Riding the Wind and Asking the Moon-Rage and Forced Kiss (91)

After saying that, Zuo Yue snorted and turned to open the door.""You're not welcome here. You can leave. I'm not going back today."

However, before Zuo Yue's hand could reach the door handle, Xu Chengfeng grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to the wall.

Zuo Yue's shoulder hit the wall hard. Although it hurt, she endured the pain. She glanced at her wrist that was held by him, but she did not look at him. She only stared at her wrist and said in a low voice,""My boyfriend will be back in a while. I mean what I say. Since I plan to be with Brother Ruisheng and listen to your advice to date someone else, I will do my best. So please leave, okay? I don't want my boyfriend to misunderstand."

Xu Chengfeng's veins bulged on his forehead as he kept calling her boyfriend."You got into character very quickly!"