Holiday Panic (F)

Two nights passed without any further trouble. On the third day, my aunty said that Shang Yi would arrive in the evening.

I stayed at home the whole time as the blindfold that used to seal my eyes did not have the ghost subduing talisman. Although it was a sunny day, I still didn't dare to leave the house. Daytime afterall, didn't help much. Scary entities still appeared during the day, it was just that they liked to hide in dark and humid corners.

As the evening approached, I waited patiently for Shang Yi. My aunty had already gone to the village entrance to meet him.

I paced back and forth uncomfortably in the room. The ghost infant looked at me quietly and talked to me from time to time, but I ignored him.

Being in the same room with a malicious ghost was really tormenting. During midnight, the ghost infant would make a creepy crying sound to the point that both my aunt and I couldn't have a good night's sleep. Both of us were waiting for Shang Yi to come and send the ghost infant away.

Lin Xiao still slept drowsily. The swelling did not subside any further, it was only his belly with the ghost talisman that sank into an irregular pit.

"Will that person named Shang Yi help me?" the ghost infant asked me.

I glanced at him, his face was swollen and disgusting.

"He should be able to."

'What if he doesn't help?"

"Don't ask hypothetical questions."


At the same time, I heard the creak of the courtyard door being pushed open. The door was an old iron door so every time it was opened and closed, it would always be accompanied by one or two decadent creaks.

Hearing the sound, I thought that it was my aunty who came back and I hurried out to greet them. However, what I saw was not my aunty and Shang Yi, but Chubby Boy and Zi Yang.

Both of them greeted me.

Chubby Boy said, "I heard Lin Xiao is at your house."


Both of them entered the room. Zi Yang saw Lin Xiao's appalling appearance on the bed and his eyes widened in shock, "This person is Lin Xiao?"


"I can hardly recognize him. Why is he swollen like this?" Zi Yang said and his fingers reached out to touch Lin Xiao's body carefully.

Every time he pressed his finger on Lin Xiao's swollen skin, a small pit is formed and didn't return to it's original state.

Zi Yang though, thought that it was fun and started pressing randomly with his hand.

"Don't touch him," I shouted at Zi Yang impatiently.

He said without looking back, "What's the matter? I thought the expert you called was coming soon?"

I didn't know where he got the news, but in such a small village, any small news would spread easily. Not to mention Zi Yang and Chubby Boy who were such busybodies.

"Anyway, don't touch him," I warned him strictly.

Zi Yang carefreely said, "Okay."

The two were staring at Zi Yang in front of the bed and didn't move. I walked to the courtyard and looked around, but there were no signs of my aunty and Shang Yi.

Shang Yi is money crazy. Apparently he was doing a ritual for the past two days and who knew how much money he had made again.

I was caught in my thoughts quietly and heard Chubby Boy and Zi Yang talking in the room.

"What is this?"

"It's a talisman."

"I have heard of it but this is the first time I have seen one with my own eyes."

"Don't mess around."

"What's wrong with just looking?"


I had an ominous presentiment. These two boys have a pair of hands that are always itching to do something. They better not touch the ghost subduing talisman and give the ghost infant a chance to do something evil.

I strode back to the house, and saw Zi Yang's hand reaching out towards the ghost subduing talisman on Lin Xiao's belly.

I was anxious, "Don't touch that."

But I was a step too late. Zi Yang had already taken off the talisman from Lin Xiao's belly.

"Put it back quickly."

I yelled at him in panic. Zi Yang looked at me innocently. At the second I met his sight, the corner of my eye had already caught a glimpse of the ghost infant moving quickly in front of him.

Zi Yang who couldn't see the ghost infant was unable to make sense of what was going on.

"Hurry up and stick talisman back," I yelled at Zi Yang hysterically.

His hand trembled and the talisman fell from his hand, slowly falling to the ground.

The ghost infant grinned weirdly at me and suddenly jumped onto Lin Xiao to attach himself to Lin Xiao's body. Lin Xiao then sat up straight.

He got out of the bed, pushed Zi Yang and Chubby Boy away with both hands, and walked straight towards me without hesitation. With a swollen and lifeless face that had no expression, he said word by word, "Now, you have two options. Either you help me to meet the person I want to meet or die in my hands."

His tone was flat but it was threatening and full of malice.

Chubby Boy and Zi Yang's face turned pale. Zi Yang stammered and asked me, "What's happening? What is Lin Xiao talking about?"

"He is not Lin Xiao. I told you not to touch that talisman but your hands were just so itchy."

I wanted to slap Zi Yang so badly but I had no other choice at that moment.

I comforted the ghost infant and said, "I will help you, but you are not allowed to hurt anyone."

"If you follow your words, I will naturally believe you and I won't hurt anyone."

If I were to do this, I had to be back before Shang Yi came back. I bit the bullet and said, "Okay. I will keep my word. I will help you."

"What are you waiting for? Let's go."

He walked towards me in large strides. I was by the door, so after glancing at me with slanting eyes, he walked out of the house.

I glared at Zi Yang fiercely. He and Chubby Boy nearly huddled against each other. I did not say anything but they had already seemed to realize that Lin Xiao was possessed by a ghost.

I followed Lin Xiao out, and in order to divert his attention, I asked him, "Who do you want to meet?" At the same time, I placed both hands behind me and started to use the fingertip of my right index finger to stroke the skull on the ring three circles to the left and right.

We were about to walk to the gate of the courtyard. Lin Xiao suddenly stopped in his steps, stared at the God Statue posted on the door, and said coldly, "Tear off that thing."

I said, "You possessed Lin Xiao. That thing is useless to you and it can't stop you."


He took a step forward in disbelief. I took advantage of it, looked down at the ring on my left hand, and successfully extracted the sword.

I was ecstatic. As long as I pierced Lin Xiao's body with this Nether Blade, I could make the ghost infant leave Lin Xiao's body. However, it was a sharp dagger and I was afraid that it would hurt Lin Xiao so I was hesitant in my movements.

Seeing Lin Xiao approaching the iron gate step by step and that he was about to go out, I vaguely heard the voice of aunty and Shang Yi talking. I shouted out to Lin Xiao, "Wait."

I can't let him leave now. Once he left, it would be difficult to control him again.

Lin Xiao glanced back at me, "What?"

"I thought about it, it would be better for me to take down the God Statue for you just in case…"

At the same time, Lin Xiao's face became serious. He stared at my hands behind my back and his brows furrowed further. Hearing the voice of my aunty talking to someone, his face suddenly became distorted.

"How dared you lie to me!"

Realizing the crisis he might face, he reached out and grabbed my neck.