[Riding the Wind and Asking the Moon](216)


Zuo Yue was in so much pain that she knelt on the ground and could not move for a long time. Then, she heard the sound of the car door on the other side opening and being slammed shut. Her scalp went numb.

She knew that once she drank and met Xu Chengfeng again, nothing good would happen.

Sure enough, Xu Chengfeng had already arrived in front of her in an instant. Because Zuo Yue's knee was injured, and because she was still drunk and could not stand up, Xu Chengfeng lowered his eyes and looked at her like this. There was a hint of helplessness in his cold eyes.

" You want to go back to your own? He did not immediately lean down to help her up. Instead, he lowered his eyes and looked at her indifferently. When he spoke, his tone was so annoying that Zuo Yue wanted to scratch his face.

Zuo Yue held back her anger and endured the pain in her knees. She did not want to ask him for anything anyway.