Riding the Wind and Asking the Moon-She Is His Abyss (92)

"Mmm... No…" Zuo Yue regained her senses from the blankness in her mind. She tried to raise her hand to push the fierce man in front of her away, but her lips were baptized by his ravaging, and her entire body was firmly bound to the door. She could not move at all.

Yin Ruisheng had already walked out of the door and was about to swipe the room card to open the door. However, when he placed the card near the sensor lock in front of the door, he seemed to hear a strange movement in the door. His hand paused slightly and looked up at the door in front of him.

"Zuo Yue?" Thinking of Zuo Yue's reek of alcohol and the little girl's usually clean hair that seemed to have been washed a thousand times, Yin Ruisheng was not sure if she was changing and bathing inside, so he stood outside the door and asked softly,""Are you still wearing clothes? You didn't take a shower, did you? I'm going in?"

There was no response from inside, but there was a faint movement on the door.