Riding the Wind and Asking the Moon (217)

After she finally got out of the elevator, Zuo Yue wanted to point in the direction of her house. After all, this apartment was a two-story apartment with four units. There were four doors on this floor.

In the end, Xu Chengfeng carried her to her door without any mistakes. Zuo Yue looked at her door in surprise and then looked at Xu Chengfeng's calm expression, as if everything was as it should be.

"What are you looking at? Open the door." Only then did he put her down and support her against the door.

Zuo Yue took out the key card from her bag with a displeased expression and muttered unhappily,""Did you investigate me?"

Xu Chengfeng merely glanced at her.""You wrote your address clearly on the internship information. Do you still need me to investigate?"

Zuo Yue was stunned. Have you seen my internship information?"