Asking the Moon on the Wind (166)

"Wait a moment." Zuo Yue spoke into the phone, then turned to face Xu Chengfeng and waved at him.

Seeing that she was on the phone, Xu Chengfeng did not say much after entering the room. He only placed the strawberry cake that she had been clamoring for yesterday afternoon on the table beside her bed.

Zuo Yue smiled when she saw the cake. She lost her patience to talk to Ai Ke on the phone. She only looked at Xu Chengfeng with a smile. When she saw him put his coat on the sofa, she turned around and helped her cut the cake and put it on a small plate. She licked her tongue and kept smiling as she watched his meticulous actions.

"Let's talk about the gathering in a few days. I'll see how it goes."Zuo Yue said to Ai Ke and was about to hang up.