Riding the Wind and Asking the Moon (165)

Zuo Yue did not move and allowed him to kiss her. Her hands were stiff and tightly wrapped around the material of his shirt but she did not hug his neck.

She was afraid and uneasy. She did not know if she should hug her tightly. She did not know how to hold on to such a relationship.

Xu Chengfeng kissed away the tears on her face one by one, and then they were entangled with each other for a while. His hands had already tidied up her hospital gown and helped her put her pants back on. After buttoning them up, he got up and left her body as if nothing had happened.

Zuo Yue was still lying on the bed without moving. She did not have the strength to get up and could only look at him with her lifeless eyes.

However, Xu Chengfeng turned his eyes away. He felt that he must have been possessed.

The purpose of coming here was to warn her one last time and make her let go completely.

However, how did things turn out like this in such a short time?