Can't Wait For You to Repay Me

"What are you looking at?" Chubby Boy tugged at my clothes.

I snapped out of my thoughts in surprise. Chubby Boy was looking at me with a frightened face, "What the hell are you looking at?" His voice trembled a little, and his round face had turned deathly pale.

He really couldn't see the dogs.

Since this was the case, I decided not to let him know about the existence of those dogs, so as not to scare him. I shook my head and said, "It's nothing."

For a moment, Silly Er had entered the storage room, and soon a dim light seeped through the small square wooden window.

"Let's go and see!"

Chubby Boy was brave.

Lin Xiao was afraid, while Zi Yang was suprisingly a little timid.

"I want to go home," Lin Xiao cried with red eyes.

Zi Yang echoed, "I want to go home too."

The atmosphere suddenly became somewhat depressed.

Chubby Boy pulled a long face and waved at the two. He just spoke impatiently, "I knew that I couldn't count on you two. Just leave."

The two followers got their permission; they immediately turned around and ran away as quickly as they could.

I also wanted to take the opportunity to slip away, but Chubby Boy held my arm and said, "Don't you run."

"It's too late at night. If my aunt can't find me, she will start panicking."

"Your aunt doesn't know that you came out."

"Then I..."

"Only this time, please. I have never asked you for anything. I know I used to bully you. I apologize for that, but now I'm begging for your help," Chubby Boy interrupted me and looked at me, pleading.

I was his neighbor. I knew Big Huang, and I grew up with him. The dog was most probably seven or eight years old; it was an old dog. I definitely felt slightly attached to it.

It was not that I did not want to help him, but I really had no way of dealing with Silly Er.

If the two of us rushed up to him boldly, it would just end up terribly.

I calmed down and said to Chubby Boy, "Let's go back first!"

He looked at me in disbelief and seemed to find it a little unacceptable.

"Go back? What about my Big Huang?"

"You are not sure if Big Huang was even stolen by Silly Er, and... Silly Er is also possessed by a malicious ghost. We are no match to him."

Chubby Boy's face turned completely white, and both of his legs started to tremble.

"So, let's go back first!"

Chubby Boy stared at me for a while, and suddenly said to me in determination, "No! If we leave now, Big Huang will definitely be in trouble."


He was pretty sure that Big Huang was in Silly Er's hands.

At this time, there was a whimper from the storage room, but the sound was not loud. It could be easily identified as a dog's barking. It sounded like it was wailing from the depth of its throat, my heart ached as soon as I heard it.

Chubby Boy heard the sound and frowned immediately, striding straight to the storage room without any explanation.

This guy was not afraid of death!

I stepped forward, trying to hold him back, but he threw me off.

In the blink of an eye, Chubby boy had made it to the small wooden window and looked in.

I leaned over, the position of the window was not too high so I could see the situation inside if I stood on the tips of my toes.

The storage room was not big. It appeared to be around ten meter squared. There were various bits of junk lying in the corners of the room while a dirty light bulb hung from the roof, exuding dim light.

Under the dim light, Silly Er could be seen squatting in a blood pool, cutting the skin off a god with a heavy kitchen knife.

Fresh blood flowed out from the dog, staining the ground.

I felt my whole body turn cold... the dog under Silly Er was Chubby Boy's Big Huang.

I looked at Chubby Boy. He glared at Silly Er with red eyes, teeth clenched, and his cheeks bulged.

"Don't look at it, let's go..." I tugged at him, but he pushed me hard and kicked the door of the storage room open with one foot.

*Bang!* The door panel hit the wall behind the door heavily, bounced back and forth a few times, and made a loud noise.

Chubby Boy rushed into the storage room regardless while I stood outside stiff as a stone. My brain had seemed to stop working, turning blank.

"You killed my Big Huang. I will fight you!"

Chubby Boy's shout came from the storage room, followed by Silly Er's sneer.

I stepped back, remembering that Silly Er had strangled my neck and almost killed me, so I couldn't help but turn around and run away.

After I ran for a while, I stopped.

I felt that I was quite low. I had actually abandoned Chubby Boy alone while I fled by myself...

I stood rooted on the ground as I looked back towards the village chief's house. I could vaguely see the light shining through the storage room.

I was so anxious; I didn't want to go back to die. However, if I just ran away like this, Chubby Boy would be undoubtedly dead.

What should I do?

If only Ming Si was here!

When I was deeply troubled, a cold voice came from behind.

"Are you looking for me?"

This voice... It was Ming Si!

I turned back in shock, and saw Ming Si coming out of the darkness. He had a tall figure, a delicate face, and a vague smile at the corners of his lips. I was stupefied.

He came to me, staring at me in all his great majesty. His profound eyes were as dark as the night, appearing almost cryptic.

"Elder Brother Ming Si, please help Chubby Boy, and save Silly Er."

I cried out in a hurry.

I hated Chubby Boy very much, because he often bullied me. However, even so, I couldn't stay idle andc let him die.

"Give me a reason to save them," Ming Si responded coldly.

I panicked, "Because...because they are all my friends."

"What does it have to do with me?"

"Elder brother, please save them."

I reached out and grabbed his clothes. He was very tall. In front of me who was the age of ten, he was so tall and imposing. However, he was the only one who could save Chubby Boy and Silly Er right now. I had no choice but to ask him.

"I beg you…"

Ming Si looked at me for a long time without answering.

"As long as you save them, you can do whatever you want to me."

His lips turned upward coldly and smiled dimly.

"Oh?" He held back his smile, seemingly cold in his gaze. He continued, "Their life and death have nothing to do with me."

He shook his hand, pushed away my hand that tugged the corner of his clothes. He squatted down, and clasped my shoulders tightly, saying word-by-word, "But, it's not impossible to save them. If I save them, how are you going to repay my favor!?"

"It doesn't matter what you want to do to me."

He sneered. He let go of me, raised his hand, and snapped his fingers, "Lu Xi!"

Soon, another man came out of the dark corner. It was an equally tall, young man in a black suit with a frosty face. He walked steadily behind Ming Si, and said lightly, "Hades, what can I do for you?"

Ming Si stared at me, did not even look at the man named Lu Xi, and said coldly, "Eliminate that reckless fool."

He had to be referring to the malicious ghost possessed Silly Er.

He finally decided to help me?

I was surprised and happy.

"Thank you!"

He laughed, "You should grow up faster for me. I can't wait for you to repay me."

I didn't understand what he wanted me to repay at the time, but after Lu Xi received his order, his figure immediately disappeared.