zuo Yue had just woken up from a nightmare and was very happy when she saw him. That was why she did not distinguish between reality and dream for a moment and kissed him instinctively.

But now that she was awake, she did not regret it at all. Even if she was about to welcome Xu Chengfeng's disgust and unexpected storm, she had enough of holding back those emotions. She wanted to like him, tell him, and share her thoughts with him…

The girl's clear and firm voice made Xu Chengfeng's face turn cold. He immediately pulled her hand away and placed her back on the hospital bed. Then, he turned around and left.