
All three had flashlights in their hands. Lin Xiao was the smallest in size, and also the skinniest. His face had turned pale from standing in the night breeze. He was notoriously cowardly and now he stood there, slightly shivering.

Zi Yang was a better, always glaring at people with big round eyes. As he stood outside, his lips had a hint of unexplained smile. He was bold and walked around like a punk, trying to seem like a heartless person.

They came to me in the middle of night, surprising me a little.

Chubby Boy walked toward me with a face of panic. He first glanced around the room, and then turned his gaze to me again. He spoke softly, "Sixi, we found something amiss with Silly Er recently."

I thought that he had something new to share, but I had already known that about Silly Er.

Seeing that I didn't speak, he said again, "We also found that the storage room in Silly Er's house is full of dog corpses."

I was shocked, and I couldn't help but tremble.

I didn't know what type of hatred Silly Er had with those dogs. Why did he bully those dogs?

"My Big Huang is gone. I guess Silly Er stole it. I'm going to rescue Big Huang."


Big Huang was a Chubby Boy's yellow dog. It used to bark at me a lot, and I had no good impression of that dog.

"You go with us."

I was shocked, "You lost your dog, rescue it if you want to. What does it have to do with me?"

Chubby Boy, "You have to go."

"I'm not going."

I turned around, about to head back into the house. Chubby Boy grabbed me and said, "We know that Silly Er became strange after visiting the cemetery. Can't you see the ghost? You must go with us. We have no idea how to go about it."

I was a little annoyed. Indeed, I could see ghosts but I couldn't exorcise them. I overstepped my boundary last time and Silly Er almost strangled me to death. Wouldn't I blind sacrifice myself this time?

I had already thought about it through the other day. I decided that I should just let things go if they did not affect me personally, so as not to bring trouble toward me.

If my aunt knew I was involved in this matter, she would be really angry.

I shook Chubby Boy's hand away and told him very seriously, "I'm not going."

"Please don't. What will happen to Big Huang if you don't go?"

"Do whatever you want to do. It has nothing to do with me."

I glanced around and found that the door of the yard was well shut. Chubby Boy and the group must have came in by climbing over the wall. The wall of my house was not high, and it would not have been difficult for them to climb over the wall and come in.

I was a little disgruntled and pointed at the three of them, warning sharply, "If you dare to climb over my wall again, I will go to your house and complain."

As soon as I said those words, Chubby Boy, Zi Yang and Lin Xiao surrounded me.

I was startled deep down in my heart, but before I could question what they wanted to do, the three of them rushed up together. Lin Xiao covered my mouth, Chubby Boy lifted my legs and Zi Yang lifted my upper body.

I struggled vigorously but to no avail. With that, they just lifted me out of the yard.

The three of them trotted away, and soon they arrived outside the house of Silly Er. Only then did they let go of me. I gritted my teeth and went to slap the three of them.

Lin Xiao and Zi Yang immediately tried to hide behind Chubby Boy, so I grabbed Chubby Boy and started to beat him. He hugged his head and shrank, asking for mercy in a low voice, "Sister, don't beat me. We couldn't help it."

"You couldn't help it. But, would I be able to do anything?"

Silly Er's body was possessed by a ghost. Since he abused dogs and killed dogs, it must be a malicious ghost. I didn't know how to deal with malicious ghosts. I had never encountered such a situation in the past. Since I didn't know what to do I had to just try to save my life instead.

In the middle of the cold night, I was only wearing a pair of pajamas and with them carrying me all the way here, I was not even wearing slippers too. I could only stand barefoot on the ground, and the soles of my feet were getting sore.

So the more I thought about it, the angrier I became. Even though I already stopped hitting Chubby Boy, I could not help but continue slapping Chubby Boy again.

Chubby Boy stopped me; he was a little angry, "Enough is enough, little brat. We still have something important to do."

I glared at himand retorted, "What do I have to do with your important business? Do what you want. Don't drag me into it."

I wanted to slip away, and was stopped by Chubby Boy again.

"Why do you lack sympathy? Isn't Silly Er like this because of you?"

Chubby Boy was merely spouting nonsense. Obviously, he was the one who brought Silly Er to the cemetery. What would it have to do with me?

I pointed at him and couldn't contain my anger, "Tell me seriously. Who caused all of this?"

He smiled bitterly, "Fine. It was me."

"It's good to be self-aware."

I glared at him fiercely. When I was just about to leave, he took me and hid in a dark corner. Zi Yang and Lin Xiao also quickly hid.

I didn't know the reason but when I was about to open my mouth and ask Chubby Boy what this was about, I saw the gate of the village chief's house open and a long figure came out.

Tonight, the moon was quite big and well lit. The whole village seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, glimmering with a pale gray color.

Under the moonlight, I could see the figure clearly. It was no other than Silly Er.

He slowly closed the door again and turned in the direction of the north side of the house.

The village chief's house had a large yard. The storage room of his house was on the northernmost side of the house, and not in the yard. It was like an independent small single-story house.

Chubby Boy made a silent hand gesture at me and gave eye signals to Zi Yang and Lin Xiao. The three of them dragged me and followed Silly Er to the north of the house.

Obviously, Silly Er was going to the storage room.

Could it be that he was going to the storage room to kill the dog late at night?

I couldn't help but shudder and my heart started thumping loudly.

Originally, I wanted to slip away, but Chubby Boy and the group forcefully dragged me along. Even then I did not dare to make noise, fearing that Siller Er would be alerted.

In the dead of night, if he found us and really wanted to do something to us, even if the gods could not save us.

I turned off the flashlight in my hand and stared at Silly Er's thin back with the aid from moonlight.

Silly Er was very tall but his back used to be crooked. However, ever since he was possessed by the ghost, his body was always straight as a ramrod. His pace was slow but steady, giving off a ghostly vibe.

I patted Chubby Boy on the shoulder and asked him quietly, "Aren't you afraid of Silly Er?"

The three people stopped in unison and all looked at me.

Although I didn't say that Silly Er was possessed by a ghost, the three of them didn't say anything as if they had already all guessed it.

After a long time, Lin Xiao said in cowardice, "I want to go home."

Among us, Lin Xiao had the least courage. However, he was Chubby Boy's follower so he originally seemed to have an aura of a punk.

When he said this, Zi Yang also flinched, "Why don't we go back."

Chubby Boy frowned. His tone was firm, "No, I'm going to save my Big Huang."

"How are you going to save it?" I asked him, but he was silent.

I didn't think he could do anything. He just came here to court death.

I sighed. Just as I wanted to suggest everyone go back home, I felt something sticking to my leg, seemingly licking my leg.

I looked down subconsciously. I was shocked the moment I saw what it was.

I was surrounded by a large group of dogs. They were all dogs from the village- there had to be at least ten of them there.

They shook their tails at me, and even looked quite docile. I reached for my left eye and was shocked to find that I had forgotten to wear a blindfold when I went out.

In other words, these dogs were all... Ghosts!